

New member
Has any adult Cfer had a bronchospy to suction mucus from a collapsed lobe? I have been in the hospital 10 days & so far CPT hasn't helped this section of my lung feel much better. My CF doc suggested doing a bronchospy to relieve the discomfort, but I'm wondering does it work?
Did It help your lung feel a lot better & did it last very long? Has anyone had complications?
I'm a bit nervous. I have had my lungs "washed out" before, but never a bronchospy with only sedation.
Is the procedure very uncomfortable?

Please any advice would be greatly appreciated!


New member
Has any adult Cfer had a bronchospy to suction mucus from a collapsed lobe? I have been in the hospital 10 days & so far CPT hasn't helped this section of my lung feel much better. My CF doc suggested doing a bronchospy to relieve the discomfort, but I'm wondering does it work?
Did It help your lung feel a lot better & did it last very long? Has anyone had complications?
I'm a bit nervous. I have had my lungs "washed out" before, but never a bronchospy with only sedation.
Is the procedure very uncomfortable?

Please any advice would be greatly appreciated!


New member
Has any adult Cfer had a bronchospy to suction mucus from a collapsed lobe? I have been in the hospital 10 days & so far CPT hasn't helped this section of my lung feel much better. My CF doc suggested doing a bronchospy to relieve the discomfort, but I'm wondering does it work?
Did It help your lung feel a lot better & did it last very long? Has anyone had complications?
I'm a bit nervous. I have had my lungs "washed out" before, but never a bronchospy with only sedation.
Is the procedure very uncomfortable?

Please any advice would be greatly appreciated!


New member
Has any adult Cfer had a bronchospy to suction mucus from a collapsed lobe? I have been in the hospital 10 days & so far CPT hasn't helped this section of my lung feel much better. My CF doc suggested doing a bronchospy to relieve the discomfort, but I'm wondering does it work?
Did It help your lung feel a lot better & did it last very long? Has anyone had complications?
I'm a bit nervous. I have had my lungs "washed out" before, but never a bronchospy with only sedation.
Is the procedure very uncomfortable?

Please any advice would be greatly appreciated!


New member
Has any adult Cfer had a bronchospy to suction mucus from a collapsed lobe? I have been in the hospital 10 days & so far CPT hasn't helped this section of my lung feel much better. My CF doc suggested doing a bronchospy to relieve the discomfort, but I'm wondering does it work?
Did It help your lung feel a lot better & did it last very long? Has anyone had complications?
I'm a bit nervous. I have had my lungs "washed out" before, but never a bronchospy with only sedation.
Is the procedure very uncomfortable?

Please any advice would be greatly appreciated!


New member
hi faith:

i had my first ever bronchoscopy around this time last year for the same reason -- a collapsed lobe due to blocked airways. my cf doc suggested it as well, although to my knowledge it was less about discomfort and more to see if we could get the lobe to reinflate a bit. at any rate, it is really NOT a big deal. they didn't put me all the way under, but they gave me drugs to make me loopy, and they had me inhale a local numbing agent through a neb to dull the airways. i didn't have too much pain going into it, but i do remember feeling very "clear" right after the procedure and for a couple of weeks. it was like a super treatment, i guess, because they suctioned out a TON of gunk.

you won't remember much if any of it after the fact. i was more or less awake throughout (some people doze off with the loopy drugs, but i apparently kept trying to talk!), but my only memory is a very hazy sense that they were moving around and one vague memory of looking at the monitor screen, which showed the inside of my lungs. gross.

i would trust you doc on this one. it's worth a shot, and it's really not a bad experience. hopefully you'll feel the same! at the very least your lungs will enjoy have all the mucus gone.


New member
hi faith:

i had my first ever bronchoscopy around this time last year for the same reason -- a collapsed lobe due to blocked airways. my cf doc suggested it as well, although to my knowledge it was less about discomfort and more to see if we could get the lobe to reinflate a bit. at any rate, it is really NOT a big deal. they didn't put me all the way under, but they gave me drugs to make me loopy, and they had me inhale a local numbing agent through a neb to dull the airways. i didn't have too much pain going into it, but i do remember feeling very "clear" right after the procedure and for a couple of weeks. it was like a super treatment, i guess, because they suctioned out a TON of gunk.

you won't remember much if any of it after the fact. i was more or less awake throughout (some people doze off with the loopy drugs, but i apparently kept trying to talk!), but my only memory is a very hazy sense that they were moving around and one vague memory of looking at the monitor screen, which showed the inside of my lungs. gross.

i would trust you doc on this one. it's worth a shot, and it's really not a bad experience. hopefully you'll feel the same! at the very least your lungs will enjoy have all the mucus gone.


New member
hi faith:

i had my first ever bronchoscopy around this time last year for the same reason -- a collapsed lobe due to blocked airways. my cf doc suggested it as well, although to my knowledge it was less about discomfort and more to see if we could get the lobe to reinflate a bit. at any rate, it is really NOT a big deal. they didn't put me all the way under, but they gave me drugs to make me loopy, and they had me inhale a local numbing agent through a neb to dull the airways. i didn't have too much pain going into it, but i do remember feeling very "clear" right after the procedure and for a couple of weeks. it was like a super treatment, i guess, because they suctioned out a TON of gunk.

you won't remember much if any of it after the fact. i was more or less awake throughout (some people doze off with the loopy drugs, but i apparently kept trying to talk!), but my only memory is a very hazy sense that they were moving around and one vague memory of looking at the monitor screen, which showed the inside of my lungs. gross.

i would trust you doc on this one. it's worth a shot, and it's really not a bad experience. hopefully you'll feel the same! at the very least your lungs will enjoy have all the mucus gone.


New member
hi faith:

i had my first ever bronchoscopy around this time last year for the same reason -- a collapsed lobe due to blocked airways. my cf doc suggested it as well, although to my knowledge it was less about discomfort and more to see if we could get the lobe to reinflate a bit. at any rate, it is really NOT a big deal. they didn't put me all the way under, but they gave me drugs to make me loopy, and they had me inhale a local numbing agent through a neb to dull the airways. i didn't have too much pain going into it, but i do remember feeling very "clear" right after the procedure and for a couple of weeks. it was like a super treatment, i guess, because they suctioned out a TON of gunk.

you won't remember much if any of it after the fact. i was more or less awake throughout (some people doze off with the loopy drugs, but i apparently kept trying to talk!), but my only memory is a very hazy sense that they were moving around and one vague memory of looking at the monitor screen, which showed the inside of my lungs. gross.

i would trust you doc on this one. it's worth a shot, and it's really not a bad experience. hopefully you'll feel the same! at the very least your lungs will enjoy have all the mucus gone.


New member
hi faith:
<br />
<br />i had my first ever bronchoscopy around this time last year for the same reason -- a collapsed lobe due to blocked airways. my cf doc suggested it as well, although to my knowledge it was less about discomfort and more to see if we could get the lobe to reinflate a bit. at any rate, it is really NOT a big deal. they didn't put me all the way under, but they gave me drugs to make me loopy, and they had me inhale a local numbing agent through a neb to dull the airways. i didn't have too much pain going into it, but i do remember feeling very "clear" right after the procedure and for a couple of weeks. it was like a super treatment, i guess, because they suctioned out a TON of gunk.
<br />
<br />you won't remember much if any of it after the fact. i was more or less awake throughout (some people doze off with the loopy drugs, but i apparently kept trying to talk!), but my only memory is a very hazy sense that they were moving around and one vague memory of looking at the monitor screen, which showed the inside of my lungs. gross.
<br />
<br />i would trust you doc on this one. it's worth a shot, and it's really not a bad experience. hopefully you'll feel the same! at the very least your lungs will enjoy have all the mucus gone.


New member
I had a bronch for a collapsed lobe caused by a blockage in 2005. I will say immediately there was some relief and I was able to breathe more easily.

That being said in the long run I was never able to regain the lung function that I lost from that collapse. The tightness was just gone and the pain.

There are some side effects that can occur with bronchs - like wheezing, excess coughing or coughing up blood. Being that they are in your airways and that CAN be irritating. It normally only takes a few days too feel "normal" if you do have any odd feelings. I have been told to call the doc if I have wheezing after bronchs.

I now get them regularly due to the transplant stuff, so it may be different. I did not have any problems after my bronch pre transplant I was just a little tight for a day or so.

Post transplant I have had a few occasions where I have coughed up a few blood clots - maybe 1 or 2 no major bleeding. I have also had mild wheezing after 1 bronch that turned out to be caused by my waking up in the middle of the bronch. I woke up and kind of panicked not familiar with where I was while the scope was in my lungs.

I just wanted to put those possibilities out there. All in all I love to get the bronchs done. I think that it may help but I would try to go over any and all possible complications with your doc. I look forward to mine but will admit that it can be nerve racking if you have never had them done before.

I agree with Piper that I would listen to the doc and trust him. I doubt he would recomend the bronch if he wasn't confident that he could take care of you properly.



New member
I had a bronch for a collapsed lobe caused by a blockage in 2005. I will say immediately there was some relief and I was able to breathe more easily.

That being said in the long run I was never able to regain the lung function that I lost from that collapse. The tightness was just gone and the pain.

There are some side effects that can occur with bronchs - like wheezing, excess coughing or coughing up blood. Being that they are in your airways and that CAN be irritating. It normally only takes a few days too feel "normal" if you do have any odd feelings. I have been told to call the doc if I have wheezing after bronchs.

I now get them regularly due to the transplant stuff, so it may be different. I did not have any problems after my bronch pre transplant I was just a little tight for a day or so.

Post transplant I have had a few occasions where I have coughed up a few blood clots - maybe 1 or 2 no major bleeding. I have also had mild wheezing after 1 bronch that turned out to be caused by my waking up in the middle of the bronch. I woke up and kind of panicked not familiar with where I was while the scope was in my lungs.

I just wanted to put those possibilities out there. All in all I love to get the bronchs done. I think that it may help but I would try to go over any and all possible complications with your doc. I look forward to mine but will admit that it can be nerve racking if you have never had them done before.

I agree with Piper that I would listen to the doc and trust him. I doubt he would recomend the bronch if he wasn't confident that he could take care of you properly.



New member
I had a bronch for a collapsed lobe caused by a blockage in 2005. I will say immediately there was some relief and I was able to breathe more easily.

That being said in the long run I was never able to regain the lung function that I lost from that collapse. The tightness was just gone and the pain.

There are some side effects that can occur with bronchs - like wheezing, excess coughing or coughing up blood. Being that they are in your airways and that CAN be irritating. It normally only takes a few days too feel "normal" if you do have any odd feelings. I have been told to call the doc if I have wheezing after bronchs.

I now get them regularly due to the transplant stuff, so it may be different. I did not have any problems after my bronch pre transplant I was just a little tight for a day or so.

Post transplant I have had a few occasions where I have coughed up a few blood clots - maybe 1 or 2 no major bleeding. I have also had mild wheezing after 1 bronch that turned out to be caused by my waking up in the middle of the bronch. I woke up and kind of panicked not familiar with where I was while the scope was in my lungs.

I just wanted to put those possibilities out there. All in all I love to get the bronchs done. I think that it may help but I would try to go over any and all possible complications with your doc. I look forward to mine but will admit that it can be nerve racking if you have never had them done before.

I agree with Piper that I would listen to the doc and trust him. I doubt he would recomend the bronch if he wasn't confident that he could take care of you properly.



New member
I had a bronch for a collapsed lobe caused by a blockage in 2005. I will say immediately there was some relief and I was able to breathe more easily.

That being said in the long run I was never able to regain the lung function that I lost from that collapse. The tightness was just gone and the pain.

There are some side effects that can occur with bronchs - like wheezing, excess coughing or coughing up blood. Being that they are in your airways and that CAN be irritating. It normally only takes a few days too feel "normal" if you do have any odd feelings. I have been told to call the doc if I have wheezing after bronchs.

I now get them regularly due to the transplant stuff, so it may be different. I did not have any problems after my bronch pre transplant I was just a little tight for a day or so.

Post transplant I have had a few occasions where I have coughed up a few blood clots - maybe 1 or 2 no major bleeding. I have also had mild wheezing after 1 bronch that turned out to be caused by my waking up in the middle of the bronch. I woke up and kind of panicked not familiar with where I was while the scope was in my lungs.

I just wanted to put those possibilities out there. All in all I love to get the bronchs done. I think that it may help but I would try to go over any and all possible complications with your doc. I look forward to mine but will admit that it can be nerve racking if you have never had them done before.

I agree with Piper that I would listen to the doc and trust him. I doubt he would recomend the bronch if he wasn't confident that he could take care of you properly.



New member
I had a bronch for a collapsed lobe caused by a blockage in 2005. I will say immediately there was some relief and I was able to breathe more easily.
<br />
<br />That being said in the long run I was never able to regain the lung function that I lost from that collapse. The tightness was just gone and the pain.
<br />
<br />There are some side effects that can occur with bronchs - like wheezing, excess coughing or coughing up blood. Being that they are in your airways and that CAN be irritating. It normally only takes a few days too feel "normal" if you do have any odd feelings. I have been told to call the doc if I have wheezing after bronchs.
<br />
<br />I now get them regularly due to the transplant stuff, so it may be different. I did not have any problems after my bronch pre transplant I was just a little tight for a day or so.
<br />
<br />Post transplant I have had a few occasions where I have coughed up a few blood clots - maybe 1 or 2 no major bleeding. I have also had mild wheezing after 1 bronch that turned out to be caused by my waking up in the middle of the bronch. I woke up and kind of panicked not familiar with where I was while the scope was in my lungs.
<br />
<br />I just wanted to put those possibilities out there. All in all I love to get the bronchs done. I think that it may help but I would try to go over any and all possible complications with your doc. I look forward to mine but will admit that it can be nerve racking if you have never had them done before.
<br />
<br />I agree with Piper that I would listen to the doc and trust him. I doubt he would recomend the bronch if he wasn't confident that he could take care of you properly.
<br />
<br />
<br />Lindsey


New member
Faith - I had a bronch but it was only to investigate bleeding and inflammation. I tell you my experience only because I thougth something went wrong and was freaked out since everyone told me it was 'no big deal'. For a couple days afterward I ran a fever and felt like I had a horrible flu. I had a hard time breathing (for me) but not like low oxygen or anything just very different from my nromal, tight chested etc that the xopenex etc helped but not for a very long time.

After abotu a week all had subsided with teh worst gone within a few days. Anyway I have since been told/read that a small % do react this way and it is more common with the salt water lavage adn since I was having inflammation issues that probably has alot to do with my experience.

I just wanted you to know so if it did happen you wont be freaked out like I was.


New member
Faith - I had a bronch but it was only to investigate bleeding and inflammation. I tell you my experience only because I thougth something went wrong and was freaked out since everyone told me it was 'no big deal'. For a couple days afterward I ran a fever and felt like I had a horrible flu. I had a hard time breathing (for me) but not like low oxygen or anything just very different from my nromal, tight chested etc that the xopenex etc helped but not for a very long time.

After abotu a week all had subsided with teh worst gone within a few days. Anyway I have since been told/read that a small % do react this way and it is more common with the salt water lavage adn since I was having inflammation issues that probably has alot to do with my experience.

I just wanted you to know so if it did happen you wont be freaked out like I was.


New member
Faith - I had a bronch but it was only to investigate bleeding and inflammation. I tell you my experience only because I thougth something went wrong and was freaked out since everyone told me it was 'no big deal'. For a couple days afterward I ran a fever and felt like I had a horrible flu. I had a hard time breathing (for me) but not like low oxygen or anything just very different from my nromal, tight chested etc that the xopenex etc helped but not for a very long time.

After abotu a week all had subsided with teh worst gone within a few days. Anyway I have since been told/read that a small % do react this way and it is more common with the salt water lavage adn since I was having inflammation issues that probably has alot to do with my experience.

I just wanted you to know so if it did happen you wont be freaked out like I was.


New member
Faith - I had a bronch but it was only to investigate bleeding and inflammation. I tell you my experience only because I thougth something went wrong and was freaked out since everyone told me it was 'no big deal'. For a couple days afterward I ran a fever and felt like I had a horrible flu. I had a hard time breathing (for me) but not like low oxygen or anything just very different from my nromal, tight chested etc that the xopenex etc helped but not for a very long time.

After abotu a week all had subsided with teh worst gone within a few days. Anyway I have since been told/read that a small % do react this way and it is more common with the salt water lavage adn since I was having inflammation issues that probably has alot to do with my experience.

I just wanted you to know so if it did happen you wont be freaked out like I was.


New member
Faith - I had a bronch but it was only to investigate bleeding and inflammation. I tell you my experience only because I thougth something went wrong and was freaked out since everyone told me it was 'no big deal'. For a couple days afterward I ran a fever and felt like I had a horrible flu. I had a hard time breathing (for me) but not like low oxygen or anything just very different from my nromal, tight chested etc that the xopenex etc helped but not for a very long time.
<br />
<br />After abotu a week all had subsided with teh worst gone within a few days. Anyway I have since been told/read that a small % do react this way and it is more common with the salt water lavage adn since I was having inflammation issues that probably has alot to do with my experience.
<br />
<br />I just wanted you to know so if it did happen you wont be freaked out like I was.