Birth Control/Tubaligation...


New member
I always like to speak up when this subject comes up. 12 years ago I had my tubes tied. I became pregnant TWICE while on the pill. I felt I had no other choice than tubaligation. I know most people have no problems after having the surgery but I want woman to know there can be complications!!!

About a month after the surgery I starting having SEVERE night sweats. I would wake up and have to change the sheets because they were soaked in sweat. I had and still have severe sensitivity in my belly area. I can not have anyone push on my stomach because it REALLY HURTS. My sex drive went to almost zero for awhile, weight gain, mood swings, etc. I went back to the doc that did the surgery and they said "go home, nothing is wrong". I never had any of these problems until I had my tubes tied.

I believe you should look into EVERY birth control option before you decide to have this surgery.

I don't believe you would find a doctor that would do a hystorectomy as birth control. If I did find a doctor that said yes to that I would be very leary of the doctor.

I would also be very leary of a doc that would do a tubaligation on a 25 year old woman with no kids. Most doctors require you to be 35-40 y/o without children. I was only 21 when I had my tubes tied but I had just had my 3rd child.



New member
The Mirena IUD is a great option if you are having trouble with bleeding.
Bleeding changes (heavier, change in pattern) can be a sign of peri-menopause, which can last for several years before the actual menopause (last period).


New member
The Mirena IUD is a great option if you are having trouble with bleeding.
Bleeding changes (heavier, change in pattern) can be a sign of peri-menopause, which can last for several years before the actual menopause (last period).


New member
The Mirena IUD is a great option if you are having trouble with bleeding.
Bleeding changes (heavier, change in pattern) can be a sign of peri-menopause, which can last for several years before the actual menopause (last period).


New member
I had my tubes tied 2 years ago and hate it. My periods became so heavy. I finally had a procedure done that burned the inside of my uterus and that is heaven no periods.

So I would recommend trying other forms of birth control before having your tubes tied.


New member
I had my tubes tied 2 years ago and hate it. My periods became so heavy. I finally had a procedure done that burned the inside of my uterus and that is heaven no periods.

So I would recommend trying other forms of birth control before having your tubes tied.


New member
I had my tubes tied 2 years ago and hate it. My periods became so heavy. I finally had a procedure done that burned the inside of my uterus and that is heaven no periods.

So I would recommend trying other forms of birth control before having your tubes tied.


New member
I am a Nuvaring user and I love it. I got pregnant with my first daugher while on Depo and gained about 75 pounds that will probably never be lost and pregnant with my second daughter on the pill. I did not want to get my tubes tied because I have heard so many horror stories but the IUD was too permanant for me so I chose the Nuvaring. My dr prescribed it like the Seasonale birthcontrol so I only have 4 periods a year. I love it and if I wanted to have another child I dont have to go to my dr to have anything removed or untied!!!


New member
I am a Nuvaring user and I love it. I got pregnant with my first daugher while on Depo and gained about 75 pounds that will probably never be lost and pregnant with my second daughter on the pill. I did not want to get my tubes tied because I have heard so many horror stories but the IUD was too permanant for me so I chose the Nuvaring. My dr prescribed it like the Seasonale birthcontrol so I only have 4 periods a year. I love it and if I wanted to have another child I dont have to go to my dr to have anything removed or untied!!!


New member
I am a Nuvaring user and I love it. I got pregnant with my first daugher while on Depo and gained about 75 pounds that will probably never be lost and pregnant with my second daughter on the pill. I did not want to get my tubes tied because I have heard so many horror stories but the IUD was too permanant for me so I chose the Nuvaring. My dr prescribed it like the Seasonale birthcontrol so I only have 4 periods a year. I love it and if I wanted to have another child I dont have to go to my dr to have anything removed or untied!!!


New member
Getting your ubes tied doesn't stop periods just releasing the egg. If your 40 and don't no for a fact you don't wanna have kids, then I'd get the historecomy they will do one if your over 25 and ask for one... I dunno if insurance will cover it though. My mom had one and she loves it lol.


New member
Getting your ubes tied doesn't stop periods just releasing the egg. If your 40 and don't no for a fact you don't wanna have kids, then I'd get the historecomy they will do one if your over 25 and ask for one... I dunno if insurance will cover it though. My mom had one and she loves it lol.


New member
Getting your ubes tied doesn't stop periods just releasing the egg. If your 40 and don't no for a fact you don't wanna have kids, then I'd get the historecomy they will do one if your over 25 and ask for one... I dunno if insurance will cover it though. My mom had one and she loves it lol.