Brigham and Womens transplant program


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Hi. I just completed the evaluation process and saw that some others are at the same hospital in Boston. So happy/pleasantly surprised. Don't know anyone else w/this illness except my older brother who is quite healthy. Brigham referred me to two post-transplant patients to talk to and they've been a great resource and support system.

I am 32, married w/a 7 month-old baby. Had symptom-free childhood. Symptoms appeared/worsened when I was in my mid-to-late 20's. Life has certainly changed now. Get tired a lot, have coughing fits that are so violent my body shakes, get a fever sometimes from the infection and throw up a lot. Weighed 118 pounds in grad school (1998) and now weight 94. Not sure how it happened, but over time I just lost interest in food. Brigham asked me to get a feeding tube so I just did. Cut off weight to get transplant there is 93 pounds otherwise not strong enough to go through it.

Transplant evaluation was long and tedious, but not too awful. Involves a lot of tests/procedures, but they try to fit a bunch in one day so it's about 3 or 4 days total and they spread it out over a month (or at least they did for me). One of the most important things they look at (besides weight) is strength/stamina. They have you do a 6 minute walk (basically walking laps) and this must be updated every 6 months until you get your transplant. Very important to stay in shape and even lift weights. Was told the patients who do the best w/transplant are the active ones. I know this can be hard when you feel like crap and are short of breath, but I think any kind of activity is better than nothing. So, I'm trying...

Think it'll be awhile b/f I get my new lungs. Not one of the sickest (which seems funny compared to a normal person!). Read how Mike's FEV1 is 24% (guy listed at Brigham). Must be so hard. My FEV1 was 29% when I was pregnant and I remember lying on the couch gasping for air. I felt like I was in hell. Not here to sugar coat anything as I don't walk in Mike's shoes. I just hope he can hang in there as I here the wait is so well worth it. I imagine the day I wake up with normal lungs and can just breathe without coughing. I want to experience that at some point in my life. It's got to be worth the wait. It just has to be!

Hang in there.


New member
Thanks for sharing your story. I hope and pray you (and Mike and everyone else who needs lungs) gets them soon. I have also heard any activity is better than none to keep up your strength. Hang in there!


New member
Good luck. Try to stay strong so your body can take the surgery and the recovery. My PFT is 68% and I can really feel it, I can not imagine being in the 20 percentile. Hang in there!

Jennifer 34 years old with Cf and CFrd


New member
Hey - Im going to Brigham's too for a transplant evaluation soon. Do you mind if I ask you how tall you are? I am 5'6" and they told me the minimum was 102- so I wondering if it depends on height. I think my FEV1 is around 20% and I am on oxygen 24-7 and a bi-pap, so my doctor says its "time". I have been working really hard on my strength training- I have P/T 2 times a week and I do my own thing the other days. Well it would be nice to keep in contact with you since we are both in the same boat.


New member
Hi Vicki!!
Mike has been waiting since November, but luckily he is strong enough until his new improved 2006 model lungs come in. The first few weeks after he was listed, every phone call and ambulance sound made us jump out of our skin. But after that, we settled right into this waiting game. Some days it's frustrating, other days it's in the back of my mind (can't speak for him- but we enjoy ourselves every day). We have all the confidence in the world that he will get them in time. Brigham is great- not as friendly as Hasbro, but I guess it's better to have serious lung surgeons than friendly ones!!! The doctor we saw last time was very straight with us and told us where he was on the list. We met a woman in the waiting room who had been transplanted 7 years ago, and Mike also talks to 2 men who had transplants there. Amykins on this site is also being evaluated there.
Keep us updated and we'll do the same!
Good luck!!


Digital opinion leader
Hi Vickie,

I'm curious about your evaluation at B&W. My boys' doctors want us to talk to the Transplant Team from Children's and I wondered if there was any cross-over between the two hospitals. If you don't mind me asking, where are you usually seen?

Good luck with your waiting, hope it goes quickly for you.


New member
Thanks Vicki for sharing your story with us. It sounds like you are listed at an excellent hospital. To breathe without coughing and gasping for air has to be worth it. Just think of all the things you will be able to do with your new lungs. Keep your eye on that goal and I am praying that you, Mike, Amy and all those waiting will receive the your new lungs soon. What a wonderful day that will be. Please let us know how it is going for you from time to time.


New member
Well, I'm off to Brigham this month to start my eval or at least get pre-approved for an eval. Looks like this is the place to be for us 20% PFTers. I am down in the lower 20s as well. I consider myself doing well all considering. I still work full time and putter around the house with my 02, although everything is getting more tiring and draining. Anyway, its time to start the next chapter in this battle. Good luck to all, maybe we will cross paths in our recovery or better yet, in our new beginnings.

Take care,


New member
I know of someone (he's 21) who just had his second double lung transplant at Children's. I believe because he was 17 for his first one, they did it there. I also know of someone who turned 18 while waiting and switched to Brighams (by choice I think?). They are both excellent facilities. Both of them give you "mentors" who have been through it all already. Both also have a reputation for not compromising on lung quality- you will only get the best.


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oops that last one was me! Mike loves to chat about this too, so feel free to PM him, too. Or me, since he rarely uses this and I seem to be obsessed with it ;-)


New member
Hi. Will try to answer all questions:

I'm only 5'1 so the cut-off weight for me is 93 pounds. They're watching me closely as I'm 94.

My care has been at MGH my whole life. I don't know Childrens Hospital at all. I like the Brigham because it's a team of doctors rather than one person calling the shots. It's good to get varying opinions and knowledge of things--plus no one doc has too much power. I don't know what the set up at Children's is like.

Don't know Hasbro?? What/where is it?

All the transplant docs I've met have been pretty serious--some lacking a bedside manner...maybe not the best for friendships or fun, but we don't need them for that, anyway. We want the lungs and we want to live so we put up with it.

What more can I say???
Hang in there everyone--so nice to have some new friends!


New member
For katyf13

Mike has been waiting since November? So by time he gets the lungs it'll be about a year? Is that the typical waiting time? So hard to tell now that system has changed. Did he join the program already very sick? Had his other eval tests come out normal and good or not so good? Mine all came out good, I think. If anything is too personal you don't have to answer--just trying to figure out how long I'll be waiting.



New member
Yea, I noticed the doctors I met were not the nicest, but they knew what they were talking about. I wonder how long the average wait is @ B & W? does anyone know? I know it all has to do with your criteria but I wonder how long most wait. Also, I am one of the less common blood types, do you think you would get one faster or have to wait longer because of that? just wondering what you think?


New member
I know the wait time really depends on blood type and all of the evaluation stuff. My friend had a very rare blood type. While he was waiting he passed on. They actually had to take him off the transplant list because he got too sick. An alternative they were looking at was a lob transplant but they still could not find a match. No one in his family even matched. He was at Bringham & and Women's. I have heard of other people who recieved their new transplated lungs very quickly after being placed on the list. Everyone's situation is different. I hope everyone that is waiting for new lungs receive them in a timely mannor.


New member
To Steph: YES, had Dr. Lapey most of my life. Switched to adult doc after grad school, but didn't like her and felt Lapey and I needed a break (we are very close--he's like a father to me, but felt i needed to "spread my wings"). Now I'm w/Dr. Dorkin who I love, but Lapey always cares for me when he's away. Both were at my wedding and both were so protective of me when I was pregnant. They are the best! Do you have Lapey? What has been your experience thus far?

To Amy: what is your blood type? I'm A negative. When do you start the eval? I can offer any pointers I have if you need any.



New member
Vicki- me too (A-). I think that is a less common type?? my CF doc is going to make the app. for me, so I will let you know when I am going. What else matters..your body size??? Do you know how long after the eval you hear back from them?