Big Belly Blues


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Hey Everyone

I have to attend a gala for work here in about two weeks. My tummy seems to be getting bigger and bigger. What types of foods should I avoid before then to help it shrink a little? I tried on my dress tonight, and I look extra pregnant. :(


Jenna, 25 w/ CF


New member
That's a tough one to answer. Probably anything that obviously gives you gas and/or makes you constipated. And if you can, don't eat a whole lot right before the function.
I hate that, having the belly. I get so tired of the "When are you due" questions. Sometimes I feel like wearing a sign that says "No, I'm not"


New member
i agree, whatever makes u blotted u shouldnt eat....some people think that carbs do that so maybe u could try and avoid that, or at least a HUGE load of carbs...if youre going to eat carbs make sure youre eating protein with it


New member
i dont get a big belly like that or if i do i havent really noticed it . but i do sit ups to keep my self toned anyway which i shouldnt do but u could tryt hat and see if that helps . from JO 20 w/cf


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My daughter has found that avoiding all dairy products (except eggs) really helps tame belly bloat. After switching to soy milk, she finds she not only looks better, but has much less discomfort. I really sympathize with you and find it annoying that there is nothing in the literature that addresses this problem. It is so disturbing for young women and appears to be very common. Let us know if anything helps.


New member
Are you using ant-acids when you eat? Stomach acid can deactivate oral enzymes and then food is not properly broken down. I take Prevacid every day and munch on tums now and then. I also use Miralax to help keep things moving. Ask your doc about a good laxative, or try a little milk of magnesia if your feeling really constipated or having pain. Go easy on it, though, you don't want to become dependent.

23 w/ CF


New member
i always have had a rather large belly. i used to get a little teasing in school cause of it. i also notice around infection time it sometimes tends to bloat up more.also i retain fluid alot so that doesnt help either. i used to have to get the fluid drained off, once they took off 6.5 liters. thats alot considering i am only 120lbs and 5'6". but now i take water pills and it does ok with the fluid,now its just bloated otherwise. funny thing though since i am a guy sometimes people will try being funny and ask if i am pregnant and i just say---ya, with a baby elephant, you wanna see its trunk?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


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Curious: how did they drain fluid off? Did they do it in clinic ar did you have to go in for a special appt.?
23 w/ Cf


New member
Hi Jenna:

Have you tried to take 2 gas-x pills before you eat foods. I agree that carbs make the gas alot worse too. Alot of Vegitables will make gas. Onions, celery, garlic are some of the worst. Some other things to avoid are hard candies and gum. They put extra air in your stomach. Maybe just try to sip on water before and during the function to get through it. Good Luck <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
I agree that Gas X pills are useful, but not nearly as effective as cutting out milk, cheese, butter and ice cream. It takes about 3 days to see and feel a difference, but it can be dramatic.


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hey jenna..try to drink a lot of water until then..cut out salt too. the water will flush you out and fill you up without adding weight..but definitely stay away from salt! good luck


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My dietician and CF dr told me to eat more salt. I don't because I just cant get used to putting salt on foods that I have never put salt on before. Normally you eat salt for a certain taste. I do try but not as much as they want me to. Has anyone else been told to eat salt on everthing. They wanted me to put in a pop, any food I eat, juice. Yuck!! Eva


New member
Debbie, i always was in for iv antibiotics when i happened to need the fluid taken off. done it
about 5-6 times but havent needed to for about 7 years.but the doc just would put
some type of big needle into my stomache and the fluid drains into these big glass jars
and it is a HUGE relief.i have big stretch marks from the 6.5 liter drain.but i control it
with water pills now.


New member
doc just would put

some type of big needle into my stomache and the fluid drains into these big glass jars

and it is a HUGE relief.i have big stretch marks from the 6.5 liter drain.but i control it

with water pills now.

Did it hurt? Is that something the doctor has to recommend or can you just ask him/her to do it?


New member
jenna, actually my doc recommended the procedure after discovering i was retaining fluid. no it doesn't hurt, they numb the area. are you retaining fluid or are you just bloated for other reasons?


New member
It was wonderful. Thanks for asking! :) Actually, I was running around so much during the conference , since my department was actually coordinating everything, that my belly was flat by the end of the week from all the work! Go figure! Thanks to everyone who gave suggestions. However, my belly has bloated back up since then. LOL

I think I will talk to my doctor about it when I go in April.