Does anyone know if there are any harmful effects with having extremely low blood sugars on the baby while pregnant? I got into a pretty big disagreement with my endocrinologist because she wants me to take more insulin with my meals (an hour after meals my sugars were 90-120, but then dropping down to 25 2 hours after the meal, so I started taking less insulin and letting my sugars go to 130-145 after meals and she was like "thats too high!" but I'd rather have them a lil high then have me pass out and go unconcious with a sugar level in the 20's!!).. I am concerned because I have always, somehow, remained concious everytime my sugars drop that low... and have been alert enough to know to drink OJ right away... but what happens if I am not and go unconcious??? That CAN'T be good for the baby. If Mommy goes unconcious/stops breathing, BABY DIES! grrrrr she just really pissed me off because she seemed to not even care that my sugars were dropping SO LOW that I could pass out and die, but cared more that they were in the 130-140 range.
Pretty much, I told her that I'm letting my sugars go a little higher, that my CF doc and nurses and HIGH RISK obgyn said that 130-140's is okay, and she told me in a nice way that if i am not going to take her advice then she doesn't see why I need her. I told her that I wont be needing her services anymore and left the office.
In the process of looking for a new endo!!