New member
This spawned form the pictures of us thread, I'm just making a new topic, 'cause immortal goddezz was right. =-)
I dropped out of college, not married and probably never will be, and I have a part-time job that pays less than $120 a week. Since when is life about any of that crap? =-) And actually, I am a pacifist/artsy type, but my inner child is a hyperactive demon. I just recently got him back, thanks to Zoloft, and I couldn't be happier. =-)
I used to get completely sick of people acting like idiots around me. Mostly because they knew they were acting like idiots and they were having fun with it. I was disgusted and only happy around people who were wayyyy more older than I was. I was happy with my adult self, too, thinking I'm right on track, and i'm gonna make something of my life.
Now, though, i'm different, and I see that people acting like idiots and having fun with it aren't complete losers like I thought. I might never be successful, or anything like that. I don't really care. I like to laugh a lot, and have long conversations with people about nothing at all. I love running out in the street and screaming my head off when it's raining, and i love it more when someone gets annoyed because they're trying to drive through and they can't because there's a bunch of idiots standing in the way. I like throwing a big lump of snow straight up in the air and yelling "Snowstorm!" while everyone else tries desperately to cover their head. I like splashing around in ponds, and rolling around on the ground playing with dogs in public. Singing really, really loud in my horrendous singing voice just because I feel like it; jumping up and down on the second floor to let the people downstairs know where I am; imitating a cheesy super-hero's voice to answer rhetorical questions; scattering the sunday paper all over the floor so i can find the comics page; riding in a car upside-down; pretending to blow my nose on someone-else's shirt; jumping up on the table during dinner-time and yealling, "look at me! i'm irish" while I try to imitate river dancing; rolling down hills, making snowmen, letting large bugs free inside the house; stealing food in front of people's faces and playing innocent; making hundreds of paper-airplanes and throwing them all over the house....
There's been a lot of comments lately about how the adult forum should be for adult conversation. What the crap is that about? And saying people are too young to post on the adult board; shut up! I haven't seen anyone disrespct a serious-topic thread on this site, so what's the big deal? Last I checked, the "people that annoy you thread were for fun, and to make people laugh, so how does it make sense to get annoyed at other people having fun? The pictures of us thread, not really a serious topic. And if you have time to look at other people's pictures, then you should have time to scroll through irrelevant messages, whether they annoy you or not. Anyway, i'm probably gonna take some heat for this, which is fine. =-) I just wanted to get my two cents out. Lately I've been loving this site. First it was the non-cfers that annoy you thread, and then shamrock and strawberry came. Those two are like a breath of life into this site, as far as I see it. I don't think they deserve to be told to tone it down, or anything else. They've kept their irrelevant conversation to the irrelevant topics. Course my memory's bad and going down, so if anyone can prove me wrong, please do. Not gonna affect how i feel, but it might be interesting to know.
Writing this with passion, but NOT anger. =-)
22 w/cf
I dropped out of college, not married and probably never will be, and I have a part-time job that pays less than $120 a week. Since when is life about any of that crap? =-) And actually, I am a pacifist/artsy type, but my inner child is a hyperactive demon. I just recently got him back, thanks to Zoloft, and I couldn't be happier. =-)
I used to get completely sick of people acting like idiots around me. Mostly because they knew they were acting like idiots and they were having fun with it. I was disgusted and only happy around people who were wayyyy more older than I was. I was happy with my adult self, too, thinking I'm right on track, and i'm gonna make something of my life.
Now, though, i'm different, and I see that people acting like idiots and having fun with it aren't complete losers like I thought. I might never be successful, or anything like that. I don't really care. I like to laugh a lot, and have long conversations with people about nothing at all. I love running out in the street and screaming my head off when it's raining, and i love it more when someone gets annoyed because they're trying to drive through and they can't because there's a bunch of idiots standing in the way. I like throwing a big lump of snow straight up in the air and yelling "Snowstorm!" while everyone else tries desperately to cover their head. I like splashing around in ponds, and rolling around on the ground playing with dogs in public. Singing really, really loud in my horrendous singing voice just because I feel like it; jumping up and down on the second floor to let the people downstairs know where I am; imitating a cheesy super-hero's voice to answer rhetorical questions; scattering the sunday paper all over the floor so i can find the comics page; riding in a car upside-down; pretending to blow my nose on someone-else's shirt; jumping up on the table during dinner-time and yealling, "look at me! i'm irish" while I try to imitate river dancing; rolling down hills, making snowmen, letting large bugs free inside the house; stealing food in front of people's faces and playing innocent; making hundreds of paper-airplanes and throwing them all over the house....
There's been a lot of comments lately about how the adult forum should be for adult conversation. What the crap is that about? And saying people are too young to post on the adult board; shut up! I haven't seen anyone disrespct a serious-topic thread on this site, so what's the big deal? Last I checked, the "people that annoy you thread were for fun, and to make people laugh, so how does it make sense to get annoyed at other people having fun? The pictures of us thread, not really a serious topic. And if you have time to look at other people's pictures, then you should have time to scroll through irrelevant messages, whether they annoy you or not. Anyway, i'm probably gonna take some heat for this, which is fine. =-) I just wanted to get my two cents out. Lately I've been loving this site. First it was the non-cfers that annoy you thread, and then shamrock and strawberry came. Those two are like a breath of life into this site, as far as I see it. I don't think they deserve to be told to tone it down, or anything else. They've kept their irrelevant conversation to the irrelevant topics. Course my memory's bad and going down, so if anyone can prove me wrong, please do. Not gonna affect how i feel, but it might be interesting to know.
Writing this with passion, but NOT anger. =-)
22 w/cf