Beware of Zosyn


New member
hi everyone,
I am an attorney and represent the family of a young man who went to the hospital for gall bladder surgery. his surgery was delayed (long story) and he eventually died about two weeks after surgery. I was looking in to whether the doctors or hospital were negligent and have to come to the conclusion they were not. however, he was placed on Zosyn the first day he came to the hospital and remained on it throughout. His fever remained between 102 and 105 during his hospitalization, yet pathology never was able to identify a bacteria. Am now wondering whether Zosyn had anything to do with his demise. again, I don't think fault can be assigned, because I don't think this is a "known" reaction (outside of this group), and even Wyeth may not be aware of these reactions.... I am looking for some explanation to give the family besides "____ happens", which is pretty much what they got from the doctors.


New member
Did the young man you are representing have cystic fibrosis? They fever reaction is primarily seen in CF patients for one reason or another.


New member
im in shock this is such a highly discussed anitbody, i just was released from the hospital and was put on zyson for as trail thursday night and i almost went into alaphaltic shock. my chest got really tight, thoat felt like it was closing, a firey tingling in my eyes and throat, felt like i was on fire and my heart rate was going insane. i immeditalty buzzed the nurse and was taken off and within an hr i was ok. scary stuff...i felt like i was dieng.


New member
i have been on zosyn a few times 4x a day and never had any problems. but everybody reacts differently to different meds as we all know.