Best places to purchase pediasure?



As I am weaning Alyssa, the CF team wants her on all pediasure. That is pricey stuff!!! We don't qualify for any of the programs that would cover the cost. So I'm wondering if anyone has found a source that is most reasonable.


As I am weaning Alyssa, the CF team wants her on all pediasure. That is pricey stuff!!! We don't qualify for any of the programs that would cover the cost. So I'm wondering if anyone has found a source that is most reasonable.


As I am weaning Alyssa, the CF team wants her on all pediasure. That is pricey stuff!!! We don't qualify for any of the programs that would cover the cost. So I'm wondering if anyone has found a source that is most reasonable.


New member
I dont know about Pediasure itself, but online seems to be a good place to start if nothing else to compare even if you dont feel comfortable ordering online. It is pricey.


New member
I dont know about Pediasure itself, but online seems to be a good place to start if nothing else to compare even if you dont feel comfortable ordering online. It is pricey.


New member
I dont know about Pediasure itself, but online seems to be a good place to start if nothing else to compare even if you dont feel comfortable ordering online. It is pricey.


New member
Have you checkinto Children's medical services ( C.M.S)
My family dose'n qualify for any programs but only my daughtrt did because of her cf!
SSI medicade and

They wil pay for it!


New member
Have you checkinto Children's medical services ( C.M.S)
My family dose'n qualify for any programs but only my daughtrt did because of her cf!
SSI medicade and

They wil pay for it!


New member
Have you checkinto Children's medical services ( C.M.S)
My family dose'n qualify for any programs but only my daughtrt did because of her cf!
SSI medicade and

They wil pay for it!


New member
Have you tried to get insurance to cover it? Our insurance excludes coverage of nutritional supplements but I fought a case over 2 years and finally won. Mark gets 250 cans of Boost/Ensure Plus a month. I'd start there, you may be successful!


New member
Have you tried to get insurance to cover it? Our insurance excludes coverage of nutritional supplements but I fought a case over 2 years and finally won. Mark gets 250 cans of Boost/Ensure Plus a month. I'd start there, you may be successful!


New member
Have you tried to get insurance to cover it? Our insurance excludes coverage of nutritional supplements but I fought a case over 2 years and finally won. Mark gets 250 cans of Boost/Ensure Plus a month. I'd start there, you may be successful!


Julie -- I have not tried the insurance avenue yet. We have really good insurance and have yet to be denied anything, including the RSV shots. So this may be a good option for us. How do I do this? Do I need to get the doctor to write a prescription, or does my CF nurse have to get approval? I'll call over to the CF nurse and see if they can help -- I appreciate your suggestion.

Amanda -- My social worker is checking with CMS qualifications, but she didn't think we'd qualify for that either. Thanks though, I'll keep plugging away.


Julie -- I have not tried the insurance avenue yet. We have really good insurance and have yet to be denied anything, including the RSV shots. So this may be a good option for us. How do I do this? Do I need to get the doctor to write a prescription, or does my CF nurse have to get approval? I'll call over to the CF nurse and see if they can help -- I appreciate your suggestion.

Amanda -- My social worker is checking with CMS qualifications, but she didn't think we'd qualify for that either. Thanks though, I'll keep plugging away.


Julie -- I have not tried the insurance avenue yet. We have really good insurance and have yet to be denied anything, including the RSV shots. So this may be a good option for us. How do I do this? Do I need to get the doctor to write a prescription, or does my CF nurse have to get approval? I'll call over to the CF nurse and see if they can help -- I appreciate your suggestion.

Amanda -- My social worker is checking with CMS qualifications, but she didn't think we'd qualify for that either. Thanks though, I'll keep plugging away.


New member
Ask the docs for free samples. Our cf clinid and the pediatrician's office always have a case or two on hand and are glad to share. It's not a lot, but it offsets the total cost. Now, here's our real issue...can you get her to drink it????? Emily will not touch it. She is fine with milk, drinkable yogurt, juice, pedialyte...but absolutely refuses, even gags (violently!) if there is pediasure in her cup. No flavor seems to work. Anyone got any suggestions? (Sorry for hi-jacking the post).


New member
Ask the docs for free samples. Our cf clinid and the pediatrician's office always have a case or two on hand and are glad to share. It's not a lot, but it offsets the total cost. Now, here's our real issue...can you get her to drink it????? Emily will not touch it. She is fine with milk, drinkable yogurt, juice, pedialyte...but absolutely refuses, even gags (violently!) if there is pediasure in her cup. No flavor seems to work. Anyone got any suggestions? (Sorry for hi-jacking the post).


New member
Ask the docs for free samples. Our cf clinid and the pediatrician's office always have a case or two on hand and are glad to share. It's not a lot, but it offsets the total cost. Now, here's our real issue...can you get her to drink it????? Emily will not touch it. She is fine with milk, drinkable yogurt, juice, pedialyte...but absolutely refuses, even gags (violently!) if there is pediasure in her cup. No flavor seems to work. Anyone got any suggestions? (Sorry for hi-jacking the post).


New member
Heather, we had the doctor write a regular prescription, noting Mark's pancreatic insufficency (there is an ICD 9/diagnosis code, don't recall at this moment though) on the actual RX form, as well as attach a letter about his dietary requirements due to CF/pancreatic insufficency and malabsorption. Took that to the pharmacy and they billed the insurance for it. Sometimes it's tricky to find a pharmacy that will bill for it because most often they have to "manual" or "paper" bill, and not all pharmacies do that or are willing to do that anymore.

I'd get the Rx, call around to various pharmacies asking if they will bill an ins. company for Pediasure (many pharmacies will tell you no because it's available over the counter, tell them it's Rx'd by your child's doctor because of CF and malabsorption). Many may tell you no, keep trying. I know in our area, Rite Aid, Safeway (also Vons) and Walgreens refused to bill ins. or order our Boost for us. But the local "arlington Family pharmacy" down the street was more than eager to do it for us. Not a hitch in the last 6 months.


New member
Heather, we had the doctor write a regular prescription, noting Mark's pancreatic insufficency (there is an ICD 9/diagnosis code, don't recall at this moment though) on the actual RX form, as well as attach a letter about his dietary requirements due to CF/pancreatic insufficency and malabsorption. Took that to the pharmacy and they billed the insurance for it. Sometimes it's tricky to find a pharmacy that will bill for it because most often they have to "manual" or "paper" bill, and not all pharmacies do that or are willing to do that anymore.

I'd get the Rx, call around to various pharmacies asking if they will bill an ins. company for Pediasure (many pharmacies will tell you no because it's available over the counter, tell them it's Rx'd by your child's doctor because of CF and malabsorption). Many may tell you no, keep trying. I know in our area, Rite Aid, Safeway (also Vons) and Walgreens refused to bill ins. or order our Boost for us. But the local "arlington Family pharmacy" down the street was more than eager to do it for us. Not a hitch in the last 6 months.