Zoe is 2 1/2 yr. weighs 26 pounds. She takes 5 Creon 5's with meals, 3 with snacks. We always give her whole milk mixed with 1/2 & 1/2. For snacks we give her cheese, olives, anything higher in fat. She eats either french toast, pancakes or eggs w/cheese and 2-3 slices of bacon for breakfast. She has pretty bad pancreatic issues, she had a feeding tube when first diagnosed just to catch up. Now we load her up with as much fat, protein & calories as we can. We watch her stools very closely, easily done since she is still in diapers. We have a notebook that we have kept since diagnosis. It has time,creon#, food, stools (time, consist., color, size), antibiotic time, neb, cpt, zantac, vitamax times. We also write any different behavior, signs of sickness, changes at all. This has been extremely helpful for us, anytime there is a change, we can look back at her chart to see what might be going on. We were told that a Creon 5 covers 2-3 grams of fat. We have found it easier just to watch her stools. About 3 months ago (she was taking 4 Creon5's then) she started having more stools per per day and the yellow-orange oil. So we called her nutritionist, who agreed we needed to increase. So for now, that is where we are. Hope this helps!
Zoe's mom
Zoe's mom