Bellyache, damn it!


New member
Wouldn't you know... I go braggin' about how good I'm feeling yesterday & today I wake up with a bad-ass bellyache! I know exactly what happened. My doctors in Tucson urged me to lower my enzyme intake because if I don't, they're going to damage my colon eventually. Well, I just didn't take enough enzymes for all the grub I sowed down on yesterday. I ate like a hog. I guess there are still some things I have to medicate the way I always have , OR ELSE. I hope this is just going to be an 'easy' bout of gut issues. I can't afford to not be able to eat right now. I'm still trying to put on weight I lost after being so sick at the beginning of the years & then again in the last of May/first of June. I'd best get my ducks in a row & start doing the right thing...


New member
This is what I have been trying to say about CF !! There is no 2 CF patients the same... I get bellyache if I take enzymes, as a matter of fact they cause a bowel obstruction with me.... To the point of they was going to put a colostomy on me.. So I stopped taking enzymes in about 1962, now if i get a bellyache I take a "happy pill" (ultram), however I don't have a real problem maintaining my weight. I maintain a 170 lbs. without enzymes. But I do need an "ultram" 3 or 4 times a month... Any questions be glad to respond....Scorp


New member
Ultram helps a bellyache? How so, does it just take away the pain or does it actually 'fix' the problem? They wanted to do a colostomy on me when I had C-Diff- just a 'temporary' one to allow my colon to heal. I told 'AINT NO WAY!!!' My ATV riding buddy has a colostomy because of rectal cancer. He's impotent & has to catheterize every time he urinates. The docs told me that wouldn't happen with the type of colostomy they wanted to do. However, you & I both know that when they do surgery, they cut nerves too. There's no telling what type of damage they could do without even knowing. No, nobody is doing another major surgery unless its 100% necessary to preserve life. Thank you for your response. I appreciate all the input I can get. That's one thing I really like about this site, we all learn from each other & it produces a sort of camaraderie because we all suffer the same disease, just in different ways! See ya, thanks again, 'Pat'.


New member
The "Ultram" just covers up the pain. But believe me when I start on the second day of being on my knees in pain the "Ultram" is very well accepted. I have already gone to the hospital and had them give me a shot of "Morphine" to stop my pain for a while. Not my first choice of treatment though.