maggie broke out in a few welts/hives on her hands and feet last night; at first I thought they were bug bites but we were not outside at all yesterday.. They were so itchy she was crying(unusual for her). We had a ton of company over this weekend racking my brain about something new she may be allergic to. Recently, used a new soft soap, never used before with fragrance on her; wondering if that's it. She is finishing up on her double dose of bactrim today, but she's been taking bactrim forever. Anyway. I gave her a dose of benadryl last night and the welts were pretty much gone this am. She went to school(didn't want to) When she came home from school she was fine; then she played outside for soccer practice, it was very hot...And she broke out again in welts, different spots, neck and some in the same area hands. arg!!! so I just gave her another dose of benadryl...I think the sweating and exersize stimulated that histamine respone again...I am concerned because I don't use benadryl for her but I feel like I have little choice, right now..I remember mt son a few years ago having some wierd virus and it causing hives, though I don't recall that they looked the same now itchy...Anyway, advice anyone?