Can those with CF and that live on SSI or SSD file for an Earned Income Credit?


New member
hi....does anyone know about any tax things that those with CF can claim? like the EIC? or those Home Heating credit claim? thanx


New member
It all depends... how much you make in a month.. how much you pay for rent.. how large of a place you have to many ppl in the household...

also the heating assistance doesnt have anything to do with the taxes.. when i recieved it i went to community concepts which is who runs the program, not sure where you live. guidelines are different everywhere....


New member
I don't think you can claim EIC when you are on disability. Since you pay no taxes in I don't think you can recieve any back.


New member
you can not apply for EITC because none of your income is "earned" through working, which is a requirement. now if you recieve SSI, SSDI and worked sometime in the year, then yes you can apply. Or if your spouse or someone who is claiming you worked and "earned income" then you can apply/claim it. One of the people claiming it also has to be 25 or older.

Also, did you know some of you food expenses related to CF are medically deductible? If you want more information go to Then go to the search engine and type in food deductions. It's the first or second option, and it gives you all the information on how to do it while still abiding by tax laws. We have been doing it for my husband for 3 years now and it's saved us thousands in taxes.



New member
My last posting I stated I didn't think so...hence I looked it up. It seems that you can not, please note the following link. It is answered on #7 in column #1

I am not an expert but am pretty handy with taxes so if you have any other questions let me know.

Luke 29/cf, stuck in a sub zero east US blizzard


New member
I know about taxes...
If your only income is UNearned income, such as SSI, then, no, you can't claim Earned Income Tax it. If you're married and your spouse has earned income but you don't, then, yes, your spouse (and you, as a joint filer) could claim EITC, providing your income is in the right bracket.
Keep records of all of your medical related expenses, as these may be deductible, if you itemize your deductions. This would include (but isn'tlimited to) all copayments and medical bills unreimbursed by your health insurance, your health insurance premiums, mileage to and from doctors offices and other treatments, and lodging-- if needed to obtain medical care, costs and meals for health aids at home if appropriate, any changes to the home (such as air conditioner in bedroom) if a doctor feels is necessary, as well as medical supplies deemed necessary by the doctor. The list is pretty long, and I'm happy to give guidance if needed.

Also, if you need any special equipment in order to work, this is also deductible, though not limited to the medical limitation.
you can go to for further information.
hope this helped.


New member
Don't forget that additional food expenses related to CF (such as, figure out how much someone you age, weight, height and sex WITHOUT CF would eat) Whatever the difference is between their monthly food costs (or how much they eat) and how much you eat is TAX DEDUCTIBLE as a medical expense.



New member
Hi Julie, In the past I thought I seen that you offered to send info on how you log your info on the food expense. If you don't mind I am interested in knowing. My email is put cf in subject line if you would please. Thanks. Eva


New member
I am a mother of a CF son. I also talked to IRS this year and you can include any over the counter drug your doctors want them on, including food (that includes Ensure if needed for caloric intake). BUT you also have to get a letter from the doctor stating they want them on it. You should retain it for your own files if you get audited. and you need reciepts to prove it. It's a hassle but it's worth it.