Birthday Cake


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For a baby with CF, follow the doctor's advice I say. But for a healthy baby, there are reasons they say not to give regular food too early.


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I would actually caution against birthday cake only because there are a lot of ingredients in birthday cake that Amber hasn't been exposed to yet. They say to try a new food or two every 2-3 days, after making sure that your baby doesn't have any reactions to it. I started my older daughter (no c/f) on cereal and baby food at 6 months, and she actually had some issues around 7 months old after eating green beans. It turned out to be totally unrelated to the green beans, but it was easy to take that one new thing out of her diet until we figured out what was causing the problem.

Cake generally contains dairy, eggs, and a bunch of other delicious ingredients, which will almost surely be fine for Amber, but I would expose her to new things slowly just in case. If there is a reaction at any point, you will be able to finger the culprit pretty easily.

Have a wonderful birthday party!

-- Jenica
Mom to Abby, 2 (w/o CF) and Ellie, 7 months (w/CF)


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I asked our dietician sort of as a joke if it was okay to give birthday cake and she actually said "no". For some of the same reasons mentioned: allergies, choking, etc. The docs have pushed our kids to maximize formula (Pediasure now) and have less solids... mainly because we can get more calories in through the formula. So they are only eating solids a few times per day, but big amounts of formula.

... Anyway after she told me no cake, I said, "I shouldn't have asked because we're going to do it anyway." I didn't want to deprive them of their first cake... that seemed like such a bummer! So we gave them a little cake.... truthfully they weren't too interested. BUt our little girl ended up throwing up and itching her eyes. I didn't think too much of it since the whole day was crazy....until a week later we gave her Pediasure for the first time and she broke out in hives... she has a milk allergy!

Arghhh.... and you know I felt terrible about giving her the birthday cake punishment for rebelling and trying to be "normal" I guess! Anyway, I just write this to say... trust your gut... and if your gut trusts your docs... do what they say!

Mom of 13 month old twins


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my son was covered in blue icing on his 1st bday. a baby should be eating just about anything at a year old. our doctors told us he could start with real milk at a year, although i started him alot earlier, and let him try eggnog at 6 months lol. man, let your kid have cake. its got plenty calories anyway.