


Actually, I'd like to answer this question with a question...

Are you one with or without CF? (considering you signed in your name as anonymous, thus not indicating whether you're a member, etc. or not)


New member
Sorry to offend you if I did. I should have indicated. Yes, I do have CF. If this question offends anyone, I will just drop it. I was just curious.

I think the worst part is knowing that if I dont do this or that (treatments, exercise, etc.) I will not be as healthy, and at the same time always finding the motivation to do ALL of those things.

The best thing for me is ALL YOU CAN EAT!!! LOL!


Personally, I think the way you added your input first is a good way for people to understand your point.

I'm not one with as serious of CF complications as others, so I don't have much for likes and dislikes in general.

Though I'd have to add that I had a lot of fun during my youth at the CF camp in my state! You can't attend if you don't have CF! And free Pretzels and Cola, all you can eat "anything they got there" for you to eat. Most campers actually gained weight by the end of the weeK!

My worst are the complications themselves.

There was a similar spool suggesting the question of "Living with CF again or not". If you haven't seen it, I recommend it. I don't think after your explanation that you have CF may conjure much offense. We'll see how others reply...


New member
Worse for me is not being able to do what I once could with relative ease. (Now I know why old people get cranky)

Best for me is tough. I have to think on that awhile.


New member
Worst...oh, there are so many to name it's impossible. But I guess right now my biggest anxiety is not being able to get legally married due to complications with SSI. For the CF directly, it would be not being able to keep up with my friends. So far, anyway.

Best...eating, of course! If I didn't have CF, I'd probably be as big as a house by now ^_^;; I'm such a pig...


New member
worst thing. i dont have much of a life. no job, no money, no energy, no independence and alot of frustration when i try to do things that i shouldnt or cant really do.

best thing. nothing. there isnt a 'best' thing about cf. perhaps there is a 'least worst' thing about it.


New member
I agree with all the worsts so's hard to pick one. But eating whatever I want, whenever I want is AWSOME!


New member
The worst thing is the uncertainty about my health from day to day even with the best maintenance. The best another said I would refer it to it as the least worst thing is the "power" I feel as I look back each day & realize that is another day that I have beaten the odds given to my parents upon diagnosis 30 yeasrs ago!!!


New member
The worst thing I think of having Cf is coughing, doing all the treatments, and being small for the age.

The best thing is The EATING PART!!! oh yea lol

Tiffany 15 w/cf<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Well the best used to be eating whatever I want, but somehow mother nature and biology are catching up to me and I can't eat whatever I want or I put on the pounds (has made my boobs get bigger though!) - and as a kid I used to use my CF as an excuse not to do things that I didn't want to do ("I can't help dust the house dad, you know it will make me wheeze!"), but somehow that doesn't work for me any more either - so....

The worst is coughing. I hate coughing. I cough a lot. Though I am pretty mild (PFTs 70s - no hospitalizations or IVs), I cough a lot. bah.

The best... uh....I guess the determination it has given me NOT to let it beat me. I keep fighting away.

wanderlost 28 w/CF


New member
It is easy for me to list the worsts. So I will just agree about the uncertainity cf brings no matter how well you take care of yourself. The unknown is just scary anyway, but then knowing what is and will happen to your body I think is the worst.

The best for me is the person I am because of cf. Because of the trials I have had to endure I matured faster than others in school. I think that helped me to make better discions even if i think sometimes my high school years were boring. I think it helps me to see whats most important to me, where as it would take others years, upon years to figure out. Ok maybe not that long for some people, but you know what i mean it seems like it takes people a long long time to grow up, even when they have "grown up" their priorities are messed up until they are old and wrinkly. I enjoy each day even if its just sitting in front of the tv all day with my husband and doggy. I know it was a good day. Heck its a good day if I'm not hacking up a lung, even with the bad days I can look forward to the good. You can enjoy something good unless you have endured bad. Just makes the good even better. I hope I made sense.


New member
The best thing is my outlook on life! I see what it's like to be different, I see what it's like to be the outsider, and with that I've learned to accept people of all kinds, I get truly appreciate the gift of life we all have but few take time to be thankful for, because they never realize it's not going to last forever. In my short 19 years, I've already learned, to love, to laugh, to do what you want, don't be scared or mean, holding grudges is totally useless, It seems strange to somepeople, but It's great that I've realized, I am strong, I can be fearless, I can face whatever comes into my life and come out on top, I see that not everyone is the same and how great that is, out of all the special people in the world, I get to be one of them. I'm blessed. Through me people realize, because someone is diffrent, they can still be my friend, my girlfriend, my co worker, my employee, my equal. Sure it's hard, but life is hard, god will not give you more then you can handle. The worst thing about having CF is seeing other people with it who don't realize they have been gived the oppertunity to make a change, to become enlightened, and in the process enlighten others.


New member
i have several worst things. one that bothers me most is as i was growing up i always wanted to be an ironworker like all the rest of the men in my family, i would be with my cousins in the 5th generation of ironworkers in our family. but of course that kind of work is to hard for me. also growing up i always wanted to own a harley davidson and be able to ride along side my dad, well when i was 20 i finally got my own harley sportster, it was great, but then as my condition got worse and i started having more troublesw breathing and have to now wear oxygen, i cant ride anymore. and i shouldnt still be living with my dad and needing and relying on others so much, i really hate bothering others to do things because i get to short of breathe doing them.

about the only one thing i can say is actually "good" is all the people i have met because of not just talking about nurses or doctors im talking about my friends around home. up until last april when i started wearing oxygen i delivered pizzas at pizza hut for the past 7 years and i met alot of friends thru that and if it wasnt for having cf i wouldnt have been working there because i woulda been ironworking. but other than the people i cant think of nothing else even close to being good.


the worst isn't so much actually dying but just knowing that we are going to.....I guess the best thing to me is the abilty we have to inspire people. I am sure that everyone one this board has inspired at least one person because or in spite of our disease.



New member
Worst for me is how my health makes other ppl that love me worry about me,.. That kills me, I can't even think about it or I cry..... The other thing is the fear that I get once in a while of what is going to happen to me.. like what it will be like when I die.. how much am I going to have to suffer and things like that...I am not afraid to be dead just the process I am not fond of...Those are my top two worst things...

Best??????? HMMM.... I got to meet some of the strongest and bravest ppl in the world.. People who endure more in one day/week then many ppl endure in a life time....and they very seldom complain about it... I have truly met ppl who are unbelievable and relentless in their treatments and their willingness to give to others in spite of their own sufferings. I have met some very dear friends that I would never have met if I didn't have CF.. That is the good thing, though, we really can't be together anymore.. which really stinks.. but this is the best part section so I will stick with getting to meet them....<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">

This post was a good idea, I am enjoying reading these.



New member
Worst is probably being a failure because of my limitations (physical, financial, etc). Worst is having a difficult time setting long term goals during my teen years (and even so today to a certain degree) so I just screwed around in school thinking I'd be dead by the time I was 20. Worst is waking up every morning feeling sick. Worst is actually FEELING the slow deterioration of my lungs and entire body, let alone knowing it by rapidly decreasing lung functions. Worst is knowing that even though I'm fighting as hard as I can I'm still, ultimately, losing.

Best is... having lived to be THIS old and knowing I'll be around for atleast few more years-- simply because there were so many times I thought I'd never even make live to graduate high school.
