Okay well then I wil reply to both the question-writer, and the the last post. I have a port. I got one placed at... uhm, it was 2 years ago I think? I think I was 18. Either way, I haven't been on IV meds more than 5 or 6 times (started right before I turned 17), but every single time I needed a PICC, I ended up with 2 or 3, because I always got phlebitis. Oh boy is that painful. So I figured needing a port eventually anyway, I'd just get one. So I did. And it wasn't that bad. The incision hurt for a while because right after the procedure, I had a lung infection, and was coughing (my port is on my ribs, underneath my left boobie). Everytime I coughed it felt like it was tearing the scar open again. That sucked, but only lasted a few weeks. And then it took a few more months to fully heal up, because my tissue was saying "okay what the hell is this thing?" and in its questioning, caused me a good deal of pain (I wear underwire bras, and the wire part would sit right on the port, and didn't agree with it-- I actually went without a bra for a few weeks, and then I wore sports bras for a while because they were much softer). But! It only had tissue argument for a few months, and overall, I'd say it's entirely worth it. I have to stick myself once a month (with a 22 gauge needle, if you don't know anything about gauges... it's very small, trust me) to flush it with Heparin so that I don't clot. Other than that, it's maintenance-free. Of course, if you're using it for IV meds, you need to keep it covered with a dressing, and fairly clean, but that goes the same for a PICC line too. The cool thing about ports is that you learn to take care of it yourself, and learn to access it yourself fairly early on, if you really want to. It only took me 3 months (which really means sticking myself all of 3 times... once a month) to learn how to hold my boob out of the way and stick myself all with only two hands. And the easier thing overall, is that since you learn to take care of it yourself, you can take the needle out and reaccess at your own will (which you cannot do with a PICC). If you're on vacation and want to go swimming, you can take the needle out and go swimming. If you have a hot date and want to shower and wash your own hair, you can take the needle out and jump in the shower. Anyway, I sound like I'm selling the product here... lol But overall, it's just a much easier process. Look into it, you guys. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">