Cayston users?


New member
So guys, I've just recently started using Cayston, I cant usually tolerate inhaled antibiotics, but i had hopes for this one. Since i started the treatments my lungs have been feeling kind I cant really describe it, i guess like dried out, im not getting any mucus up or anything. I've also started running a slight fever, and i've lost my voice. I was wondering if anyone else has had this reaction to Cayston or if it could be unrelated.


New member
So guys, I've just recently started using Cayston, I cant usually tolerate inhaled antibiotics, but i had hopes for this one. Since i started the treatments my lungs have been feeling kind I cant really describe it, i guess like dried out, im not getting any mucus up or anything. I've also started running a slight fever, and i've lost my voice. I was wondering if anyone else has had this reaction to Cayston or if it could be unrelated.


New member
So guys, I've just recently started using Cayston, I cant usually tolerate inhaled antibiotics, but i had hopes for this one. Since i started the treatments my lungs have been feeling kind I cant really describe it, i guess like dried out, im not getting any mucus up or anything. I've also started running a slight fever, and i've lost my voice. I was wondering if anyone else has had this reaction to Cayston or if it could be unrelated.


New member
I haven't had those reactions, but I did see a post on these reactions about a month ago and several said that these side effects went away after a while.


New member
I haven't had those reactions, but I did see a post on these reactions about a month ago and several said that these side effects went away after a while.


New member
I haven't had those reactions, but I did see a post on these reactions about a month ago and several said that these side effects went away after a while.


New member
I did not have any side effects from Cayston but I too have seen someone post about this happening to them. However, sometimes when I start my Colistin month I feel crappy. Like flu like and coughing but after a week it is gone. Hang in there. Contact doc since you mentioned fever....


New member
I did not have any side effects from Cayston but I too have seen someone post about this happening to them. However, sometimes when I start my Colistin month I feel crappy. Like flu like and coughing but after a week it is gone. Hang in there. Contact doc since you mentioned fever....


New member
I did not have any side effects from Cayston but I too have seen someone post about this happening to them. However, sometimes when I start my Colistin month I feel crappy. Like flu like and coughing but after a week it is gone. Hang in there. Contact doc since you mentioned fever....


Active member
I was on it for a few months last year. My lungs felt different too. Not bad, just dry or something. I do remember my nurse telling me to drink alot when I'm on it. And I think the side effects do subside after a bit. I can't wait to go back on it again.


Active member
I was on it for a few months last year. My lungs felt different too. Not bad, just dry or something. I do remember my nurse telling me to drink alot when I'm on it. And I think the side effects do subside after a bit. I can't wait to go back on it again.


Active member
I was on it for a few months last year. My lungs felt different too. Not bad, just dry or something. I do remember my nurse telling me to drink alot when I'm on it. And I think the side effects do subside after a bit. I can't wait to go back on it again.


New member
The first 2 weeks I was on Cayston I was alright, then I developed severe shortness of breath coupled with a fever. I stopped taking Cayston and within days the fever was gone an my lung function (which had dropped 30%) was back to normal. I started Cayston again and within a day the fever and shortness of breath were back. The doctors felt the fever and shortness of breath were directly related to Cayston, so I haven't taken it since.


New member
The first 2 weeks I was on Cayston I was alright, then I developed severe shortness of breath coupled with a fever. I stopped taking Cayston and within days the fever was gone an my lung function (which had dropped 30%) was back to normal. I started Cayston again and within a day the fever and shortness of breath were back. The doctors felt the fever and shortness of breath were directly related to Cayston, so I haven't taken it since.


New member
The first 2 weeks I was on Cayston I was alright, then I developed severe shortness of breath coupled with a fever. I stopped taking Cayston and within days the fever was gone an my lung function (which had dropped 30%) was back to normal. I started Cayston again and within a day the fever and shortness of breath were back. The doctors felt the fever and shortness of breath were directly related to Cayston, so I haven't taken it since.


I just ended my first try of Cayston after 3 weeks. I told my doctor shortly after starting Cayston that I had developed what I called "The Cayston Cough". He asked me to continue taking it and if the symptoms got worse to call him. He didn't think the cough was related to Cayston at the time. After the first week, I called back and reported really bad bronchospasm (seriously interferred with my ability to talk and was physically exhausting). He put me on Prednisone because he wanted to see if the Asthma symptoms were coincidentally unrelated to the Cayston and he really wanted to see how the Cayston would improve my PFT's.

While on a 4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1 round of Prednisone it looked like the bronchospasm might be getting better but as soon as I came down to 3-2-2-1-1 doses the bronchospasm started getting even worse. I called back and told him that my bronchospasm was really bad but that I was committed to completing my last week if Cayston if he felt that was best but that I could have to stay out of work for that week because there was no way I could work like this. He said that asthma that bad was negating the point of taking the Cayston and at least now we can say more confidentally that it was the Cayston that caused it.

I took my last dose of Cayston yesterday morning (normally 3x/day). Last night I woke up at 2:00 am with a bad asthma attack requiring me to use my rescue inhaler (I have only needed this about 2-3 times in my entire life). I am really hoping that these symptoms go away in the next few days. I still can barely carry on a conversation and am really tired having to fight my own body. The bronchospasm feels like my body is trying to cough really hard and I am have to fight not to.

To make matters worse, this all hit me during my recovery from an appendectomy so it keeps wrenching my gut and making it harder for my incisions to heal.


I just ended my first try of Cayston after 3 weeks. I told my doctor shortly after starting Cayston that I had developed what I called "The Cayston Cough". He asked me to continue taking it and if the symptoms got worse to call him. He didn't think the cough was related to Cayston at the time. After the first week, I called back and reported really bad bronchospasm (seriously interferred with my ability to talk and was physically exhausting). He put me on Prednisone because he wanted to see if the Asthma symptoms were coincidentally unrelated to the Cayston and he really wanted to see how the Cayston would improve my PFT's.

While on a 4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1 round of Prednisone it looked like the bronchospasm might be getting better but as soon as I came down to 3-2-2-1-1 doses the bronchospasm started getting even worse. I called back and told him that my bronchospasm was really bad but that I was committed to completing my last week if Cayston if he felt that was best but that I could have to stay out of work for that week because there was no way I could work like this. He said that asthma that bad was negating the point of taking the Cayston and at least now we can say more confidentally that it was the Cayston that caused it.

I took my last dose of Cayston yesterday morning (normally 3x/day). Last night I woke up at 2:00 am with a bad asthma attack requiring me to use my rescue inhaler (I have only needed this about 2-3 times in my entire life). I am really hoping that these symptoms go away in the next few days. I still can barely carry on a conversation and am really tired having to fight my own body. The bronchospasm feels like my body is trying to cough really hard and I am have to fight not to.

To make matters worse, this all hit me during my recovery from an appendectomy so it keeps wrenching my gut and making it harder for my incisions to heal.


I just ended my first try of Cayston after 3 weeks. I told my doctor shortly after starting Cayston that I had developed what I called "The Cayston Cough". He asked me to continue taking it and if the symptoms got worse to call him. He didn't think the cough was related to Cayston at the time. After the first week, I called back and reported really bad bronchospasm (seriously interferred with my ability to talk and was physically exhausting). He put me on Prednisone because he wanted to see if the Asthma symptoms were coincidentally unrelated to the Cayston and he really wanted to see how the Cayston would improve my PFT's.
<br />
<br />While on a 4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1 round of Prednisone it looked like the bronchospasm might be getting better but as soon as I came down to 3-2-2-1-1 doses the bronchospasm started getting even worse. I called back and told him that my bronchospasm was really bad but that I was committed to completing my last week if Cayston if he felt that was best but that I could have to stay out of work for that week because there was no way I could work like this. He said that asthma that bad was negating the point of taking the Cayston and at least now we can say more confidentally that it was the Cayston that caused it.
<br />
<br />I took my last dose of Cayston yesterday morning (normally 3x/day). Last night I woke up at 2:00 am with a bad asthma attack requiring me to use my rescue inhaler (I have only needed this about 2-3 times in my entire life). I am really hoping that these symptoms go away in the next few days. I still can barely carry on a conversation and am really tired having to fight my own body. The bronchospasm feels like my body is trying to cough really hard and I am have to fight not to.
<br />
<br />To make matters worse, this all hit me during my recovery from an appendectomy so it keeps wrenching my gut and making it harder for my incisions to heal.


I had those symptoms as well. I said where is all the phelem that pours out of me on a daily basis, I was dry, my throat was raspy. and coughed with the first inhalation, but I kept it up and it did seem to subside and within a week of stopping it guess what I was in full force again like a flowing founatin. Do I think it helped yes, I think I will try it again if need be. I had bad symptoms with the pulzyome as well no voice, sore thorat but never had a pulg again and it's been years that I've been using that, this stuff just flows so easily, if I bend to tie my shoe I need a dixie cup in hand, simply amazing if I am home no problem BUT of course when I am out that is another issue. Good luck. Pat-56/CF


I had those symptoms as well. I said where is all the phelem that pours out of me on a daily basis, I was dry, my throat was raspy. and coughed with the first inhalation, but I kept it up and it did seem to subside and within a week of stopping it guess what I was in full force again like a flowing founatin. Do I think it helped yes, I think I will try it again if need be. I had bad symptoms with the pulzyome as well no voice, sore thorat but never had a pulg again and it's been years that I've been using that, this stuff just flows so easily, if I bend to tie my shoe I need a dixie cup in hand, simply amazing if I am home no problem BUT of course when I am out that is another issue. Good luck. Pat-56/CF