Can somebody give me some answers, please!


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>augiee</b></i> Christ, I always loved Ireland, after reading what you have to deal with not so much. Honestly my best advice move, which is not an easything, I'm talking to a different country, what you are dealing with is flat out scary for a person with cf. Idk maybe write to the cf foundation in the states to see if there is a program to help. cf should be isolated when in hospital because of what your dealing with, you should not have to deal with that, it's a early death sentence.</end quote>Moving isn't really an option until I leave school. I plan to move to another county in Ireland and try there adult services, which I just found out are meant to be very good. And if I find they are not, I'm moving.


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>augiee</b></i> Christ, I always loved Ireland, after reading what you have to deal with not so much. Honestly my best advice move, which is not an easything, I'm talking to a different country, what you are dealing with is flat out scary for a person with cf. Idk maybe write to the cf foundation in the states to see if there is a program to help. cf should be isolated when in hospital because of what your dealing with, you should not have to deal with that, it's a early death sentence.</end quote>Moving isn't really an option until I leave school. I plan to move to another county in Ireland and try there adult services, which I just found out are meant to be very good. And if I find they are not, I'm moving.


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Printer</b></i> Keely: Do you have family in the states or Canada that you could live with for a while? Bill</end quote>No, I can't really move at the moment. After I finish school I might be able to move over and temporarily live with a great-aunt of mine but for now I couldn't. I fear the day I might have to move because if I didn't have CF I don't think I'd be leaving, I hate change.


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Printer</b></i> Keely: Do you have family in the states or Canada that you could live with for a while? Bill</end quote>No, I can't really move at the moment. After I finish school I might be able to move over and temporarily live with a great-aunt of mine but for now I couldn't. I fear the day I might have to move because if I didn't have CF I don't think I'd be leaving, I hate change.


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Incomudrox</b></i> Health > school. Degrees are useless when you are no longer living.</end quote>

Come on!! she is only 15!! dont put all that pressure on her!! its not about degrees, its about being a grown up before moving.

Sweetie, you are fighting like a tiger, keep on fighting. best wishes


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Incomudrox</b></i> Health > school. Degrees are useless when you are no longer living.</end quote>

Come on!! she is only 15!! dont put all that pressure on her!! its not about degrees, its about being a grown up before moving.

Sweetie, you are fighting like a tiger, keep on fighting. best wishes


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anien2</b></i> <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Incomudrox</b></i> Health > school. Degrees are useless when you are no longer living.</end quote> Come on!! she is only 15!! dont put all that pressure on her!! its not about degrees, its about being a grown up before moving. Sweetie, you are fighting like a tiger, keep on fighting. best wishes</end quote>

This is the adult section, where there is no sugar coating. The point I am trying to make is people are suggesting she should move and focus on health and her reply keeps being "after school" leading me to believe, that to her is more important. She said in the first post she feels to sick to do half on her medicine. If moving somewhere to get better care is the answer then she should do it now. She says she won't go until she's done school, well she isn't going to school because she is sick which in theory means she'll never move away to get better care. Priorities don't seem to be to straight to me. If she wants to be grown up as you say, she should take the initiative now and call up that distant aunt in the US and move now! THAT would be grown up. I didn't read the whole thread but I haven't seen any talk about her parents in this. I moved out when I was 16 if I would not have I'd be dead a long time ago, no question about it.

CF isn't some pet tiger you keep in a cage until you are ready to let it mawl your face off. If it wants to mawl your face off it's going to do it whether you're ready for it or not. So keep telling her the PC thing to do and it will be all good right?


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anien2</b></i> <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Incomudrox</b></i> Health > school. Degrees are useless when you are no longer living.</end quote> Come on!! she is only 15!! dont put all that pressure on her!! its not about degrees, its about being a grown up before moving. Sweetie, you are fighting like a tiger, keep on fighting. best wishes</end quote>

This is the adult section, where there is no sugar coating. The point I am trying to make is people are suggesting she should move and focus on health and her reply keeps being "after school" leading me to believe, that to her is more important. She said in the first post she feels to sick to do half on her medicine. If moving somewhere to get better care is the answer then she should do it now. She says she won't go until she's done school, well she isn't going to school because she is sick which in theory means she'll never move away to get better care. Priorities don't seem to be to straight to me. If she wants to be grown up as you say, she should take the initiative now and call up that distant aunt in the US and move now! THAT would be grown up. I didn't read the whole thread but I haven't seen any talk about her parents in this. I moved out when I was 16 if I would not have I'd be dead a long time ago, no question about it.

CF isn't some pet tiger you keep in a cage until you are ready to let it mawl your face off. If it wants to mawl your face off it's going to do it whether you're ready for it or not. So keep telling her the PC thing to do and it will be all good right?


New member
I think I have had a similar problem. You described your shortness of breath as being like a corset. Does it feel like you are being squeezed making it impossible to take a full breath in? If so I too have this problem though mine is not all the time. I am curious if you have tried any type of inhaler? For me I have found that a puff of albuterol and then a dose of Advair helps me a lot. It is not immediate but I would say I am feeling better enough to walk a little after 30 min to an hour. I also like to wait 5 or so min between them to let the albuterol try and open up my lungs so I can get the Advair in as deep as possible. If you haven't tried this and end up trying it I hope it helps, if not i hope you find a solution soon!
Good luck!


New member
I think I have had a similar problem. You described your shortness of breath as being like a corset. Does it feel like you are being squeezed making it impossible to take a full breath in? If so I too have this problem though mine is not all the time. I am curious if you have tried any type of inhaler? For me I have found that a puff of albuterol and then a dose of Advair helps me a lot. It is not immediate but I would say I am feeling better enough to walk a little after 30 min to an hour. I also like to wait 5 or so min between them to let the albuterol try and open up my lungs so I can get the Advair in as deep as possible. If you haven't tried this and end up trying it I hope it helps, if not i hope you find a solution soon!
Good luck!


New member
I think it is awesome that she is being as proactive as she is being right now and at least trying to find answers. I don't know many 15 year olds who actually do that....and those who are, they certainly are in the minority. At this time in life, parents are and should be a huge part in a teen's life. I don't recommend moving out unless there are some serious problems at home (abuse, neglect etc). It also costs money to move...I can tell you as a single mother with two kids, money is hard to come by, and to just up and move is very difficult as you need so much just to do so. It is very expensive to relocate! If it is at all possible, moving to a different county within Ireland that has better care would be much more feasible than to move her thousands of miles away from her mother and father to a strange land and to an aunt who she probably doesn't see all that often. Even relocating to England with her parents would be better than moving her half way around the world alone without family she has known all her life. A good support system is very important in CF care, taking that away from the equation will probably do harm..We don't know the family dynamics, so to judge her would be wrong...and she is 15, a minor and in high school still. I could see if she were 20 something and on her own in college. Keely, how are you doing? I pray that things are improving for you. I am praying for you, Hugs, Jenn 40 w/CF


New member
I think it is awesome that she is being as proactive as she is being right now and at least trying to find answers. I don't know many 15 year olds who actually do that....and those who are, they certainly are in the minority. At this time in life, parents are and should be a huge part in a teen's life. I don't recommend moving out unless there are some serious problems at home (abuse, neglect etc). It also costs money to move...I can tell you as a single mother with two kids, money is hard to come by, and to just up and move is very difficult as you need so much just to do so. It is very expensive to relocate! If it is at all possible, moving to a different county within Ireland that has better care would be much more feasible than to move her thousands of miles away from her mother and father to a strange land and to an aunt who she probably doesn't see all that often. Even relocating to England with her parents would be better than moving her half way around the world alone without family she has known all her life. A good support system is very important in CF care, taking that away from the equation will probably do harm..We don't know the family dynamics, so to judge her would be wrong...and she is 15, a minor and in high school still. I could see if she were 20 something and on her own in college. Keely, how are you doing? I pray that things are improving for you. I am praying for you, Hugs, Jenn 40 w/CF


New member
The person who just went into a rant, Incomudrox- this may be the adult section, but I am not an adult and I'd appreciate it if you remembered that. It's that the point of school that's stopping me leaving, it's the point of being an adult. I want to be prepared. My mother is an extremely good carer. And she is fantasic at my medicine and makes sure I do everything when it's mean't to be done. I don't think I could of got a better mother. Don't judge everyones parents just because of how yours behaved.


New member
The person who just went into a rant, Incomudrox- this may be the adult section, but I am not an adult and I'd appreciate it if you remembered that. It's that the point of school that's stopping me leaving, it's the point of being an adult. I want to be prepared. My mother is an extremely good carer. And she is fantasic at my medicine and makes sure I do everything when it's mean't to be done. I don't think I could of got a better mother. Don't judge everyones parents just because of how yours behaved.


New member
His response wasn't directed totally at you, it was more a response to Anien2. However, what he said is correct, your health should be a priority over anything else.


New member
His response wasn't directed totally at you, it was more a response to Anien2. However, what he said is correct, your health should be a priority over anything else.