My DS is getting fever frequently offlate and Sputum culture says there no growth what soever.
His ped pulmonologist is suggesting a broncoscopy. Somehow we are not comfortable with the idea.
We have never used pulmozyme before but want to use it before going for broncoscopy.
I understand it helps bring out the sputum deep inside.
Can someone please tell me if Broncoscopy is conducted on kids young as 3.5 yrs.
Is it safe. What are there any guide lines for it in your respective countries.
Please help.
His ped pulmonologist is suggesting a broncoscopy. Somehow we are not comfortable with the idea.
We have never used pulmozyme before but want to use it before going for broncoscopy.
I understand it helps bring out the sputum deep inside.
Can someone please tell me if Broncoscopy is conducted on kids young as 3.5 yrs.
Is it safe. What are there any guide lines for it in your respective countries.
Please help.