Can a CF'er have a pet dog??


New member
I have had MANY dogs, cats amd been around other animals all my life i am almost 20 and it never seemed to bother me but ppl are diff so check with a health care pro. before deciding


New member
I have had dogs and cats my whole life. I have a Pug and 2 cats in my house currently. I have heard that you have a higher likelyhood of having allergies to animals if you don't grow up with them...

Anyway, the perfect dog--- the CHINESE CRESTED- They are little, they are BALD (for the most part), and they look like little horses!!! I looked for months for one and had a hard time finding one, but they do exist. Good luck.


New member
I use to have Pugs.......they are some of THE most loyal dogs I have evered owned. My first one was Dudley Doolittle (he did as little as possible) & my 2nd was Sir Gyzmo. They were both pieces of work & I miss them. I now have a black lab/dalmation mix who is also my baby, but doesnt make as good of a lap dog as a pug. However; its not from lack of her trying. LOL!


New member
we have had more dogs than i can count. my daughter and i worked with a dog rescue for 2 years. kind of like foster care. we are finally down to 3 dogs. 1 cat and 2 guiena pigs.
if there is an allergy concern. poodles, maltese and yorkies have human like hair, if you can stand dogs that MAY be a little yappy. good luck!