C.F walk


New member
I am in charge of the Cystic Fibrosis walk in Provo, Ut and I was just wondering if anyone has done this before or helped out and has any advice. I have been walking in them since I was little but never been in charge. So if anyone has any advice about how to get sponsors or getting people to donate would be awsome. I am just a little stressed out and lost on how to go about doing it. Any advice would be great.
Thanks Shavonica 19/f wcf


New member
If you go to the CF foundation website (cff.org) the have a place under "Great Strides" where they give you lots of tips on organizing teams for the walk and getting sponsors and general info. Or maybe you could just call your local CF foundation chapter and ask them for some tips. That may be helpful to you. My brother is the captain of my team so he is pretty much in charge of it all, but I know he got a lot of useful tips from the website.


New member
Hi Shavonica,

My name is Carey - I live in Ogden, UT and have participated in this walk for the last 3 years. The people through the Utah foundation are great to work with and very helpful. They should be able to answer most of your questions. I'm glad you are doing this. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Who knows - maybe we've met at past walks or even at "Taste of Salt Lake." <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



New member
Along with friends, we had a walk for the first time last year in our hometown and raised almost $19,000! Good luck, Kathy (Coll's Mom)


New member
I think it is awesome that you are doing the walk this year in Provo. I use to live in Orem but I never participated in the Provo walk. I always went up to Draper and walked in theirs. When is the Provo walk scheduled for? As far as getting donations, I really can't give you much advise. I use to just go around to homes and businesses and see if people would donate. Once you explain what you are doing and why people are usually willing to give you at least a couple of dollars. If you want you can email me, I may be able to give you some names of business that I think might donate. aanderson@maverik.com

-Ann 25 w/cf


New member
Letter writing campaigns work the best...what if we all posted out letters on this site so others (those who haven't done this in the past) can get an idea of how it works? What are your thoughts?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Good idea, maybe the administrator could create some sort of other section, with drop down options so you could open/download word documents or excel documents (I have word and excel documents on SSI and food deductions for taxes that I would love to just "set" in a place on this website so others could view as they needed). You should definetly make the suggestion!



New member
Here is one of ours....Dear friends and family:

We are once again getting ready for the GREAT STRIDES walk to raise money for a cure! Last year we raised $40,000 and this year we have a goal of $65,000.

We are grateful that our daughter continues to be relatively healthy. As you all know, last July, she spent 2 ½ days in the hospital and 10 days on a home IV to treat a bacteria called pseudomonas. This is something we do not want to experience again any time soon. We prayed the treatments she had to suffer through would keep her safe from pseudomonas, for a long time, but this did not happen. In February we found out that she had the bacteria again. At this time she does not have to undergo the IV treatments, but she does have to sit through an additional 20 minute breathing treatment, two times a day. This is on top of her 10 minutes of breathing treatments and 10 minutes of chest physical therapy (CPTs).

We continue to do her treatments two times a day, unless she is sick. When she is sick, we increase the treatments to three or four times a day. She also continues to take two enzymes with every meal and one with every snack. We cant wait until the day when she does not have to take the enzymes and undergo this type of therapy!

This is of course where your help comes in again this year! The walk will take place on May 11h at *** . There are a couple of ways in which you can become involved in this event. You can gather your friends, family or co-workers to form your own walking team or you can sponsor *** envelope of hope. If you can walk this year, please let us know so we can send you a sponsorship form (*** - *** - ****). If you are unable to walk but would like to sponsor her in the walk, please send us a check made payable to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for $25, $50, $100 or whatever you can afford (your sponsorship is tax deductible). Please mail your check in the enclosed envelope by May 5. We will greatly appreciate anything you can do to help *** and the other 30,000 children and adults living with CF. Our goal is to one day have CF stand for CURE FOUND!

Thank you for your help,


*CF is a genetic disease that affects approximately 30,000 children and adults in the United States. Despite the increasing life span for individuals with CF, now up to 32 years, CF remains fatal. CF is caused by a defective gene that causes the body to produce an abnormally, thick, sticky mucus, which leads to chronic and life-threatening lung infections and impaired digestion (which makes it hard for them to gain weight). Currently there is NO CURE.

Nearly 91 cents of every dollar raised at Great Strides goes towards the necessary research


New member
Thanks everyone for responding. I think I will check out the internet site and also I would love to see peoples letters. I am at work now but when i get home I will post the one I wrote last year. Thanks again for all the wonderful ideas. Im just a little shy and nervous so I don't know what to do.