Breathing Treatment and Tredmill


New member
Thanks you guys for your replys...

Well, last nights treaments were done on the tredmill. I can honestly say, I should have done this sooner. Man, I got both out of the way so fast. And I was definately couphing up junk.

This morning worked well also. So I am pretty sure this is a routine that I can stick too.

Thanks Again for your replies.


New member
Thanks you guys for your replys...

Well, last nights treaments were done on the tredmill. I can honestly say, I should have done this sooner. Man, I got both out of the way so fast. And I was definately couphing up junk.

This morning worked well also. So I am pretty sure this is a routine that I can stick too.

Thanks Again for your replies.


New member
Thanks you guys for your replys...

Well, last nights treaments were done on the tredmill. I can honestly say, I should have done this sooner. Man, I got both out of the way so fast. And I was definately couphing up junk.

This morning worked well also. So I am pretty sure this is a routine that I can stick too.

Thanks Again for your replies.


New member
Thanks you guys for your replys...

Well, last nights treaments were done on the tredmill. I can honestly say, I should have done this sooner. Man, I got both out of the way so fast. And I was definately couphing up junk.

This morning worked well also. So I am pretty sure this is a routine that I can stick too.

Thanks Again for your replies.


New member
Thanks you guys for your replys...

Well, last nights treaments were done on the tredmill. I can honestly say, I should have done this sooner. Man, I got both out of the way so fast. And I was definately couphing up junk.

This morning worked well also. So I am pretty sure this is a routine that I can stick too.

Thanks Again for your replies.