breathing excercises, do you all do them?


New member
I think that there is such focus in CF treatment these days to begin therapy ASAP that there is a trend to put a lot of pressure on young patients and their caregivers about airway clearance. As an adult, I know what works for me, and it's a mix of all kinds of tecniques. But I think for children, even up to young teen-agers, the best thing is to have someone else do the pounding or percussing. It makes sure it gets done and that it's effective, as well as offers support for the kid.
23 w/ CF


New member
I don't think 4 is too young to start some of these breathing exercises - as long as the child is ready. When my son DOES do it right, he's able to cough up what he needs to.



New member
well i asked at the cf clinic if there are any other teqniques i can try and she just said no, this is the best for her, so i said what if i do pounding again, and she said rudly, yeh if you want her to go back to relying on you and she will never be independant, charming!!!!!
so i dont know what to do now, im going to buy her a trampoline because exercise is way up high on the best physiotherapy, so thats a start.


New member
Well that woman sounds like a rude wench. I'm 21 and I still rely on people pounding me as my form of therapy sometimes. There's nothing wrong with your daughter doing it. But a trampoline works too.


New member
kinda goin off the subj a bit but im freaking out a bit now . I used to have physio therepy daily at school and get lots of excerise im now 19 and havent done any type of physio, huffing etc on a DAILY basis since i can remember this being about 6yrs ago. However when i am ill i do use my flutter and i try and row every other day for 15mins but part from this i do nothing in the sense of trying to remove the 'muck' Im scared i have left it too late now to start.And that i have damaged my lungs beyond repair.. help wanted plz!


New member
When I was 8 I learned to do the pep mask and by the age of 9 or 10, I had stopped doing pounding all together. Now personally speaking, I am now 17 and feel that 8 was way too young to start physio by myself. I became lazy and at that age I didn't realise the importance of doing physio. I find it very hard to cut bad habits like not doing physio. Luckily thats slowly changing now. I completely disagree with that physiother\pist who told you "fine she can always rely on you." Do a bit of pounding and let her do a bit of self physio. Don' t worry about her not been independent, she's not at that age anyway yet.<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
hi Anonymous! lol
not meaning to scare you here but my daughter hasnt done much physio for ages and her chest is now out of shape because of it!
its because she has air retention in her right side of her lung and physio helps her to breathe properly and get rid of it, but its getting worse because she wont do her breathing exercises so she has this horrible hard lump on her right side thats getting bigger and shes also got wing backed, her postures not straight at all her back curves at the bottom and comes out at the top, the only way we can stop this is if she does her breathing because at the minute her bones are soft so they could go back, but if it carries on as she gets older her bones will set and her body will stay thay way...not that shes bothered now but she will be as she gets older.
what youve said though is you do a lot of exercises so i dont think you need to worry, chloe actually dosnt get any exercise so this is a problem too.


New member
My son is 2 with CF and with have been pounding him since he was 2 weeks old.
They have told us that to continue that way for as long as he likes it, and when he is old enough and responsible enough to have another method then we can go for a PEP or flutter device.
Unfortunately in my country we do not have the vest.
I think that may be the same in the UK as well.
As for the huffing, my little boy likes to copy me doing it after he has been on his tramp or after physio, I don't think he is doing it right but it's worth a try!
Mother to Matt 2yrs w/CF and baby on the way wo/CF


New member
I have a son that has had several time periods of some non compliance issues. When we were at the stage of him "complaining" about therapy, we bought a mini trampoline. After therapy, he would get to jump on the trampoline. He loved it!
My son still requested that I do manual BD when he isn't feeling good. He has tried almost all the devices and methods out there but manual is the one that he believes works the best.
Good luck


New member
Hi There,
I am from New Zealand (a little island in the South Pacific)!
We only have around 300 people with CF in this country.
Mother to Matt 2yrs w/CF and baby on the way wo/CF