Breastfeeding & Milk Supply


New member
Stress, shields, and a decrease in him nursing all contribute to decreased milk supply. So frustrating - you're such a good mama for pushing through this! I pumped for a year (DD stopped nursing soon after birth due to CF and needing to supplement BM with added calories/formula). I also took fenugreek- it worked well for me but started to give me cramping after months of use (one of the side effects).


New member
Stress, shields, and a decrease in him nursing all contribute to decreased milk supply. So frustrating - you're such a good mama for pushing through this! I pumped for a year (DD stopped nursing soon after birth due to CF and needing to supplement BM with added calories/formula). I also took fenugreek- it worked well for me but started to give me cramping after months of use (one of the side effects).


New member
Thanks again ladies. William nursed well without shields over the weekend (yeah!) though not ever time, but then started a head cold into Monday. He hasn't nursed decently since the cold. I think the congestion and needing to unlatch to breathe has made it frustrating for him. I am continuing to pump and will still try to nurse, especially on weekends when we are around each other 24-2 (weekends).

We are currently (grudgingly) supplementing my breast milk w/ liquid formula (mixing the liquid formula w/ my breast milk) in order to lengthen out the time he will have breast milk. As we supplement, my pumping replaces the approximate amount of the breast milk being used daily. Hopefully he will pick up nursing again more routinely soon. Though I am wondering if he just prefers bottles. Breastfeeding was difficult the first 3 mo due to yeast for both he and I, and pain for me (I have permanent scars on both nipples) so maybe he just finds this less stressful. I am not sure, but I will keep trying occasionally to see if he decides to nurse.

It would be nice if he came around, but I have to also learn to accept what he is telling me verses what I want for him. I am sure a good lesson to learn early on as a first-time parent- though difficult.

Tx again for all of your support!


New member
Thanks again ladies. William nursed well without shields over the weekend (yeah!) though not ever time, but then started a head cold into Monday. He hasn't nursed decently since the cold. I think the congestion and needing to unlatch to breathe has made it frustrating for him. I am continuing to pump and will still try to nurse, especially on weekends when we are around each other 24-2 (weekends).

We are currently (grudgingly) supplementing my breast milk w/ liquid formula (mixing the liquid formula w/ my breast milk) in order to lengthen out the time he will have breast milk. As we supplement, my pumping replaces the approximate amount of the breast milk being used daily. Hopefully he will pick up nursing again more routinely soon. Though I am wondering if he just prefers bottles. Breastfeeding was difficult the first 3 mo due to yeast for both he and I, and pain for me (I have permanent scars on both nipples) so maybe he just finds this less stressful. I am not sure, but I will keep trying occasionally to see if he decides to nurse.

It would be nice if he came around, but I have to also learn to accept what he is telling me verses what I want for him. I am sure a good lesson to learn early on as a first-time parent- though difficult.

Tx again for all of your support!


New member
Thanks again ladies. William nursed well without shields over the weekend (yeah!) though not ever time, but then started a head cold into Monday. He hasn't nursed decently since the cold. I think the congestion and needing to unlatch to breathe has made it frustrating for him. I am continuing to pump and will still try to nurse, especially on weekends when we are around each other 24-2 (weekends).

We are currently (grudgingly) supplementing my breast milk w/ liquid formula (mixing the liquid formula w/ my breast milk) in order to lengthen out the time he will have breast milk. As we supplement, my pumping replaces the approximate amount of the breast milk being used daily. Hopefully he will pick up nursing again more routinely soon. Though I am wondering if he just prefers bottles. Breastfeeding was difficult the first 3 mo due to yeast for both he and I, and pain for me (I have permanent scars on both nipples) so maybe he just finds this less stressful. I am not sure, but I will keep trying occasionally to see if he decides to nurse.

It would be nice if he came around, but I have to also learn to accept what he is telling me verses what I want for him. I am sure a good lesson to learn early on as a first-time parent- though difficult.

Tx again for all of your support!