Blood sugar levels


New member
Hi, I have a 16 year old son who received a gj tube in Jan. I have been concerned that he may be having issues from time to time with his sugar levels. His gi just did a glucose level and hba1c this week and they were within normal range, glucose 82 and hba1c was 5. His doc. does want him to follow up with endocrinology for this concern and his very low vitamin d level. He had said we may need to monitor his levels for awhile. He did have some high fasting glucose levels in the hospital (189,165,169.) My question is could he be having highs and lows even with these normal levels? Should I be concerned and follow up with endo. like his GI said or is it a waste of time.

thanks, Janelle


New member
I would follow up with endo for sure.
Those sound like pretty high readings for fasting. If its that big a concern to you & to his CF doctor its probably a good idea.
At the worst, you'll know just where he stands.



Super Moderator
I would do follow up with Endocrine just to be safe. Also speak with the CF team as well. Everybody should be able to work together if there is an issue. I started having more problems with my sugars soon after I had my G-tube placed and began tube feeds every night. Blood sugars are important to monitor. Those fasting levels are a bit high. Not TOO high but high enough to be concerned.