Calling any CF people who drink


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I'm a 22 yr old male and for having CF I'm in pretty dang good health. Anyways, I'm really doubting that drinking would be THAT different for people with CF versus people without CF. For starters, I don't drink alcoholic beverages pretty much because I can't stand the taste. I've never consumed a full alcoholic beverage for that reason and well...having CF I'm curious if my body would react differently. Anyways, in all my 22yrs (not saying I'm old what so ever...hehe), I've had a small bit of white wine(couldn't stand it), sips of 4 different beers(couldn't stand those either). Now, for those that drink somewhat often...1-2 times a week, are there any tips you'd recommend me consider for whenever I get "tipsy" for the first time? What Alc. vol. should I begin with, etc? I'm also mildly iffy as to how much I should drink my first time and still be able to maintain...not get sick or overdue it. Because when I start I just plan to drink enough to "feel" whatever it is people feel when they drink. One of my best friends doesn't have CF and drinks or used to drink QUITE often and has consumed everything under the sun. He figured with a good meal in my stomach to absorb the alcohol and enzymes I could simply drink 2 and feel it and he didn't recommend more than 3, for a first time drinking session. So, what does anyone else think? Thanks


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I am not really sure about all that since I don't drink but I am sure a drink here and there is fine. Although my brother started out that way and became and alcoholic he has pretty much destroyed his liver and his lungs to the point now he needs a transplant. I am all for social drinking but when it becomes a problem then it's not ok. But drinking here and there is perfectly ok and your friend is right make sure you have a full belly when ya drink! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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I started drinking at the legal age of 18 here in Ontario. 22 years later I still enjoy a drink now and then. It makes sense that the alcohol will to an extent, supress your breathing, which can of course lead to thicker mucus.

I also have diabetes as a result of the CF, so any alcoholic beverages that include any sweet mixes will almost always affect my blood sugars so i need to watch for that. This is why I won't usually ever be drinking around bedtime or I'll be wired and up for hours.

I agree with what your friend suggests...easy does it. Cheers!


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Ok, as to how much you can drink to "maintain", everyone is different. It depends on lots of things such as your height and weight, metabolism, and tolerance (but you pretty much have no tolerance). If you want to just feel what its like to have a buzz then here's the smartest way to go about it: Eat a good size meal with protein and complex carbs (like a sandwich on whole grain bread) because they don't metabolize as fast so it keeps your system busy and unable to absorb alcohol too fast. Have one drink at a time (a drink is one beer, one glass of wine or one shot of liquor, even if its mixed into something) then drink a full glass of water after each drink. The water will keep you from dehydrating as much and getting a hangover, and it will also help you pace yourself so you don't end up downing twelve drinks before you know what hit you. And keep in mind that any sweet drink (margaritas, daquiris, rum and coke, anything tropical) will get into your blood stream faster.


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I don't mean to offend, but was just curious if your brother is still an alcoholic? I assume not, because I don't think they would transplant him if that were the case.
I have a friend that can be "non compliant" with her CF and for that reason, they won't list her for tx. So I assume that if someone has an ongoing substance abuse issue, that they wouldn't tx them either.


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I would defnitaly reccommend if you don't like the taste of alcohol try something sweeter... if you're a guy you'll just have to suck it up and drink girly drinks... try: screw drivers, sex on the beach, sigapor slings, blue lagoons, bazooka joe shots, fuzzy nacel, pierced fuzzy navel.... just to name a few, keep away from the bottled coolers because you can taste the alcohol... once you're buzzed, feel free to start shots or whatever. As someone who used to live in Windsor ontario (basically the only thing that keeps the economy going there is the bars) I used to go to the bars everynight... i didn't get wasted everynight... but i also used to hate the taste of alcohol as well.. The trick is to get something you can't really taste the alcohol in and build up an immunity.. then you can go to well drinks like: vodka sevens, rye and ginger, rum and coke... and other assorted things.. Drinking can be very fun when you do it responsibly, and when you find something you like and can tolerate.

Ashley 21 w/cf


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Elle, nope he is a recovering alcoholic. He asked for treatment while he was hospitalized for a cleanout. That's was almost 2 years ago and he has been doin great with that now. And I agree I am pretty sure if he still was drinking they definitely wouldn't tx him. Although he is able to be listed now he has decided he doesn't want to go through with it. I think he is at the point where he is comftorable with where his life is going and so he won't be listed. But I am at least glad he has stopped drinking.


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I'm glad that he is no longer drinking<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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When I got into my late teens one of the first questions I asked my doc was about CF and alcohol, if there were any differences in the effects compared to people without CF. He boldly proclaimed that there were no differences at all, and that I should take care just as anyone else would. For the last few years I have followed this advice and grown to agree with it. Being English and living here as well, I have grown up to drink, and drink heavily at times. It is part of our culture and something that most people do over here without question. Also, having been at university it is almost unavoidable! On that note, I feel somewhat experienced as a CFer who drinks. But alas, your body might react differently to mine. I have always been known as a 'lightweight' so wont be able to drink as much as my buddies. Recently however, I have cut down due to the increasing problem of smoky bars, that I have begun to refuse to enter. Its terrible over here! Anyways, Im rambling. There is no point to drinking if you dont actually enjoy it. Drinking to get drunk is a question of how much you care. If you enjoy it you shouldnt feel bad about having a few drinks, but if you dont actually like the taste then there is no point. I have grown to like beer, but the first couple years it tasted terrible. In fact, most alcoholic drinks are an acquired taste. Just take it easy, and dont feel pressured to follow everyone else who drinks.



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I really appreciate the responces. Ya...sorry I forgot to mention, I am approx. 150lbs. Throughtout high school I had the urge to drink all of once I believe. Also, a few friends of our family have alcoholics in their families and they have been ripped apart because of drinking. My mom has never had a full or even 1/2 of any alcoholic beverage and is in her mid 50's and of her friends of eight, is the only one that never drinks when they go out, she is the DD. My father whom in nearly 70 drinks occasionally but only drinks 2 beverages at most. So in all my life, I've never known him to overdrink or even come close. As for pressure from others, theres just a close female friend that I've known for about 8 months now that, whenever she drinks, she trys to get my to drink just 1/2 of something, when she usually consumes more. She just turned 21 and sadly I believe her younger sister, who is 18, is her drinking influence. I don't have anything against drinkers really I just hate to see people overdue it and make fools of themselves and being that I never drink, like mentioned, unless they are visibly trashed, I don't know when to tell them, "hey you might want to slow down", for their own good. I had a buddy of mine(Derek), at one of our parties, who previously never drank, somehow drank something a little too strong. He almost make a COMPLETE fool of himself but luckly I was there to save him from embarrasment. To this day he don't drink any more than to just get tipsy because he HATED the way he felt. He has never pressured me into drinking. But my other roomate(Clay), the last guy, Derek, is a roomate too, I've known for 5-6 yrs and he won't let me drink unless he is there to supervise and make sure I stay ok. I mean Clay started drinking when he was maybe 15 or so and hes 21 now and hes maybe 165lbs. He has even said to me, after some of this drinking excursions, hes suprised he isn't dead, due to what he would take in and the amt. And ya, about the girl, sad to say but I think because I don't drink she thinks I look down on her when she does, thats why she used to hide it from me and the fact that I drink nothing, smoke nothing, etc. She does know I don't like to see her drink a lot b/c for starters shes not a big eater and I just don't want her to ever overdue it bc I care for her health. I just enjoy and take pride in feeling the best I possibly can and trying to live as long as I can. Like I've expressed to her, I can have fun without being in the presence of alcohol. So far I've been very stubborn about drinking, even sipping stuff and it makes her feel bad that she does, and I guess thats for another topic.... So I guess thats all for now although that wasn't a smooth ending, sorry hehe. -Andrew


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All i need to say is my family is Irish. I used to drink at family get togethers, and for a short while after moving out of my moms house I drank. The last time I had any sort of alcohol was over a year ago and I wont touch the stuff again. I had a full bottle of scotch, a few beers ( dont remember how many), and a few shots of tequila. I was out like a light and the next morning was enough reason to never drink again. I still have to hear stories of what i did that night. Good times.


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I'm just getting in to drinking as a CFer. I had heard somewhere (I think from a nurse) that CFers have a harder time getting drunk then non CFers. Is there any truth to this?


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>I'm just getting in to drinking as a CFer. I had heard somewhere (I think from a nurse) that CFers have a harder time getting drunk then non CFers. Is there any truth to this?<hr></blockquote>

That would be rather interesting if it were true.