I had to chuckle a little bit too when I read that you boiled your tubing (sorry, no offense). Well, I have never really boiled my neb cups, except when I first started on Pulmozyme (many years ago). I did boil the Pari-neb cup at first, but then stopped. I know they say you should boil them, but I haven't really ever done mine. I always just rinse them with hot water and soap after I have used them and lay them on a paper towel to dry. I know people will say that is a no, no, but I've done that for many, many years. I would say though that if your nebs are that old (5-6 years), I would definitely get some new ones. Is there a Durable Medical Equipment store near you? If not, you could probably get some from your dr/CF clinic. They always give them to me for free whenever I need them. As far as the soap, I don't really know if it is bad to inhale liquid soap. I hope your nebs hold out until you can get a new one. Good luck!!