can CREON capsules be kept in a refrigeorator?


New member
HiI have 4 months stock of creon 2500 units capsules for my daughter which will last in december the temperature is 38C-40C I was wondering if I can put the remaining capsules in the refrigeorator would that be ok or should I keep them at room temprature


New member
Sorry I don't know what the celsius conversion is, we go by Fahrenheit where we live, but that being said Creon should be stored at room temperature. I just looked at the container and the labeling says 25 degrees C (77 degrees F). Protect from moisture. When placed in a refrigerator some condensation will form in the package and you will likely destroy your entire supply. I have a supply that will likely go well beyond the end of the year and it is in a cabinet in my kitchen AWAY from the stove and any heat source. Don't store it in the bathroom either due to moisture from the shower. A simple cabinet, away from light.


New member
Hi, I always keep an open container in the fridge of creon, but generally only one or two bottles the rest I store in a cupboard. We don't run temps as high as you more the 27-33C. Don't find condensation a problem, but mine are poured out into a little bowl in the fridge rather Than kept in the bottle. I have done this for about five years without problems. Each climate is different we can be quite humid here.


Super Moderator
The range of 37-40 degrees C is about 100 degrees to 105 F. Not many drugs are meant to be stable at these temperatures. The fridge is far better in every way for Creon, in fact all your drugs are typically kept below 16C or 60 degrees F. Lower temps around 2-4 degrees C. (34-38F.) which should be about mid-fridge, is ideal. Just don't freeze them. Like all medications kept in the fridge, the lid should be gas tight so you don't smell up your food or moisten your meds. Most prescription bottles in the U.S. are not gas tight. I use lab containers but a canning jar or Mason Jar can hold several bottles.

Sorry I didn't check this post earler,



We live in far north Queensland Australia, and we keep the Creon in the fridge. If it gets above 25deg. celsius, it must be kept cool.


New member
I also live in Queensland and always keep Creon in the fridge. Enzymes lose their potency if stored above 25 degrees C.