Can I ask a favor? Med. question


New member
Austin--3 yrs old

Creon 10--4 enzymes with meals and snacks--not working well though
Zyrtec--1 1/2 tsp once daily
ADEKS--1 tablet daily--just started
Elidel--for eczema



New member
Austin--3 yrs old

Creon 10--4 enzymes with meals and snacks--not working well though
Zyrtec--1 1/2 tsp once daily
ADEKS--1 tablet daily--just started
Elidel--for eczema



New member
Brinly 19 mo. old takes each day the following...

In morning
1 amp xopenox
1 amp cromoyln sodium(Intal)
1 amp pulmozyne
cpt 20 minutes

1/2 tsp Vitamax cherry flavor
1/2 cap prevacid
1/2 cap Creon5 w/ meals and snacks

In evening
1 amp xopenox
1 amp cromoyln sodium (intal)
cpt 20 minutes


New member
Brinly 19 mo. old takes each day the following...

In morning
1 amp xopenox
1 amp cromoyln sodium(Intal)
1 amp pulmozyne
cpt 20 minutes

1/2 tsp Vitamax cherry flavor
1/2 cap prevacid
1/2 cap Creon5 w/ meals and snacks

In evening
1 amp xopenox
1 amp cromoyln sodium (intal)
cpt 20 minutes


New member
My girls (5 years and 3 years) take:

pulmozyme 1X/day
CPT 2X/day
ventolin 2X/day
tobramycin 2x/day (on for 2 weeks, off for 2 weeks)
creon 5 enzymes (with meals & snacks)
ADEK vitamins 2X/day
iron 2X/day (minimal dose)
flovent puffers 1X/day


New member
My girls (5 years and 3 years) take:

pulmozyme 1X/day
CPT 2X/day
ventolin 2X/day
tobramycin 2x/day (on for 2 weeks, off for 2 weeks)
creon 5 enzymes (with meals & snacks)
ADEK vitamins 2X/day
iron 2X/day (minimal dose)
flovent puffers 1X/day


New member
Hi Julie,

My kids both take the following meds.
Ultrase Enzymes (Nicky 4w/meals and 2-3w/snacks. Tessa 2-3 w/meals and 1-2w/snacks)
ADEK once a day ( Nicky 2 ml, Tessa 1 ml)
Vitamin K - once a week 1/2 a tablet each
Omeprazole - Once a day Nicky 5 ml and Tessa 1,5 ml (Prilosec generic)
Nebulizer as needed with Sodium Chloride Inhalation Solution 0.9% 3ml ( I use it when they caugh a lot to thin out the mucus and before the CPT)
They have just been put on TOBI 30 days on and 30 off - That scared me to death and we are in the last week of the 30 off before we have to start again. They both take 1/2 a capsule twice a day.

I also give them extra Vitamin C
Hope this helps with your research

Tanja (Mom of Nicky 3w/cf and Tessa 14months w/cf)


New member
Hi Julie,

My kids both take the following meds.
Ultrase Enzymes (Nicky 4w/meals and 2-3w/snacks. Tessa 2-3 w/meals and 1-2w/snacks)
ADEK once a day ( Nicky 2 ml, Tessa 1 ml)
Vitamin K - once a week 1/2 a tablet each
Omeprazole - Once a day Nicky 5 ml and Tessa 1,5 ml (Prilosec generic)
Nebulizer as needed with Sodium Chloride Inhalation Solution 0.9% 3ml ( I use it when they caugh a lot to thin out the mucus and before the CPT)
They have just been put on TOBI 30 days on and 30 off - That scared me to death and we are in the last week of the 30 off before we have to start again. They both take 1/2 a capsule twice a day.

I also give them extra Vitamin C
Hope this helps with your research

Tanja (Mom of Nicky 3w/cf and Tessa 14months w/cf)


New member
Hi Julie,

My kids thake the following meds.

Ultrase Enzymes (Nicky 3-4 w/meals, and 2-3 w/snacks - Tessa 2-3 w/meals and 1-2 w/snacks)
ADEK once a day (Nicky 2 ml and Tessa 1 ml)
Vitamin K once a week (half a tablet each)
Omaprezole (Generic Prilosec) Nicky 5 ml once a day and Tessa 1,5 ml once a day
They both take extra vitamin C daily
They are on TOBI 30 days on 30 days off (nebulizer)
And we also nebulize saline solution when needed

Tanja (Mom to Nicky 3w/cf and Tessa 14 months w/cf)


New member
Hi Julie,

My kids thake the following meds.

Ultrase Enzymes (Nicky 3-4 w/meals, and 2-3 w/snacks - Tessa 2-3 w/meals and 1-2 w/snacks)
ADEK once a day (Nicky 2 ml and Tessa 1 ml)
Vitamin K once a week (half a tablet each)
Omaprezole (Generic Prilosec) Nicky 5 ml once a day and Tessa 1,5 ml once a day
They both take extra vitamin C daily
They are on TOBI 30 days on 30 days off (nebulizer)
And we also nebulize saline solution when needed

Tanja (Mom to Nicky 3w/cf and Tessa 14 months w/cf)


New member
Damiens meds are Xopanex 4x daily every 6 hours cpt with each treatment. Pulmazyme 1x. Actigal 3x every 8 hours.3ml Bactim 2x every 12 hours..5ml ADEK 1ml Iron 1.5ml and .25 liters of oxygen 24/7


New member
Damiens meds are Xopanex 4x daily every 6 hours cpt with each treatment. Pulmazyme 1x. Actigal 3x every 8 hours.3ml Bactim 2x every 12 hours..5ml ADEK 1ml Iron 1.5ml and .25 liters of oxygen 24/7