Bowel Obstruction Aftermath


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My son (3 1/2 years old) recently had his first bowel obstruction hospitalization. He had the meconium ileus surgery at birth and has battled with constipation his whole life, which we've always dealt with at home. This time it snuck up on constipation warnings. Anyway, so we got him cleaned out and now he is eating like a madman. He is hungry all the time, even whining about eating an hour after we finish a meal and in the middle of the night (even though he gets overnight G-tube feeds). His poops have floating grease, but his dietitian says we are at the max for enzyme dosage. So here are my questions, but I also welcome anyone else's personal experiences/advise...

1) Why is he so hungry? Is it just because food can actually move through his system now? Has anyone else felt this hungry after a bowel clean-out? How long does the excessive hunger last?

2) We've been wondering about the IV fluids he received during the hospitalization. Could his CF body have been so dehydrated (in the months prior) that he never felt like eating anything? Has anyone felt incredibly better after receiving IV fluids?

3) We have always done twice a day maintenance doses of Miralax, so this bowel obstruction was a surprise to us. Are obstructions sometimes inevitable, meaning sometimes there is no way to prevent them? Does the mucus "cement" to the sides of the intestines until a blockage occurs?

Grateful for any help and/or experiences you can provide!


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He probably felt so full from the obstruction that he didn't feel like eating and now he does.


New member
Yes, the day before we took him in, he wouldn't eat anything and had severe stomach pain. But he has had a lack of appetite for the past 2 1/2 years. He has never been hungry, and certainly not like this. Could an obstruction have been building for that long, despite periodic Miralax clean-outs at home?


New member
Hi there,

My son was also born with a meconium ileus, and also hand a bowel obstruction at 3 1/2. However, the surgeon told us it was caused by scar tissue (from meconium ileus surgeries at birth). The scar tissue had choked off a portion of his intestines. Very scary!

My son was also an excellent eater afterwards. It was amazing! It's like a a switch kicked on;) I asked all his doctors and their thought was eating must of been painful for him previously;( I hate that it could happen again, and again without warning.

My sons not on a Miralax regimen, so I'm no help on that. I look forward to hearing other people's responses.


Mommy to Johnny 5 w/cf & Bailey 3 no cf


New member
Hi! Thanks for your input! Yes, we were followed by Surgery throughout the hospitalization, too. At first, they were concerned that his intestines had twisted, then they talked about scar tissue. But in the end, they narrowed it down to a blockage at the valve where the small intestine meets the large intestine.

Is your son still eating well? We're hoping it continues!! :D It's like we have a completely new kid! It's a joy to have meals with him now!


New member
Hi there, I wish I could report that his appetite continued. However, after a few months he lost interest in food again. It's been an up & down battle with his weight. Right now he is doing awesome, he has put 2 pounds on in the last month. I have to mention he hasn't been on antibiotics. Antibiotics just kill him & his poor tummy. Result poor weight gain. Doesn't help the kid prefers APPLES over PIZZA:)

Have a great weekend & Happy St. Patty's!



Active member
Steven Freedman, MD, PhD, GI-CF Specialist, CF Researcher (you can google him) determined through a trial and error approach that lasted several months, what my correct dose of enzymes should be. I am well beyond the manufacturers SUGGESTED limits for enzymes and have been for many years.

I was told by the CF Clinic Dietitian that I should, immediately, cut back on my enzyme intake. This she later admitted was based upon the manufacturers recommendations. Dietitians are trained in food intake.

Find a GI Specialist who has a serious knowledge of CF and have him/her review your sons situation. I can tell you an enzyme increase could be a reasonable course of action.



Staff member
Our story is similar to Sarah's son. Ds always was a picky eater, always full. Up until he had his surgery to get rid of adhesions, if he ate too much he'd vomit, was full after a few bites for a long time.. Completely different kid and gained 5 pounds a month or so afterwards. As for enzymes, we've always based it on output and input. Some days ds snacks ll day long and seems like all I do is hand him enzymes


Super Moderator
I'm so sorry re the recent hospitalization. I hope you have settled back home comfortable.

I wish I had an answer! Our sons I think have the exact same issue and the doctors have no clue!! If you don't mind, I'd really like to know more details on what was going on up to the day of when he stopped eating, what you did, go to ER, get into GI, what tests they did, how did they determine it was by large/small intestines. Did they change anything for continuing maintenance? What were you doing for clean outs and how often?

It seems from our end, DS eats wells for about 2 - 3 weeks, and then slows down, has few stools, more acid reflux, more tummy pain, holding about 2 inches above his belly button. He's going on 2 months of daily tummy pain now and this weekend I was sure we were heading back to ER and hospital. I am waiting for GI office to call back. He's on day 5 today of milk of magnesia and i'm at 3 capfuls of Miralax to try to get whatever it is cleaned out. . . I think I was sorta getting it but not fully which is why he has been uncomfrotable for 2 months. It isn't his horrible tummy pain, but it is regular. They put it down to cramping from Miralax (I spread out more and that didn't help). Tried changing enzymes--was worse i think b/c the new brand had lower amounts of the stuff for protein and carbs and he eats a large amount of all (fat, protein, and carbs). I'm pretty convinced he has something bulding up in the same spot you mention b/c that's where it was when he got admitted for DIOS (or constipation--they aren't clear). We have Cf appointment next week and I'm going to push CF doctor to consult with GI more closely and get another CF GI ped doctor involved for a three-way consult if I can find out one and have an Xray or something else to see if they can see if there is something there. i truly don't think it is anything else wrong because this cycle has been constant since he out of the hospital from first clean out (other than one bacterial overgrowth period too).

Any more details you could give might be so helpful and let me know what might help you on your end. Our DS rarely says he's hungry too and stops eating most meals after many devouring bites, but does okay on his drink supplement so his weight is good.


New member
Really, I think the whole bowel obstruction thing builds up over time, rather than in just a day or two. So, I will go back about a month before the BO (bowel obstruction). He started saying his tube hurt. The tube site was red, raw, and amount of our usual creams (Desitin, Triamcinolone, Neosporin) helped. It also leaked a brown, clay-like substance everytime we did the vest. Sometimes there was so much "clay" it would leak down his pants. Yuck! I called GI, they had no answers regarding the "clay", but told me I could take him to his local Ped to evaluate the G-tube site for infection. I did that and they prescribed the oral antibiotic Keflex. That seemed to help for awhile (about 2 weeks).

While on Keflex, I cut the Miralax a little, thinking he would get diarrhea, like he usually does with antibiotics. Note: He is not on any probiotics at this time due to being on a milk-free diet (EoE regime). He did not get any diarrhea, so we went back to the usual Miralax dosage (1.5 tsp twice a day).

About 4 or 5 days before the BO, he started to have floating grease with his poops. We hadn't done anything different with the enzymes or fat content, so I decreased the Miralax down to 1 tsp twice a day. He started complaining of belly pain at this same time, but kept saying that his tube hurt. He was not sleeping well at all. We think his stomach was getting so full from the overnight feeds that it was painful. We had a lot of trouble with the pump beeping, it can do this if it thinks it is clogged. We used acetaminophen for pain relief. Also note: His poops gave no indication of constipation...actually they were yellow/orange and soft. I have seen the hard, pebble-like constipation poops and he did not have that.

The day before BO, he would not eat a bite and hadn't pooped all day. He was very tired and quiet. Just sat around and played cars. I called GI and waited all day for a call back. He threw up once. It was all black. I finally couldn't take it any longer and took him to the local Urgent Care, who then transferred him over to the Ped department. We were there for 4 hours. They did an abdominal x-ray, which was inconclusive. He threw up at the doctor's office (all over me!). They gave him a suppository, which produced no results. They sent us home and told us to go to the ER if things got worse.

That night, I increased the Miralax to 3 tsp (which is twice his normal dose) and we ran Pedialyte through his tube overnight. At 2 AM, he woke up miserable and threw up. Nothing was going through his system. We stopped the feed and he fell back asleep.

DAY 1: At 6 AM, we packed up (expecting an admission) and we to our local ER. They did another X-ray, still inconclusive. Suctioned out his stomach, through G-tube. Gave IV fluids. He could not tolerate his vest treatment...too painful. They called an ambulance and sent us to Children's. Unfortunately, they gave him morphine, which did not help move things along at all!

Once we got to Children's, we got a room right away because we came on an ambulance. But then we sat in the ER all day! We went through more X-rays and met with Pulmonary and Surgery, but no new treatments were started until 10:30 PM! Then they did 4 oz boluses of Miralax through his tube every 4 hours. He got through one, but the second one had him screaming in pain. We tried acetaminophen, which made it worse (more fluid in an already stuffed stomach). We had to drain everything out. He fell right back asleep.

Note: He was able to tell us exactly where it hurt (his upper, right abdomen, just below his ribs), which correlated with where the blockage was on the x-ray.

DAY 2: More X-rays. They thought they could see where the obstruction was in the X-ray and that it hadn't moved. Had to have a fluoroscopy (aka torture)...lay under an X-ray machine, pump contrast into butt, tape butt cheeks shut, watch on X-ray for 2 minutes or so, then poop it out. Some of the clear contrast came out, but no poop. Went back up to room and started GoLytely as a continuous slow drip through G-tube. A few hours later, an enema was performed, which finally produced some results. They put two buckets in the toilet to catch and measure his pee and poop. They finally let him eat/drink clear liquids, which he was not interested in.

Note: I highly suspect that he may have been holding poop in at this point, for fear of it hurting. It took hours just to get some of the enema out! He got the enema, sat on the toilet, produced nothing, took a 2 hour nap, then finally poop mush came out!

DAY 3: Another X-ray. Finally showed things moving down, but still showed some contrast from the flouroscopy. Surgery discharged us. I asked for one last enema just to get everything cleared out. Pulmonary came in and explained where the blockage was...on the Ileocecal Valve between the small and large intestine. We were told to go back to our normal Miralax regime (1.5 tsp twice a day). No other instructions.

In the week after the BO, he has had extreme hunger. He continues to have greasy poops. I have kept him on an increased Miralax dosage of 2 tsp twice a day, just because I am scared of it happening again.

I have done a little research on colon cleansers. Is anyone using these? I do NOT want to resort to it, but don't want another BO hospitalization.


Super Moderator
Oh, mom. That is so similar to DS's hospitalization, but with an NG tube (which he pulled out) and an IV (which he pulled out). He had actually had harder constipation "marples" before, but the real problem i think was the "clay poop," by which I mean consistency, not color. I agree that it builds up over time. For our son, he seems to build up something within 3 weeks. A couple of thoughts and this is from someone who still doesn't know what the heck is going on. . . but I think it is just building up over time and needs regular "clear outs." First, with our son, the eating declines, acid reflux increases, tummy pains increase, vest bothers him, and it increases until his poop slows (quantity and quality--i.e., liquid). i used to make the mistake of cutting back on Miralax but know now this is b/c it is going around stuff or should say I think it is. So know I hit him with Milk of Magnesia for 5 days when the slow down is definite. I probably should start b/f definite b/c sometimes (like last time) I think i waited too long and then I'm on edge re facing another BO. At the same time I up the Miralax. our son is on 2 capfuls (which is about 10 teaspoons) a day maintenence, so wonder if maybe you should ask to go up more. I up to about 3 capfuls during the milk of magnesia bit, and keep for a couple days after and then go back to 2. For some reason the mil of magnesia seems to move stuff which the miralax doesn't. Also, I startd trying to do gateorade to get more electrolytes in gi track which seemed to help until the build up again. It does take a bit of time to get back to "normal" and then in a few weeks we're back at it. Bread seems to throw him over the edge too, so that might be something to keep a look on. Also, if he has too much of the high calorie drink supplements with fiber that does too. . . we do 3 without fiber and 1 with to get consistency. Thank you so much for laying it all out. . . that helps me see what "fits" with my thoughts (and also that it's not just my doctors who i think are clueless/don't take it seriously enough.
I wish i could give you a big hug over this. Hang in there. let me know if you have any thoughts for me and/or questions.
I'm so glad I found this post!

Just wanted to chime in with DD's story.

She's been complaining of stomach aches, especially in the morning for a few months. I talked to her doctors, and we all thought it was acid reflux. We increased her PPI. A few weeks later with no improvement, we started doing daily miralax.

3/7 About a week after adding miralax- Wakes up with a stomach ache (normal), Doesn't want to do her vest (normal) throws up the little breakfast that she ate... NOT normal.

On the way to the ER, we stop and she goes in a gas station bathroom. Poop is clay like as you described above. By the time we get to the ER, she seams totally fine. I started to wonder if I was over reacting by taking her there. They do a XRAY and I see the face of the tech as she's looking at the film. She sighs and looks as though she's seen a ghost in her picture. ED doc looks at the film and says she needs to be admitted for a golytely flush out. They do an enema which produces no results. I ask the ED doc if it's DIOS. He says "what's that?"

CF attending comes in and reviews the plan. By about 5pm, we have a room and the NG tube is pumping golytely through her system. It stays in over night, and she poops and poops and poops.

By morning, she passes clear liquid and they say we can go home. I ask for another XRAY before we leave, and they do one. They said that there is still stool in there, but theres nothing preventing it from coming out. They expect that it'll pass on it's own. Go home with increased mialax and no other plans.

3/12- Wakes up full and stomach hurting again. Pooping small clay like tirds. She goes to school. Pick her up from school, and she looks pregnant. Take her back to the ED. They do another XRAY, belly full of poop again. Another NG tube and admit. This time, she's on it for 36 hours.

She has an appointment next week with a GI who specializes in CF. I'm really hoping that he can be more helpful than the hospital docs. I wanted to scream at them everytime they said she was constipated. And what's worse is all that they keep saying is give her miralax. I am and was throughout all of this crap (no pun intended)

So long story short, I too feel like the docs don't take this seriously enough, and haveno clue what to do with her.

She did not have MI at birth, but was not diagnosed until 4.5 years old. I think there's damage to her intestines from not being properly treated with enzymes from birth. They told us she had food allergies. UGH!!! So frustrating, everytime I think about it...

I'll let you guys know if the GI appointment is helpful. Have either of you tried oral mucomyst? I've heard of people on here using it for DIOS, but I know it'll be hard to get right now.

These two admits were 10X worse than her pulmonary admits. I hope she never has to go through this again. I just wish they would give me more tools, other than miralax!!

Best of luck to your babes and their bellies.


Staff member
One of the local kids takes mucomyst orally to cut thru the crud (mucus). When DS was admitted for his obstruction a few years ago they tried golytely, the switched to mucomst thru an ng tube.


I want to voice my sympathy for what you moms go through. And your babies. You are all so wise and brave and I'm so sorry for all the uncertainty and trial and error you have to do. You have my admiration.


Super Moderator
littlemisscoughsalot: Thank you so much for your details. And I cannot tell you how much it helps to know that that admit was 10x worse than lungs. I was a wreck during the entire hospital stay and have a huge phobia of ever having to have him back in the hospital again (not a good one given he has CF!), and I cannot tell you how much it means to me to know that it was so much worse for that. Please do let me know re the GI doctor and how it goes and also if you could share a name and how you know he is a CF GI specialist? None of the GIs at our hospital (where the clinic is) have that as a nitch but all treat. And I really want to have a second opinion to consult. I literally spend 2 weeks calm and happy and then 3-6 weeks thinking we are one poop (or lack thereof) away from being back in ER and hospital which was sooooo horrible and I cannot imagine how they could do to him now what they did then now that he is almost 4 and can fight everything. I held him the entire 24 hoursish with the golyghty pumping in ng tube and he would have the most violent painful cramping about every 20 minutes that back then i could barely hold him. and the enimas . . .

And thanks Melissa for the kind words. . . it is frustrating and so scary to feel like you are on your own assessing every bite, poop, stomach pain, etc.
The GI doc I met once in her clinic. He was newly hired and was doing a orientation with the CF clinic. He is a GI, but was introduced to me as a GI doc with lots of experiance treating CF. We are in Seattle WA, but his name is Jeff Fahl.

One thing I learned, is that I will NEVER allow them to do another enema. She screamed in pain, and it produced absolutely no results.

I have a question for you both,

Everytime they pressed on her tummy, they said it was soft. With constipation, you would expect to feel the hard masses of stool, but for her, it was just the clay like CF poop all thoroughout her abdomen. I think this is why it was missed for so long. Do you remember what yours kid's bellies felt like prior to the episodes?

This is totally driving me crazy too. We've worked really hard over the past year to move her BMI up from 20%. Last appointment, before the DIOS, she was in the 90%!!! Now she's lost 3 lbs in a month. It's just so frustrating, because you can see how uncomfortable they are, and there isn't a whole lot you can do to help.

Take care! I'll repost here after her appointment.



Super Moderator
Thanks. DS's belly is always soft. it gets bloated looking before he needs to poop but it is soft. The doctors can all feel stool inside and the xrays showed "full of stool," but it was still soft. I can understand re the enima, but something to keep in mind is that they need to hit it from both ends in case something is stuck above and below and that if it doesn't clear they have to do surgery, so I'm wondering if a sedative might help if EVER in that situation. Also re BMI: Alot of that 90% weight was likely stool--it was for our DS too. And same thing happened here but DS gained it back quickly and is more stable now. Please keep me posted and let me know of anything else you learn, . . .please.


New member
Thanks for all of the replies. It's great to be able to share experiences! I'm thinking a proactive monthly clean-out may help. We had kind-of been doing that for awhile and I want to get back on a schedule. I hate this's hard to find 3 days in a row to just sit around by the toilet!

Normally, our son's belly is soft. During the BO, it was bloated and filled with air. Our old GI (who was actually more knowledgeable about CF than the new one), said that a blockage is not able to be felt by palpatating the abdomen. Not sure if this is true, or not. They are usually checking for liver enlargement, when they do it to our son. They also listen to his abdomen with a stethoscope for "positive bowel sounds".

I'll ask Pulmonary about Mucomyst at his appt in April. I talked to the CF dietitian a while back about CF constipation, and if I remember correctly...the mucus in the intestines is like all other CF mucus...lacking water and salt, making it thick and sticky. That's why we use the Miralax to bring more water into the intestines. I keep thinking that his intestines are dehydrated. Obviously, Miralax alone is not enough. Electrolytes may help. What else? More salt in the diet? Our son was also on IV fluids (I think it was Sodium Choride) during the BO, this "rehydration" could have been what made him feel so good after we got home. I will fully discuss these ideas with his CF team and report back. Intestines could also be inflammed or have polyps making it harder for stool to pass through.

I also want to mention that we have an endoscopy (routine for EoE) coming up in May. I finally convinced the new GI to add a colonoscopy and the CF dietitian added a Pancreatic Stimulation Test. So maybe we'll have more answers after those tests. I'll keep you posted, if there is anything relevent.


To all of you moms battling this issue, keep it up. I have battle with my two girls for years. Sometimes well, sometimes not so well. I have my own story that is very similar to what you have written about your children. I finally had a colon resection this summer to take out some damaged sigmoid colon. The sticky issues remain and the slow motility and digestive issues remain, but at least there is no mechanical blockage stopping the flow. I take Amitiza and LOTS of Milk of Magnesia. I am not crazy about Miralax, but do resort to it when necessary. I have to watch heavy breads and meats and switch to liquids when things start building up. Good luck.
Hi my friends,

Saw the GI today. He was somewhat helpful. Suggested that we test for celiac due to DD's bloated tummy and cramping. Apparently there is some evidance that it is more prevalant amoung the CF population. We shall see... He basically said that due to her having dios, we should keep her stools really loose with miralax. Wile it is not very fun for her, it will prevent another blockage which we don't want to have to deal with. He prescribed dicyclomide for the cramping with a very strong caution that it can cause back-ups, so we need to be on constant poop-patrol which is fine because I already am.

Going back in 6 weeks.. Good news is I was sure she had lost weight, but she's up a pound from when we left the hospital.

Hope you are all doing well.
