bleeding while prego


New member
well before i knew i was pregnant i had spotted twice.. i wasnt worried because i thought it was just my body getting ready for my period.. but then i found out i was prego!!

so yesterday night i started bleeding a little so i freaked out and went to the er.. im only about 5 weeks far.. and the doctor said my cervix was open a tiny bit.. but they sent me home!!

the bleeding has stopped besides a little bit of old brown blood

and i dont have anymore cramping

has this ever happened to any of you.. im just so scared im going to lose the baby!


New member
well before i knew i was pregnant i had spotted twice.. i wasnt worried because i thought it was just my body getting ready for my period.. but then i found out i was prego!!

so yesterday night i started bleeding a little so i freaked out and went to the er.. im only about 5 weeks far.. and the doctor said my cervix was open a tiny bit.. but they sent me home!!

the bleeding has stopped besides a little bit of old brown blood

and i dont have anymore cramping

has this ever happened to any of you.. im just so scared im going to lose the baby!


New member
well before i knew i was pregnant i had spotted twice.. i wasnt worried because i thought it was just my body getting ready for my period.. but then i found out i was prego!!

so yesterday night i started bleeding a little so i freaked out and went to the er.. im only about 5 weeks far.. and the doctor said my cervix was open a tiny bit.. but they sent me home!!

the bleeding has stopped besides a little bit of old brown blood

and i dont have anymore cramping

has this ever happened to any of you.. im just so scared im going to lose the baby!


New member
well before i knew i was pregnant i had spotted twice.. i wasnt worried because i thought it was just my body getting ready for my period.. but then i found out i was prego!!

so yesterday night i started bleeding a little so i freaked out and went to the er.. im only about 5 weeks far.. and the doctor said my cervix was open a tiny bit.. but they sent me home!!

the bleeding has stopped besides a little bit of old brown blood

and i dont have anymore cramping

has this ever happened to any of you.. im just so scared im going to lose the baby!


New member
well before i knew i was pregnant i had spotted twice.. i wasnt worried because i thought it was just my body getting ready for my period.. but then i found out i was prego!!
<br />
<br />
<br />so yesterday night i started bleeding a little so i freaked out and went to the er.. im only about 5 weeks far.. and the doctor said my cervix was open a tiny bit.. but they sent me home!!
<br />
<br />the bleeding has stopped besides a little bit of old brown blood
<br />
<br />and i dont have anymore cramping
<br />
<br />has this ever happened to any of you.. im just so scared im going to lose the baby!


Yes, it happened to me at 7 weeks (brown blood only) with my daughter but the doctor said my cervix was closed. I took it very easy and the bleeding stopped in about a week. If you can have a sonogram in a week or two they should be able to see a heartbeat.


Yes, it happened to me at 7 weeks (brown blood only) with my daughter but the doctor said my cervix was closed. I took it very easy and the bleeding stopped in about a week. If you can have a sonogram in a week or two they should be able to see a heartbeat.


Yes, it happened to me at 7 weeks (brown blood only) with my daughter but the doctor said my cervix was closed. I took it very easy and the bleeding stopped in about a week. If you can have a sonogram in a week or two they should be able to see a heartbeat.


Yes, it happened to me at 7 weeks (brown blood only) with my daughter but the doctor said my cervix was closed. I took it very easy and the bleeding stopped in about a week. If you can have a sonogram in a week or two they should be able to see a heartbeat.


Yes, it happened to me at 7 weeks (brown blood only) with my daughter but the doctor said my cervix was closed. I took it very easy and the bleeding stopped in about a week. If you can have a sonogram in a week or two they should be able to see a heartbeat.


New member
I've bled my whole pregnancy and I am 8 months along. It's not normal, mind you, but my OB said since it has mostly been light bleeding that everything is fine. Twice it has been heavy, but the baby was fine and again I was told not to worry. --But because of this I didn't know that I was pregnant until I was already through the first trimester... I thought that I was having my period and didn't have any major symptoms like morning sickness.
So I guess if the doctor is telling you not to worry, don't. Everything will be alright.


New member
I've bled my whole pregnancy and I am 8 months along. It's not normal, mind you, but my OB said since it has mostly been light bleeding that everything is fine. Twice it has been heavy, but the baby was fine and again I was told not to worry. --But because of this I didn't know that I was pregnant until I was already through the first trimester... I thought that I was having my period and didn't have any major symptoms like morning sickness.
So I guess if the doctor is telling you not to worry, don't. Everything will be alright.


New member
I've bled my whole pregnancy and I am 8 months along. It's not normal, mind you, but my OB said since it has mostly been light bleeding that everything is fine. Twice it has been heavy, but the baby was fine and again I was told not to worry. --But because of this I didn't know that I was pregnant until I was already through the first trimester... I thought that I was having my period and didn't have any major symptoms like morning sickness.
So I guess if the doctor is telling you not to worry, don't. Everything will be alright.


New member
I've bled my whole pregnancy and I am 8 months along. It's not normal, mind you, but my OB said since it has mostly been light bleeding that everything is fine. Twice it has been heavy, but the baby was fine and again I was told not to worry. --But because of this I didn't know that I was pregnant until I was already through the first trimester... I thought that I was having my period and didn't have any major symptoms like morning sickness.
So I guess if the doctor is telling you not to worry, don't. Everything will be alright.


New member
I've bled my whole pregnancy and I am 8 months along. It's not normal, mind you, but my OB said since it has mostly been light bleeding that everything is fine. Twice it has been heavy, but the baby was fine and again I was told not to worry. --But because of this I didn't know that I was pregnant until I was already through the first trimester... I thought that I was having my period and didn't have any major symptoms like morning sickness.
<br />So I guess if the doctor is telling you not to worry, don't. Everything will be alright.