Can anyone help?


New member
hi, my name is rochelle and my husband has cf. im not too sure of the type that he has, but he does not have any medicine because he does not have medical insurance. he threw up the other day and there was quite a bit of blood in there, and he cannot breathe barely at all. He cant lay down or sleep whats so ever. I dont know what to do, or how to help him, does anyone know what i can do?


New member
He needs to go to the hospital. If he has no insurance, check with different hospitals, some have financial assistance that you can apply for and they will charge you based on your income. Hospitals and doctors offices tend to have samples that can help offset the cost of meds. It sound like at this point his need to be seen far outweighs the fact that he has no insurance. Hospitals cannot turn you away and if you can only afford to pay 20 dollars a month toward the bill, they have to accept that. Feel better soon, Janelle


New member
thank you, the only thing that they do when we go to the hospital is give him a breathing treatment and send him on his way.... this has been done multiple times, im scared cuz his breathing was at 46% the last time he went in, and they told him to wait til obama care kicks in, gave him some multi vitamains and that was it.


New member
Go to a hospital that is a CF center. Ask for help from a social worker and get on Medicare. A social worker will do all the work. Be forceful (polite, but forceful). Get in the hospital ASAP and have them treat him with IV antibiotics if needed.