being a nanny


New member
Hey everyone im taunting with the idea of being a nanny for these 2 children down the street from me they re my daughters age and its close to home... wanted to know if anyone else does this.. and if so my biggest concern is if ashton gets sick?? ive got the dr appointments figured out but if we end up having n extended stay??? thanks for your input!!


New member
I babysat for a few a few years ago. There is a slight difference since I am the one with CF. I didnt get sick from the kids, but having those extra little feet took a toll on me. They were great kids, but just having ones from outside your household on a regular basis can be overwhelming. Jazmine had her times that she didnt want them there as well. I have recently offered to baby sit the kids across the street one Friday a month. I should be able to handle that, but I told the Dad no more than that. I just cant do it. It only takes me having a bad day compounded with the extra effort to care for other kids (no matter how good they are). This is definitely something you need to hear from parents of kids with CF because its got a different view!


New member
I did daycare for 5 years and was actually very health. I had very considerate parents tha tif their kids were sick they kept them home. So if you can make other arrangment for your child when the other kids are sick I say go for it.


New member
your kids need you.

stay at home with them and focus on them - not other people's kids.

once your 8 month old is in school all day, you can do whatever you want with your time.

until then, ashton needs your full attention.


New member
Amy, plenty of mothers work before their children are in school, I dont beleive that was what her question was.
Christi, I'm sure the parents of the children your thinking of babysitting would be more then understanding if you neeeded to take a week off to be with your son should he lands on the hospital.


New member
I don't have kids to worry about, but I myself nannied for a family when I was just out of high school. It was the greatest form of birth control ever (lol kidding .. kind of). I had babysat the family's 2 kids 1 boy 1 girl for years and they had a nanny for the daytime also. When I graduated their nanny quit, so they asked me to take over. I stayed at their house Sun through Thursday night and into Fri. I did that for 4 months while they were in Florida and never got sick. Then I moved with them to KC.Missouri and nannied there for 4 months also. I ended up getting sick near the end of my time with them, but that was only after all 4 members of their family got sick and more than a month had gone by - I also wasn't doing my meds as often as I was supposed too.

I agree with some of the others though. If you make arrangements ahead of time for your son or for the children you watch to stay home or to not watch them if they are sick I wouldn't foresee a problem with doing it in regards to the germs. Also if you make the parents aware that they may want to have a back up in case you are unable to watch them - say if your son gets sick and is admitted to the hospital and you are therefore unavailable. Most people have more than one person they can count on to watch their kids anyway - so I would just talk about it with the family first to see if it would be a problem for them.

Good Luck,


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Chill4291</b></i>

Amy, plenty of mothers work before their children are in school</end quote></div>

Plenty of people eat until they're obese - that doesn't make it right either.

Tons of Japanese men smoke cigarettes - that doesn't make it right.

Just cuz plenty of mothers work doesn't mean that it's the best thing for their children. Bash me all you want - but the reality of the situation won't change.


New member
oh dear !!!!!! amy,most women don't chose to work when they have little ones , they have to for the money. it is better if the mum can stay at home but not always possible. i'm sure they feel guilty but needs must!!!!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
im thinking of doing it for the extra money and i cn still give time to ashton.. the 2 kids im going to watch are my daughters age and will play well together.. ye im going to make appointments for fridays when im off and ive already mentioned to her about the possibility of ashton getting sick and she said that her parents may be able to help out then.. i love the fact that i can make good money and still be with ashton and im only 4 doors down from my house so i can come here whenever needed!!


New member
I think it is a wonderful way to bring in some extra money.... Unless Amy agrees to send you full support so you can raise your child the way she see's fit....

I was a nanny for years.. I loved it. I was the class nanny instead of the class mother, I loved it. I agree that you need to put your kids first, but I don't agree that you children suffer if you are watching other people's is all how you handle it.

To me, being able to be with your kids on a daily basis is worth it. I think you can use that time to teach your children how to interact with others. Like for example if your kids are playing and one of them has a fight with each other, you can teach your child conflict resolution.liofe tools that they need for the future.. How to interact and get along with others... I am not saying that is the only way to teach your kids these things but you might as well work with it

.. Children need other children to play and interact with.. Maybe they will become best friends, maybe not. but at least you are the one overseeing the care. As far as when the baby gets sick, as long as it is spelled out a head of time what is going to happen as far as you watching the children, I dont' think that will be an issue...

Bottom line do what is in your heart to do.


New member
Thanks for the smart remark, Jen, but your comments dont change the reality of what is best for a child. It has nothing to do with my preferences, but rather the child's best interest.

If u can't afford to have a kid and raise it properly, don't have one.


New member
Here is another outlook. Amy believes its best to stay home & concentrate on your children. That concept is good, but flawed as its not that simple. Speaking from experience......I feel that I was a better Mom in many ways when I worked. One reason was that it gave me the adult time I needed to refresh myself. This is not to say that I didnt love Jazmine or being with her, but I feel I had a great balance when working. If I had a rough day at work....being with Jazmine cheered me up. If Jazmine had a rough cheered me up. Just like the CF kids need an "out" from CF so do the parents! Its not all about the $$ & its not all about physically being with the kids. If the parent doesnt have something outside of takes its toll! That isnt necessarily in the childs best interest!

BTW this isnt the first time Amy has made her feelings about this topic known nor is it the first time it has caused a rift among everyone because of opinioins varying!


New member
Anyways well i didnt want to start anything and this is why i dont post on here that often anymore.. and i can afford to have children but having the extra cash and still being able to stay with my kids is the way i think is great... so if you dont like my idea then dont respond to my post you can start your own im looking for experiences and not people hagging me for not staying with just my children... so just take your advice somewhere else...


New member
My last comment on this is I agree with Christi, I think it is very sad that a newer mother can't even post on this board without being told by a young girl who has no parenting experience what so ever, what is best for someone else's child.


Sorry Christi I really feel bad that you are concerned to post. I agree with what Bill, and Melissa said.

Let us know what you decide.


New member
What it comes down to is that its based on an individual basis. For me (but also being that I have CF & not my child) it wasnt good long term. For others or for the Moms of CFers it might be different. Way YOUR pros/cons & use your CF knowledge & common sense! Good Luck in your decision!


New member
I stayed at home with my son for the first year, but my husband changed jobs and I needed to earn some extra money. I decided to go and work at a church that had a preschool and "mothers day out" program. My son was in the same building as me and I could visit him whenever I needed. We both loved it--he could socialize and so could I. Six months later he was diagnosed with CF. I took two weeks off and was seriously considering quitting my job. Healthwise it probably would have been best to stay at home with him, but there are so many vital childhood milestones that come from socializing with other kids--young and old. My boss was awesome, she knew all about CF, and respected his needs. The other parents were understanding, as well. We stayed there until he started kindergarten and we loved it. I think watching your neighbors is a great opportunity, as long as you respect each other's needs. Make sure she understands the doctor visits (let her know well in advance of scheduled visits), if her kids are sick not to bring them, as well the unpredictablity of CF. The girls will play with each other and keep each other busy, you will have plenty of time to give Ashton the attention he needs. Go for it !

I completly agree with Melissa about the "mommy time". The first year of my son's life was spent home alone. I didn't have the money to go out and pamper myself, or take my son to the zoo, etc... I felt isolated and depressed. Once I was finally able to have some time to myself, I became a better mom. It is unhealthy to neglect yourself.

It is idealistic to say that the best thing for your child is to stay at home at whatever cost. A majority of parenthood is spent doing what works best for your family, not whats best for someone elses.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>JennifersHope</b></i>

My last comment on this is I agree with Christi, I think it is very sad that a newer mother can't even post on this board without being told by a young girl who has no parenting experience what so ever, what is best for someone else's child.
</end quote></div>

Would it be better if someone else posted who has kids?

I could arrange that. My age and kid status doesn't change reality, Jen. But thanks for trying.


New member
I'm not quite sure what you said above....

but whose reality you are asking? the reality of every child on the planet. children do best when they have a parent who stays home with them. no one can raise a kid better than its parent(s).

this isn't something i just made up for fun or to make people angry. it's a cold hard reality and people get so angry and so upset when people talk about what's in a child's best interest. It's bizarre.

you speak about my age and my personal child status, but many who have kids are who are older than me understand the facts.