Wow, I am continually amazed and surprised at the ignorance of doctors! If your brother and his wife aren't concerned, then so be it, but we made sure that Mark's brother, his wife and both of the kids (the oldest isn't biologicall his brothers) were tested for CF, just to be safe. It's such a tricky genetic disease that it can be very confusing and misleading. I would say that if they continue to have any sort of respiratory problems that they get tested, just in case but then again that's just me.
As far as you and your husband being tested, it's not really necessary simply because Reece is a DOUBLE DF508 so clearly you and your hubby both carry that mutation. The thing is, with all of your husbands health things, he should be tested to see if he actually HAS CF. So in that sense, testing on him to see would be logical. More or less for you though, if Reece had DF508 and some other mutation, testing would just be pure curiosity with an answer as to who carried what mutation. Does that make sense? But since your husband is somewhat symptomatic at times, it would be logical to do an extended panel of testing on him .
Julie (wife to Mark 25 w/CF)
Not hooked up online at home until Jan 6 2006, borrowing a computer and internet right now <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">