can someone help me


New member
geez, people are cruel!!

I haven't had a lot of people be mean to me, but it has happened. Some co-workers made snide remarks when I'm coughing, like "geez, are you dying??" to which I sometimes want to respond "YES!! thanks for asking jerk" ugh.

Anyway, I dated a guy for a few months, and he gave me the "I'm not strong enough to handle dating someone w/ CF, but I still want to be friends with you" Sorry, if you can't handle it, I can't handle being friends with you. He was too conceited to warrant any type of friendship anyway. After we broke up b/c of my CF it really upset me...not the fact of losing him, but the thought that no one would ever want to be with me b/c of CF.

A few months after that whole incident, I met my current bf. We have been together for a year and half and are talking about getting married.

I realize it's more difficult while you're in school and forced to be around certain people who are so negative/mean, but do your best to surround yourself with positive people who support you and love you for who you are. Not everyone is like that, but there are still good people out there - we just have to find them. Good luck, and stay strong


New member
geez, people are cruel!!

I haven't had a lot of people be mean to me, but it has happened. Some co-workers made snide remarks when I'm coughing, like "geez, are you dying??" to which I sometimes want to respond "YES!! thanks for asking jerk" ugh.

Anyway, I dated a guy for a few months, and he gave me the "I'm not strong enough to handle dating someone w/ CF, but I still want to be friends with you" Sorry, if you can't handle it, I can't handle being friends with you. He was too conceited to warrant any type of friendship anyway. After we broke up b/c of my CF it really upset me...not the fact of losing him, but the thought that no one would ever want to be with me b/c of CF.

A few months after that whole incident, I met my current bf. We have been together for a year and half and are talking about getting married.

I realize it's more difficult while you're in school and forced to be around certain people who are so negative/mean, but do your best to surround yourself with positive people who support you and love you for who you are. Not everyone is like that, but there are still good people out there - we just have to find them. Good luck, and stay strong


New member
geez, people are cruel!!

I haven't had a lot of people be mean to me, but it has happened. Some co-workers made snide remarks when I'm coughing, like "geez, are you dying??" to which I sometimes want to respond "YES!! thanks for asking jerk" ugh.

Anyway, I dated a guy for a few months, and he gave me the "I'm not strong enough to handle dating someone w/ CF, but I still want to be friends with you" Sorry, if you can't handle it, I can't handle being friends with you. He was too conceited to warrant any type of friendship anyway. After we broke up b/c of my CF it really upset me...not the fact of losing him, but the thought that no one would ever want to be with me b/c of CF.

A few months after that whole incident, I met my current bf. We have been together for a year and half and are talking about getting married.

I realize it's more difficult while you're in school and forced to be around certain people who are so negative/mean, but do your best to surround yourself with positive people who support you and love you for who you are. Not everyone is like that, but there are still good people out there - we just have to find them. Good luck, and stay strong


New member
geez, people are cruel!!

I haven't had a lot of people be mean to me, but it has happened. Some co-workers made snide remarks when I'm coughing, like "geez, are you dying??" to which I sometimes want to respond "YES!! thanks for asking jerk" ugh.

Anyway, I dated a guy for a few months, and he gave me the "I'm not strong enough to handle dating someone w/ CF, but I still want to be friends with you" Sorry, if you can't handle it, I can't handle being friends with you. He was too conceited to warrant any type of friendship anyway. After we broke up b/c of my CF it really upset me...not the fact of losing him, but the thought that no one would ever want to be with me b/c of CF.

A few months after that whole incident, I met my current bf. We have been together for a year and half and are talking about getting married.

I realize it's more difficult while you're in school and forced to be around certain people who are so negative/mean, but do your best to surround yourself with positive people who support you and love you for who you are. Not everyone is like that, but there are still good people out there - we just have to find them. Good luck, and stay strong


New member
geez, people are cruel!!
<br />
<br />I haven't had a lot of people be mean to me, but it has happened. Some co-workers made snide remarks when I'm coughing, like "geez, are you dying??" to which I sometimes want to respond "YES!! thanks for asking jerk" ugh.
<br />
<br />Anyway, I dated a guy for a few months, and he gave me the "I'm not strong enough to handle dating someone w/ CF, but I still want to be friends with you" Sorry, if you can't handle it, I can't handle being friends with you. He was too conceited to warrant any type of friendship anyway. After we broke up b/c of my CF it really upset me...not the fact of losing him, but the thought that no one would ever want to be with me b/c of CF.
<br />
<br />A few months after that whole incident, I met my current bf. We have been together for a year and half and are talking about getting married.
<br />
<br />I realize it's more difficult while you're in school and forced to be around certain people who are so negative/mean, but do your best to surround yourself with positive people who support you and love you for who you are. Not everyone is like that, but there are still good people out there - we just have to find them. Good luck, and stay strong


New member
ppl (mostly teens) will pick on anyone whos different i used to hav it but now i go to a smaller school and i just started there this year so no1 knows bout my cf im pretty good bout hiding it. im real srry ur having a hard time find me on facebook or even msg me on this site if u wanna talk trust me i hav many stories of mean kids and a few nice ones who "rescued me from evil" lol hope to hear from u soon,, JessicaAllison


New member
ppl (mostly teens) will pick on anyone whos different i used to hav it but now i go to a smaller school and i just started there this year so no1 knows bout my cf im pretty good bout hiding it. im real srry ur having a hard time find me on facebook or even msg me on this site if u wanna talk trust me i hav many stories of mean kids and a few nice ones who "rescued me from evil" lol hope to hear from u soon,, JessicaAllison


New member
ppl (mostly teens) will pick on anyone whos different i used to hav it but now i go to a smaller school and i just started there this year so no1 knows bout my cf im pretty good bout hiding it. im real srry ur having a hard time find me on facebook or even msg me on this site if u wanna talk trust me i hav many stories of mean kids and a few nice ones who "rescued me from evil" lol hope to hear from u soon,, JessicaAllison


New member
ppl (mostly teens) will pick on anyone whos different i used to hav it but now i go to a smaller school and i just started there this year so no1 knows bout my cf im pretty good bout hiding it. im real srry ur having a hard time find me on facebook or even msg me on this site if u wanna talk trust me i hav many stories of mean kids and a few nice ones who "rescued me from evil" lol hope to hear from u soon,, JessicaAllison


New member
ppl (mostly teens) will pick on anyone whos different i used to hav it but now i go to a smaller school and i just started there this year so no1 knows bout my cf im pretty good bout hiding it. im real srry ur having a hard time find me on facebook or even msg me on this site if u wanna talk trust me i hav many stories of mean kids and a few nice ones who "rescued me from evil" lol hope to hear from u soon,, JessicaAllison
I hate people so much!! I'm in high school and this is the kind of crap that happens: I'll be coughing and people say "Are you dying???" As a JOKE!! They honestly think they're funny. It pisses me off so much and I'm just ready to lay a guilt trip on them. "You wouldn't go up to a bald person and ask if they have cancer and think it's a joke, would you???"
My advice: don't tell people you have CF. Then they won't keep reminding you that you're gonna die. They won't hold it against you. In my experience, I've found it's best to not tell anyone anything, not even your closest friend. Because unless they have it, they'll never understand or accept a thing.
I hate people so much!! I'm in high school and this is the kind of crap that happens: I'll be coughing and people say "Are you dying???" As a JOKE!! They honestly think they're funny. It pisses me off so much and I'm just ready to lay a guilt trip on them. "You wouldn't go up to a bald person and ask if they have cancer and think it's a joke, would you???"
My advice: don't tell people you have CF. Then they won't keep reminding you that you're gonna die. They won't hold it against you. In my experience, I've found it's best to not tell anyone anything, not even your closest friend. Because unless they have it, they'll never understand or accept a thing.
I hate people so much!! I'm in high school and this is the kind of crap that happens: I'll be coughing and people say "Are you dying???" As a JOKE!! They honestly think they're funny. It pisses me off so much and I'm just ready to lay a guilt trip on them. "You wouldn't go up to a bald person and ask if they have cancer and think it's a joke, would you???"
<br />My advice: don't tell people you have CF. Then they won't keep reminding you that you're gonna die. They won't hold it against you. In my experience, I've found it's best to not tell anyone anything, not even your closest friend. Because unless they have it, they'll never understand or accept a thing.


Yes, there are always those people that ask "Are you dying?" when I go on my coughing storms. I would probably describe myself as quick to the draw- I'm good with comebacks. If they ask it like it's a joke, I tell them they're dying too, and the average person's cell death outpaces cell replacement by the time you're 28. If they're concerned, I tell them that yes, I'm okay, and if they don't know I tell them I have CF. I also refer people who don't know about it to because it's a little bit less "We're all gonna DIE!!!" (we being cfers) than the stuff people find on a google search.

BTW- hiding it works okay for awhile- but people will either get suspicious if you cough as much as I do, or figure something far worse out for themselves. That's why I go with the "Give it to 'em straight" approach (copywright 2010, April Hansen, all rights reserved. jk)


Yes, there are always those people that ask "Are you dying?" when I go on my coughing storms. I would probably describe myself as quick to the draw- I'm good with comebacks. If they ask it like it's a joke, I tell them they're dying too, and the average person's cell death outpaces cell replacement by the time you're 28. If they're concerned, I tell them that yes, I'm okay, and if they don't know I tell them I have CF. I also refer people who don't know about it to because it's a little bit less "We're all gonna DIE!!!" (we being cfers) than the stuff people find on a google search.

BTW- hiding it works okay for awhile- but people will either get suspicious if you cough as much as I do, or figure something far worse out for themselves. That's why I go with the "Give it to 'em straight" approach (copywright 2010, April Hansen, all rights reserved. jk)


Yes, there are always those people that ask "Are you dying?" when I go on my coughing storms. I would probably describe myself as quick to the draw- I'm good with comebacks. If they ask it like it's a joke, I tell them they're dying too, and the average person's cell death outpaces cell replacement by the time you're 28. If they're concerned, I tell them that yes, I'm okay, and if they don't know I tell them I have CF. I also refer people who don't know about it to because it's a little bit less "We're all gonna DIE!!!" (we being cfers) than the stuff people find on a google search.
<br />
<br />BTW- hiding it works okay for awhile- but people will either get suspicious if you cough as much as I do, or figure something far worse out for themselves. That's why I go with the "Give it to 'em straight" approach (copywright 2010, April Hansen, all rights reserved. jk)


New member
Right on April ! I like your spirit <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

My daughter is 12, attended a new school (from Cali to Alabama) this past year and didn't feel comfortable telling anyone she had CF. Well, she befriended a girl who she had several sleepovers at our home. My daughter simply told her she had to do these treatments for "something like asthma". Eventually my daughter told her the truth and explained CF to her. Well, the girls had a falling out and the "friend" threatened to tell everyone at school about her CF, something to hold over her head because she knew my daughter was not comfortable in telling everyone. A month later my daughter had a spell, was out of school for 4 days and upon returning, all the kids were saying she had lung cancer ! What ?! Some of the kids did know the truth at this point, from the "friend". Anyway, I have always encouraged my daughter to tell the truth, those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter, right ?

She came from a close group of friends in Cali, these girls would help her do her treatments, they would all put on the vest and have fun, they would visit her in the hospital, the entire school made huge posters to put on her walls in the hospital, the teachers visited her ! She comes here and WOW, what a difference. But is it the difference in her being upfront and in turn being accepted in Cali or being hesitant and unaccepted in Alabama ? I tell her to be up front and then no one will have anything to hold over her head and no gossip to spread. It hurts me to see my daughter hurt. Kids are cruel sometimes.

Remember, honesty is the best policy <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Right on April ! I like your spirit <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

My daughter is 12, attended a new school (from Cali to Alabama) this past year and didn't feel comfortable telling anyone she had CF. Well, she befriended a girl who she had several sleepovers at our home. My daughter simply told her she had to do these treatments for "something like asthma". Eventually my daughter told her the truth and explained CF to her. Well, the girls had a falling out and the "friend" threatened to tell everyone at school about her CF, something to hold over her head because she knew my daughter was not comfortable in telling everyone. A month later my daughter had a spell, was out of school for 4 days and upon returning, all the kids were saying she had lung cancer ! What ?! Some of the kids did know the truth at this point, from the "friend". Anyway, I have always encouraged my daughter to tell the truth, those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter, right ?

She came from a close group of friends in Cali, these girls would help her do her treatments, they would all put on the vest and have fun, they would visit her in the hospital, the entire school made huge posters to put on her walls in the hospital, the teachers visited her ! She comes here and WOW, what a difference. But is it the difference in her being upfront and in turn being accepted in Cali or being hesitant and unaccepted in Alabama ? I tell her to be up front and then no one will have anything to hold over her head and no gossip to spread. It hurts me to see my daughter hurt. Kids are cruel sometimes.

Remember, honesty is the best policy <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Right on April ! I like your spirit <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />My daughter is 12, attended a new school (from Cali to Alabama) this past year and didn't feel comfortable telling anyone she had CF. Well, she befriended a girl who she had several sleepovers at our home. My daughter simply told her she had to do these treatments for "something like asthma". Eventually my daughter told her the truth and explained CF to her. Well, the girls had a falling out and the "friend" threatened to tell everyone at school about her CF, something to hold over her head because she knew my daughter was not comfortable in telling everyone. A month later my daughter had a spell, was out of school for 4 days and upon returning, all the kids were saying she had lung cancer ! What ?! Some of the kids did know the truth at this point, from the "friend". Anyway, I have always encouraged my daughter to tell the truth, those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter, right ?
<br />
<br />She came from a close group of friends in Cali, these girls would help her do her treatments, they would all put on the vest and have fun, they would visit her in the hospital, the entire school made huge posters to put on her walls in the hospital, the teachers visited her ! She comes here and WOW, what a difference. But is it the difference in her being upfront and in turn being accepted in Cali or being hesitant and unaccepted in Alabama ? I tell her to be up front and then no one will have anything to hold over her head and no gossip to spread. It hurts me to see my daughter hurt. Kids are cruel sometimes.
<br />
<br />Remember, honesty is the best policy <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">