Birthday time!



My twin boys are 12 today! Thats another tough year they have got through. A time to reflect for me. Every year I am more thankful, thankful that they are here, thankful for all their accomplishments. They have come so far since their diagnosis, yes there have been tons of problems but they still rise up to every challenge. This year they both made the soccer team, basketball team, volleyball team and the pinball team. Michael even did the Terry Fox run! Also they both learned to swim, both received a physical Education Excellence Award and a Drama Award. I am so proud of them both. Happy Birthday to the sunshines of my life!


Happy Birthday to them! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hooray! Mellemac I am not sure if you remeber me but I believe our boys go to the same hospital: CHEO. I have a 10 yr old with CF and live in Montreal.



New member
many happy returns of the day.<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0">


Super Moderator
Happy Birthday to them!!<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0">


New member
The reason I am writing to you is to hopefully make you feel better
about your boys.  You see I will be 38 years old this month,
and one of the main reasons I am doing so well is because I was
active in sports.  Just like your sons I played basketball,
soccer, volleyball, and even ice-hockey from the time I was 4 years
old until even now.  Yes, I still play in 2 hockey leagues and
play about 3 times a week.  Sporting activities have saved my
life and now I can enjoy my 9 year old daughter and wife of 13
years.  <br>
I even continued to play hockey until a year before my Double Lung
Transplant in September 2003.  After my Transplant, I was back
playing hockey 3 months later and 5 months after my tx I biked the
LA Marathon.<br>
So, Happy B-Day to your sons, their will be many more.  Just
make sure they are always active, no matter what the activity is.
Scott 37/m w/CF<br>
Double Lung Tx - 9/20/03<br>


New member
If you live in Montreal why do you go to CHEO and how does that work with Medicare?. We live off island and near the Ontario border and drive downtown to clinic. Why do you go to CHEO instead of the Children's?
We have thought of moving to Ontario but both work on the West Island and we weren't sure how that worked for Medicare and insurance.