can someone help me


New member
hey ever one i want to know is ppl mean to you?
the reson i am asking is ppl has told me over and over agin that they dont want to get close to me coz they are afrad i will die but what want to know is dose anyone elas have this prob? and how miney of you have a girlfriend/boyfriend and how heard was it to get them? and how long have you been with them? thinks alot


New member
hey ever one i want to know is ppl mean to you?
the reson i am asking is ppl has told me over and over agin that they dont want to get close to me coz they are afrad i will die but what want to know is dose anyone elas have this prob? and how miney of you have a girlfriend/boyfriend and how heard was it to get them? and how long have you been with them? thinks alot


New member
hey ever one i want to know is ppl mean to you?
the reson i am asking is ppl has told me over and over agin that they dont want to get close to me coz they are afrad i will die but what want to know is dose anyone elas have this prob? and how miney of you have a girlfriend/boyfriend and how heard was it to get them? and how long have you been with them? thinks alot


New member
hey ever one i want to know is ppl mean to you?
the reson i am asking is ppl has told me over and over agin that they dont want to get close to me coz they are afrad i will die but what want to know is dose anyone elas have this prob? and how miney of you have a girlfriend/boyfriend and how heard was it to get them? and how long have you been with them? thinks alot


New member
hey ever one i want to know is ppl mean to you?
<br />the reson i am asking is ppl has told me over and over agin that they dont want to get close to me coz they are afrad i will die but what want to know is dose anyone elas have this prob? and how miney of you have a girlfriend/boyfriend and how heard was it to get them? and how long have you been with them? thinks alot


New member
Well, it started as a kid and other kids would avoid me cuz of my coughing. Now that I'm older I've had people tell me over and over "I can't deal with you dying." and my favorite "It's to much for ME to handle." Those people I've told to GET LOST!! There is nothing wrong with us and we could out live them no one knows when they will die so for them to act that way is not ok. I had a boyfriend and we dated for 2yrs but one night he told me that he wanted to get married and have kids but not with me because I'm dying and it's not something he wants to "deal with" I laughed in his face and I stopped talking to him. You don't have to take it and it's not alright for them to treat you that way...stand up to people like that and let them know you are still a PERSON! Not everyone acts this way so no worries you will find really great people just hold out for wonderful people, and YOU don't have to "deal with" those people and their issues. Good luck


New member
Well, it started as a kid and other kids would avoid me cuz of my coughing. Now that I'm older I've had people tell me over and over "I can't deal with you dying." and my favorite "It's to much for ME to handle." Those people I've told to GET LOST!! There is nothing wrong with us and we could out live them no one knows when they will die so for them to act that way is not ok. I had a boyfriend and we dated for 2yrs but one night he told me that he wanted to get married and have kids but not with me because I'm dying and it's not something he wants to "deal with" I laughed in his face and I stopped talking to him. You don't have to take it and it's not alright for them to treat you that way...stand up to people like that and let them know you are still a PERSON! Not everyone acts this way so no worries you will find really great people just hold out for wonderful people, and YOU don't have to "deal with" those people and their issues. Good luck


New member
Well, it started as a kid and other kids would avoid me cuz of my coughing. Now that I'm older I've had people tell me over and over "I can't deal with you dying." and my favorite "It's to much for ME to handle." Those people I've told to GET LOST!! There is nothing wrong with us and we could out live them no one knows when they will die so for them to act that way is not ok. I had a boyfriend and we dated for 2yrs but one night he told me that he wanted to get married and have kids but not with me because I'm dying and it's not something he wants to "deal with" I laughed in his face and I stopped talking to him. You don't have to take it and it's not alright for them to treat you that way...stand up to people like that and let them know you are still a PERSON! Not everyone acts this way so no worries you will find really great people just hold out for wonderful people, and YOU don't have to "deal with" those people and their issues. Good luck


New member
Well, it started as a kid and other kids would avoid me cuz of my coughing. Now that I'm older I've had people tell me over and over "I can't deal with you dying." and my favorite "It's to much for ME to handle." Those people I've told to GET LOST!! There is nothing wrong with us and we could out live them no one knows when they will die so for them to act that way is not ok. I had a boyfriend and we dated for 2yrs but one night he told me that he wanted to get married and have kids but not with me because I'm dying and it's not something he wants to "deal with" I laughed in his face and I stopped talking to him. You don't have to take it and it's not alright for them to treat you that way...stand up to people like that and let them know you are still a PERSON! Not everyone acts this way so no worries you will find really great people just hold out for wonderful people, and YOU don't have to "deal with" those people and their issues. Good luck


New member
Well, it started as a kid and other kids would avoid me cuz of my coughing. Now that I'm older I've had people tell me over and over "I can't deal with you dying." and my favorite "It's to much for ME to handle." Those people I've told to GET LOST!! There is nothing wrong with us and we could out live them no one knows when they will die so for them to act that way is not ok. I had a boyfriend and we dated for 2yrs but one night he told me that he wanted to get married and have kids but not with me because I'm dying and it's not something he wants to "deal with" I laughed in his face and I stopped talking to him. You don't have to take it and it's not alright for them to treat you that way...stand up to people like that and let them know you are still a PERSON! Not everyone acts this way so no worries you will find really great people just hold out for wonderful people, and YOU don't have to "deal with" those people and their issues. Good luck


New member
i have a group of girls that hate me because of a guy. and everyday they harass me, asking how long i have to live. telling me to go kill myself bcause im gonna die anyway.. all this stuff, that really hurts inside. my advice to you is to find one good friend to talk to about it, and if noone understands feel free to email me, i know exactly how you feel. id actually really like you to, i have alot of answers to your questions.


New member
i have a group of girls that hate me because of a guy. and everyday they harass me, asking how long i have to live. telling me to go kill myself bcause im gonna die anyway.. all this stuff, that really hurts inside. my advice to you is to find one good friend to talk to about it, and if noone understands feel free to email me, i know exactly how you feel. id actually really like you to, i have alot of answers to your questions.


New member
i have a group of girls that hate me because of a guy. and everyday they harass me, asking how long i have to live. telling me to go kill myself bcause im gonna die anyway.. all this stuff, that really hurts inside. my advice to you is to find one good friend to talk to about it, and if noone understands feel free to email me, i know exactly how you feel. id actually really like you to, i have alot of answers to your questions.


New member
i have a group of girls that hate me because of a guy. and everyday they harass me, asking how long i have to live. telling me to go kill myself bcause im gonna die anyway.. all this stuff, that really hurts inside. my advice to you is to find one good friend to talk to about it, and if noone understands feel free to email me, i know exactly how you feel. id actually really like you to, i have alot of answers to your questions.


New member
i have a group of girls that hate me because of a guy. and everyday they harass me, asking how long i have to live. telling me to go kill myself bcause im gonna die anyway.. all this stuff, that really hurts inside. my advice to you is to find one good friend to talk to about it, and if noone understands feel free to email me, i know exactly how you feel. id actually really like you to, i have alot of answers to your questions.
to be honest nobody has really been mean to me. it kinda pisses me off when people dont understand what CF is and just find me coughing all the time annoying to them. my 'friends' im not very close to anymore and even when i was they never really understood CF. i have a boyfriend of 5months now. and even though we're young he says if we stayed together through highschool he would definately want to get married and have kids. not everyone is like that. i hope you find people who will love and care for you ignoring your CF,CF isnt your fault so it just feels wrong when people wont get close to you because of it.
to be honest nobody has really been mean to me. it kinda pisses me off when people dont understand what CF is and just find me coughing all the time annoying to them. my 'friends' im not very close to anymore and even when i was they never really understood CF. i have a boyfriend of 5months now. and even though we're young he says if we stayed together through highschool he would definately want to get married and have kids. not everyone is like that. i hope you find people who will love and care for you ignoring your CF,CF isnt your fault so it just feels wrong when people wont get close to you because of it.
to be honest nobody has really been mean to me. it kinda pisses me off when people dont understand what CF is and just find me coughing all the time annoying to them. my 'friends' im not very close to anymore and even when i was they never really understood CF. i have a boyfriend of 5months now. and even though we're young he says if we stayed together through highschool he would definately want to get married and have kids. not everyone is like that. i hope you find people who will love and care for you ignoring your CF,CF isnt your fault so it just feels wrong when people wont get close to you because of it.
to be honest nobody has really been mean to me. it kinda pisses me off when people dont understand what CF is and just find me coughing all the time annoying to them. my 'friends' im not very close to anymore and even when i was they never really understood CF. i have a boyfriend of 5months now. and even though we're young he says if we stayed together through highschool he would definately want to get married and have kids. not everyone is like that. i hope you find people who will love and care for you ignoring your CF,CF isnt your fault so it just feels wrong when people wont get close to you because of it.
to be honest nobody has really been mean to me. it kinda pisses me off when people dont understand what CF is and just find me coughing all the time annoying to them. my 'friends' im not very close to anymore and even when i was they never really understood CF. i have a boyfriend of 5months now. and even though we're young he says if we stayed together through highschool he would definately want to get married and have kids. not everyone is like that. i hope you find people who will love and care for you ignoring your CF,CF isnt your fault so it just feels wrong when people wont get close to you because of it.