Brag about my son


New member
Way to Go! It is great when they want to learn so they can help themself. I remembering Cory starting his own IV. He was begging the nurse to let him do it so the nurse and hospital resident "assisted". I remember how proud he felt and he was 14


New member
Way to Go! It is great when they want to learn so they can help themself. I remembering Cory starting his own IV. He was begging the nurse to let him do it so the nurse and hospital resident "assisted". I remember how proud he felt and he was 14


New member
Way to Go! It is great when they want to learn so they can help themself. I remembering Cory starting his own IV. He was begging the nurse to let him do it so the nurse and hospital resident "assisted". I remember how proud he felt and he was 14


New member
Way to Go! It is great when they want to learn so they can help themself. I remembering Cory starting his own IV. He was begging the nurse to let him do it so the nurse and hospital resident "assisted". I remember how proud he felt and he was 14


New member
Way to Go! It is great when they want to learn so they can help themself. I remembering Cory starting his own IV. He was begging the nurse to let him do it so the nurse and hospital resident "assisted". I remember how proud he felt and he was 14