Thanks for the advice guys, really appreciate it. I'm not givin up, i'm determined to work while I have the new found good help to support that and allow me to have some form of a normal life for whatever time I got left here on this sometimes miserable hunk of rock. I'm going to look into that other resume company locally and see what they offer and most importantly, $$$ wise. I read something earlier on a business journal that there are some freelancers on ebay and other sites that sell their resume services to others in that way. Of course that carries a ton of buyer beware, but if you look into their feedback and go with the more long toothed ones, I bet they are pretty good. Aside from that i'm trying to get an accapella unit, and a new nebulizer compressor (preferably that new travel one from pari), and then see about getting the newer travel vest unit, some more neb cups, try out the GSH, and some other minor loose ends I need to tie up. As for general baby step quick goals: Get good resume done, carpet bomb some places where it's reasonable for me to get work that would apply to my degree like security (even though i'm not really into it), get the work experience for 6 months or a year, pile on more certifications during that time, and then aim state, or preferably federal law enforcement as my ultimate goal. Sometimes I think i'd rather have an obvious disability like say being blind, people can understand someone who is blind and recognize their needs. Have someone like a CF patient who looks relatively ok, but their body is kicking their own a*s and they have tons of problems due to those reasons, and life can be a giant s**t sandwich.