Carrier vs. CF


New member
I am new to this and have a question. Can you be a CF carrier and then turn in to someone with CF? I thought that carriers couldn't develop CF. My niece was an atypical carrier but has not been told that she has a new strain of CF. I am very confused about this. Can anyone help me understand?


New member
I am new to this and have a question. Can you be a CF carrier and then turn in to someone with CF? I thought that carriers couldn't develop CF. My niece was an atypical carrier but has not been told that she has a new strain of CF. I am very confused about this. Can anyone help me understand?


New member
I am new to this and have a question. Can you be a CF carrier and then turn in to someone with CF? I thought that carriers couldn't develop CF. My niece was an atypical carrier but has not been told that she has a new strain of CF. I am very confused about this. Can anyone help me understand?


New member
I am new to this and have a question. Can you be a CF carrier and then turn in to someone with CF? I thought that carriers couldn't develop CF. My niece was an atypical carrier but has not been told that she has a new strain of CF. I am very confused about this. Can anyone help me understand?


New member
I am new to this and have a question. Can you be a CF carrier and then turn in to someone with CF? I thought that carriers couldn't develop CF. My niece was an atypical carrier but has not been told that she has a new strain of CF. I am very confused about this. Can anyone help me understand?


Staff member
They probably never identified the 2nd mutation to begin with, so probably labeled her as a symptomatic carrier.


Staff member
They probably never identified the 2nd mutation to begin with, so probably labeled her as a symptomatic carrier.


Staff member
They probably never identified the 2nd mutation to begin with, so probably labeled her as a symptomatic carrier.


Staff member
They probably never identified the 2nd mutation to begin with, so probably labeled her as a symptomatic carrier.


Staff member
They probably never identified the 2nd mutation to begin with, so probably labeled her as a symptomatic carrier.


New member
I am with Liza...testing has come a long way, there are over 1500 mutations and growing it seems. At the time your niece was tested, they only found one mutation and labeled her as a symptomatic carrier. Her next gene testing revealed the second. You are born with CF, it isn't developed over time. With some people it takes a repeat test after time has passed to find the second mutation, just like your niece. Hope this helps...Jenn


New member
I am with Liza...testing has come a long way, there are over 1500 mutations and growing it seems. At the time your niece was tested, they only found one mutation and labeled her as a symptomatic carrier. Her next gene testing revealed the second. You are born with CF, it isn't developed over time. With some people it takes a repeat test after time has passed to find the second mutation, just like your niece. Hope this helps...Jenn


New member
I am with Liza...testing has come a long way, there are over 1500 mutations and growing it seems. At the time your niece was tested, they only found one mutation and labeled her as a symptomatic carrier. Her next gene testing revealed the second. You are born with CF, it isn't developed over time. With some people it takes a repeat test after time has passed to find the second mutation, just like your niece. Hope this helps...Jenn


New member
I am with Liza...testing has come a long way, there are over 1500 mutations and growing it seems. At the time your niece was tested, they only found one mutation and labeled her as a symptomatic carrier. Her next gene testing revealed the second. You are born with CF, it isn't developed over time. With some people it takes a repeat test after time has passed to find the second mutation, just like your niece. Hope this helps...Jenn


New member
I am with Liza...testing has come a long way, there are over 1500 mutations and growing it seems. At the time your niece was tested, they only found one mutation and labeled her as a symptomatic carrier. Her next gene testing revealed the second. You are born with CF, it isn't developed over time. With some people it takes a repeat test after time has passed to find the second mutation, just like your niece. Hope this helps...Jenn