

New member

I'll ask my doc about that next week.


I don't take probiotics but have been thinking about it. i would appreciate it of you would send that info.


New member

I'll ask my doc about that next week.


I don't take probiotics but have been thinking about it. i would appreciate it of you would send that info.


New member
I would massage your abdomen. If you do not have any problems with your kidneys then it is safe to do. Just massage in or around your navel moving your hand in a clockwise motion (looking down and moving toward your right first and gently down on your left side (colon side)

You might pass some unwanted air and you never know. Rub your hands together first to get them warm. hope this helps.


New member
I would massage your abdomen. If you do not have any problems with your kidneys then it is safe to do. Just massage in or around your navel moving your hand in a clockwise motion (looking down and moving toward your right first and gently down on your left side (colon side)

You might pass some unwanted air and you never know. Rub your hands together first to get them warm. hope this helps.


New member
I would massage your abdomen. If you do not have any problems with your kidneys then it is safe to do. Just massage in or around your navel moving your hand in a clockwise motion (looking down and moving toward your right first and gently down on your left side (colon side)

You might pass some unwanted air and you never know. Rub your hands together first to get them warm. hope this helps.


New member
I'm having the same problem. Its been going on for the past couple of weeks, but it seems that I'm bloated all the time. I haven't changed anything in my diet or anything. The only new thing is the Celexa. Its annoying to have this problem and not know what its from.


New member
I'm having the same problem. Its been going on for the past couple of weeks, but it seems that I'm bloated all the time. I haven't changed anything in my diet or anything. The only new thing is the Celexa. Its annoying to have this problem and not know what its from.


New member
I'm having the same problem. Its been going on for the past couple of weeks, but it seems that I'm bloated all the time. I haven't changed anything in my diet or anything. The only new thing is the Celexa. Its annoying to have this problem and not know what its from.