Best Advice


New member
@Lex That's great....I hadn't even thought about that!
<br />
<br />I grew up riding horses-maybe I will have to make a trip back home :-0


New member
As all said, stay in as good a shape as you can. I was fairly strong walking into surgery and still felt as weak as a kitten after. You will be amazed at how much it takes out of you at first, but it comes back quick and before you know it your kicking but and taking names better than you ever remember doing before.


New member
As all said, stay in as good a shape as you can. I was fairly strong walking into surgery and still felt as weak as a kitten after. You will be amazed at how much it takes out of you at first, but it comes back quick and before you know it your kicking but and taking names better than you ever remember doing before.


New member
As all said, stay in as good a shape as you can. I was fairly strong walking into surgery and still felt as weak as a kitten after. You will be amazed at how much it takes out of you at first, but it comes back quick and before you know it your kicking but and taking names better than you ever remember doing before.