I would feel absolutely terrible if I abandoned this thread

I apologize to the members that have unanswered questions! I'll answer them now. Better late than never.
First of all,
Pamelajet- How is your grandson? Is he currently waiting for a transplant?? Thinking of you! *hugs*
Cbegley- I didn't have any issues with Pneumonia post tx. To prevent this from happening right after tx you are required to move around. You may not stay in bed. You have to stay sitting up in a chair at all times and walk the hallways. Also, wear a mask and wash hands frequently!!
Daniela.l -I will check out your blog! I'm currently in the process of starting a crafting blog. Will post the link once I have some content posted.
Piggylu -The feeling of greatness and breathily freely unfortunately is not "instant" My MIND thought I still needed oxygen when I didn't. It was a little scary. Still felt like I could not breathe even though I COULD! My chest was extremely "tight" from the surgeon breaking the ribs and tying them back together with wire. All these feelings eventually went away after a few weeks! It's worth it!!
Kyeev - How sick were you? Very. Transplant means you will die without one. Was it your lung function or constant infections that pushed you towards transplant? Constant infections caused lung function to decrease significantly over a period of 4 years. At what stage did the doctors talk about transplant? Transplant talk was when lung functions were noticeably decreasing at 30% and oxygen became a necessity. Did you make it to transplant okay or were there any "near misses" on the way? I had one very near miss in the hospital a few years before transplant. The doctors had a meeting with my family. Lots of tears. And then, what it was like waking up with new lungs? Waking up on a vent is scary but they try their best to keep you sedated until you are off the vent which should be a very short time. A day or two after surgery. Did you have to work really hard or was it a breeze compared to dealing with CF lungs? You HAVE to walk the hallways everyday and exercise when you go home and Must do breathing exercises It's essential in recovery. Honestly I hated it. IN the hospital I was in pain with tubes coming out everywhere but I had to do it. It was worth every second of it. And what cool things have you been able to do since you got your transplant? Since My transplant I've done tons of amazing things! I went to Gatlinburg TN and white water rafted, I went to my high school proms, graduated, Celebrated 21st Birthday, Met my boyfriend online, just got married in Florida, went to disney world for our honeymoon. I'm so blessed and will be forever grateful for my donor and this gift of life. (L)(L)
I just got married on May 9th. I'll post pictures in a different thread.