Brady is in the hospital


New member
Hi, just letting everyone know that our 4 year old Brady is back in the hospital. (2nd time this year, he was in back in February for 2 weeks, then on home IV for a week and the 4th week had to get a new med port in his chest) He went in yesterday for a clean-out. We are praying we can go home early next week on home IV, it is hard for me to get to a computer, we are 2 hours from home, and he doesn't like me to leave the room................. my husband leaves for a florida trip on monday morning for a week... ug 3 other kids at home, pray we can go home!!! I wish I had a lap top in Brady room, very boring!!!

They also mentioned that Brady is going cepia. (spelling?) Is this early??? He already has the pseudomouis- got at 2 months.

Thanks for listening!

Step- Mom to Brittany 13 no cf
Mom to Tyler 12 no cf, carrier
Mom to Brady 4 with cf
Mom to Taylor 3 no cf, chromosome 9q deletion 9q 21.2 q 22.1


New member
Angie, did you mean cepacia? If so, then yes. Also, cepacia is a pretty bad bug. I'd ask his doctors how they plan to treat it and to treat it as aggressively as possible. I'm sorry he's in again.


New member
Update: I got the doctors to let Brady go home on home IV, but have to see doctor on friday. He also needs to see an ENT doctor on Friday due to nose polyup. (sp??) He will probably be on home IV for another week an 1/2 yet.



New member
Thanks for the update Angie. Also, if you want more info on cepacia, you may try posting a thread with the title "cepacia". Or, you may try posting in adults since it seems much more common in adults than children. HTH.


New member
Sorry, Angie, I see you've already done that<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I hope you get many helpful answers.