cbe monitor


New member
<br />Thanks for your reply. I charted for almost a year and never saw a clear spike in my temps. I have a feeling that I dont ovulate every month. So I thought maybe the monitor might help because it also monitors estrogen along with LH. So instead of overwhelming myself by charting and using the monitor I think it will be easier to do just one for now. Hopefully it will either confirm that I do not ovulate naturally, or by chance pick up ovulation that cannot be picked up with just LH tests alone. I also have tried just the cheap ovulation tests strips and the color matching is too difficult for me to determine. My only other choice was to buy the ov tests that have a happy face when ovulation is detected but figured it would be just as expensive as the monitor eventually.
<br />There isnt any easy ways to go about this and its getting overwhelming. I know I will need to see a RE eventually but thought I would exhaust all other options first.
<br />I think I will give the monitor a couple months and if its a problem like the rest, I will go see a RE. Maybe that will be my birthday/christmas present <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />BTW Caroline your boys are beautiful!
<br />For those of you that are friends with me on FB please dont mention this because those close to me (family) do not know our plans yet, thanks.


New member
Ok today was the first day of peak fertility on the monitor <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I am happy to report that at least I get this close. My question is, is the monitor like charting where you might get more than on patch of peak days? Or should I consider myself ovulating or getting ready to? I am taking action (sex and preseed) as if I am about to ovulate, but was just wondering if this could be a false alarm. How accurate is the monitor?? Yesterday I forgot to test and the day before was low fertility. What do you think???


New member
Ok today was the first day of peak fertility on the monitor <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I am happy to report that at least I get this close. My question is, is the monitor like charting where you might get more than on patch of peak days? Or should I consider myself ovulating or getting ready to? I am taking action (sex and preseed) as if I am about to ovulate, but was just wondering if this could be a false alarm. How accurate is the monitor?? Yesterday I forgot to test and the day before was low fertility. What do you think???


New member
Ok today was the first day of peak fertility on the monitor <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I am happy to report that at least I get this close. My question is, is the monitor like charting where you might get more than on patch of peak days? Or should I consider myself ovulating or getting ready to? I am taking action (sex and preseed) as if I am about to ovulate, but was just wondering if this could be a false alarm. How accurate is the monitor?? Yesterday I forgot to test and the day before was low fertility. What do you think???