Hi my name is cristin. My son Dylan is 8 yr old and has fought sinus infection for years. We have had 4 set of tubes, 2 sinus irrigations, 1 sinus surgery with polyups. He has also developed staph in his sinuses. So his last surgery the ent deiced that we should go get a sweat test the first one was 50 then he sent us to childrens in little rock and it was 53.6 so now we have to take him back on friday to get another one done. If that one come back borderline then they said they would do the dna gentic on him. Over the past year he has started to get the productive cough, also clearing his throat. He weights about 90 lbs and we have no problem getting him to eat. He eat all the time he says he is hungry all the time. Just thought i would see if anyone just has the sinus problems like my son does. I am knew to this site and i have already learned so much.
cristin (mommy to) Dylan 8 yr
cristin (mommy to) Dylan 8 yr