Being adult


New member
This spawned form the pictures of us thread, I'm just making a new topic, 'cause immortal goddezz was right. =-)

I dropped out of college, not married and probably never will be, and I have a part-time job that pays less than $120 a week. Since when is life about any of that crap? =-) And actually, I am a pacifist/artsy type, but my inner child is a hyperactive demon. I just recently got him back, thanks to Zoloft, and I couldn't be happier. =-)

I used to get completely sick of people acting like idiots around me. Mostly because they knew they were acting like idiots and they were having fun with it. I was disgusted and only happy around people who were wayyyy more older than I was. I was happy with my adult self, too, thinking I'm right on track, and i'm gonna make something of my life.

Now, though, i'm different, and I see that people acting like idiots and having fun with it aren't complete losers like I thought. I might never be successful, or anything like that. I don't really care. I like to laugh a lot, and have long conversations with people about nothing at all. I love running out in the street and screaming my head off when it's raining, and i love it more when someone gets annoyed because they're trying to drive through and they can't because there's a bunch of idiots standing in the way. I like throwing a big lump of snow straight up in the air and yelling "Snowstorm!" while everyone else tries desperately to cover their head. I like splashing around in ponds, and rolling around on the ground playing with dogs in public. Singing really, really loud in my horrendous singing voice just because I feel like it; jumping up and down on the second floor to let the people downstairs know where I am; imitating a cheesy super-hero's voice to answer rhetorical questions; scattering the sunday paper all over the floor so i can find the comics page; riding in a car upside-down; pretending to blow my nose on someone-else's shirt; jumping up on the table during dinner-time and yealling, "look at me! i'm irish" while I try to imitate river dancing; rolling down hills, making snowmen, letting large bugs free inside the house; stealing food in front of people's faces and playing innocent; making hundreds of paper-airplanes and throwing them all over the house....

There's been a lot of comments lately about how the adult forum should be for adult conversation. What the crap is that about? And saying people are too young to post on the adult board; shut up! I haven't seen anyone disrespct a serious-topic thread on this site, so what's the big deal? Last I checked, the "people that annoy you thread were for fun, and to make people laugh, so how does it make sense to get annoyed at other people having fun? The pictures of us thread, not really a serious topic. And if you have time to look at other people's pictures, then you should have time to scroll through irrelevant messages, whether they annoy you or not. Anyway, i'm probably gonna take some heat for this, which is fine. =-) I just wanted to get my two cents out. Lately I've been loving this site. First it was the non-cfers that annoy you thread, and then shamrock and strawberry came. Those two are like a breath of life into this site, as far as I see it. I don't think they deserve to be told to tone it down, or anything else. They've kept their irrelevant conversation to the irrelevant topics. Course my memory's bad and going down, so if anyone can prove me wrong, please do. Not gonna affect how i feel, but it might be interesting to know.

Writing this with passion, but NOT anger. =-)

22 w/cf


New member
i agree with you. really it takes people longer to stop and type a complaining message rather than to scroll right past the post thay are crying about. and people also need to realize everybodies cases of cf is different. just because they can go jogging, swimming or whatever doesnt mean everyone else can, and it isnt because they dont take care of themselves or didnt do what their supposed to. also who cares about how much money anybody makes. this isnt a place to compare whos better than who or who makes more than who, nobody cares if you make a 1,2,3,4,5, or 6 figure income.Nobody gives a CHIT!

p.s. jarod- if i had the energy i would go jump in the mud puddles to!


New member
Please see my post in the off topic's the link:
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
let's all try to get along!
I think it's really pathetic that people can't express their own opinion without everyone else getting all butt hurt about it!

*just a side note* I defend Luke and his bragging rights - I'd be damn proud to have 3 degrees and making good money. And nowhere in his post did I see that he was comparing himself to anyone - he was simply explaining HIS reasons for being happy with his adult life. If knowing that he will be financially stable because he worked hard for it makes him happy- power to him! Mockingbird - if being a silly kid at times makes you happy - power to you!


w00t, you go Jarod <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> power to ya! Sounds like you have a GREAT time being you, and I think that's really all that we're looking for in life, whether it's having the courage to run in the streets during the rain OR put to your nose to the grind stone and commit yourself to work and/or academia. Go for whatever makes you happiest!

Though sometimes the posts on the board are a little inappropriate and/or worded badly this community has just grown in leaps and bounds and I think it's GREAT! I remember a month or so ago when some of these threads were barely moving and now I'm checking almost hourly to see if anybody has replied. Although it might not be in the way we imagined, I think we should rejoice in the fact that we're getting new members, and that we are having MANY different people from all different age groups voice their experiences, fears, and thoughts with the board. And I know it may annoy some of you guys, those used to the way things were run, the tame adult boards are changing, yes we might have chitchat but you know what, we have an Off-Topics category for that now, so I'm sure most of the chit-chat will be diverted to that area. I think it's GREAT that most people feel comfortable sharing with the boards. I myself have no qualms anymore about voicing my opinions. Maybe it's just the fact that I've started college and am out on my own, or maybe it's the fact that I know I am accepted here, who knows! I know without being on the boards for a while I wouldn't have the courage to post something this long or this involved but you know what, I'm posting anyway <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> speaking of long I've typed for far longer than I meant to. I'll say that I hope you guys read this with an open mind, but chances are I will get some negative feedback on this, for every yes there is a no... but I welcome it. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
For the record

I was not bragging, but I am very proud of my accomplishments. I came from a physically abusive childhood and found myself homeless and living in a camping trailer in a K-Mart parking lot with my brother at 16. That was only the first time I was homeless. I have gone from living in a car at my local college campus in the middle of winter to having a nice house in the "good part" of town. I have met the woman of my dreams that respects me for all that I am and more importantly all that I am not. I have achieved in every endeavor I have set out to do, and yes all done while surviving this disease of ours. So, if I have come across I being smug, I apologize, I happen to be very proud of who I am. I have never judged anyone on this forum and do not appreciate being attacked. If you prefer to continue this sort of banter I will not take part in it.

Life set me up to fail; determination has allowed me to succeed.

-stares- im not taking in ANY OTHER FOURM unless its smart and really needed my input (which i doubt is alot) i have my new fourm...for me to be stupid in and not have people remark on how disrespectful i am....