Bronchoscopy Question?

I'm not even quite sure if I'm posting this under the correct category, but I hope this is alright. I'm eighteen years old, I have CF, and I just got my first bronchoscopy this morning. It's eleven at night right now, I'm starting to feel feverish again (cold, aches and pains - I had a short bout of this right after the procedure but it went away after a while), I'm wheezing, and I'm getting a burning sensation when I take a deep breath. I understand there are sometimes side effects like this with a bronch, but I was just wondering if anyone could tell me if this is normal? Also, if these symptoms should go away soon? Thank you for reading. :)


New member
My daughter had bronchocospy with sinus surgery, so her recovery was quite different. If your throat burns it could be from the breathing tube making your throat sore. If you are concerned you should call the on-call doctor and just be sure you are OK. You posted in the young people section and probably will get more responses in the adult section since more people would have had bronchoscopies at ages old enough to remember which symptoms were normal. I hope you feel better really soon.


New member
Everybody's lungs respond differently to being invaded. I have had 3 bronchsin my life. 2 went off without a problem. The last one was a nightmare. In the recovery room when I woke up my lungs basically closed. I could not breathe. I had bronchospasm so bad,I was in the hospital for a week. I went in for an outpatient bronchosopy. Eventually I recovered, but my lungs did not like being irritated. It sounds like your body is reacting to the irritation. Tell your doctor exactly what you are feeling.
good luck!
Thank you both so much for the input! I really appreciate it. It's been a day now and I still have the same symptoms so I did call my doctor, but a nurse told me he would call me back to discuss it and the office is closed now, so I have no idea what happened there, they are usually pretty good at getting back to me. Again, thank you! I just wanted to talk to some people who have had the same procedure in the meantime, to help ease my worries.


New member
My wife just had one yesterday and she feels very irritated in the trachea but the dictor says it is normal because of the poking around with the endoscopy but he said that should go away in 1 day or 2.
So if it has been more than 2 days go to the doctor.