CF and Acid Reflux


New member
"its those articles from peer reviewed journals whose
information i trust the most. just cuz something is in print
doesn't mean it's true."<br>
why do you only trust the medical peer reviewed journals?
 Have you ever done the research yourself and talked to some
of these people?   Amy, I don't want you to think I am
attacking you, because I am not.  Just the opposite
really.....I think you are bright and you are blessed to still have
such healthy lungs.  I just want you to delve into the
alternative medicine research because I think you would be blown
away...and I think you would benefit from looking at different
kinds of supplements. Talk to the people who are interested in
getting studies done through the FDA, but can't afford it.....<br>
I know you love to read and do your own research.  Do it!!!
 So many people look up to you on this board because you are
sooo informed about the pharmaceutical side of things...I would
love to see you be the expert on both.  I know I sound nuts,
but I have faith that if you gave it as much time and interest as
you do the other, you would have a whole new perspective.<br>
I respect you and your intelligence...and your fight.  I hope
I didn't offend<br>


Digital opinion leader
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>

I think this is really interesting because since I have been on
probiotics...8 months went by without me being on one
anti-biotic....nothing inhaled, nothing orally.  My culture
changed significantly....without antibiotics.  My doc glanced
at it, then did a double take  then said, "pretty

</end quote></div>

WOW, thanks Mandi. Josh takes lactobacillus when he starts new meds because he always gets thrush, but I think I'll keep him on it all the time now. I wonder if it will help with is current eating (lack of) problem. SInce starting the imipenem in May he's basically stopped eating. If it wasn't for his g-tube feeds, he wouldn't be taking in ANY calories. We have an appointment on Thursday- I'll mention it.


Digital opinion leader
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>JRPandTJP</b></i>

I am not willing to wait until my son is chronically ill to do what is safe and effective in helping his body. Using well-researched, natural therparies which have little to no negative side effects doesn't feel like a risk to me. Waiting and not doing my best to give him the best foods and support possible DOES. We are so short-sighted with respect to health in this country... it is sad for all of us really.</end quote></div>

We are so fortunate for the wisdom of others on this site. Every day I think of it as a gift.
Thanks everyone.


New member

My daughter, Kait just went through the same thing. Kait just had sinus surgery because of polyps, during her surgery while she was sedated her doctor decided to do a bronchoscopy, she found that Kait also aspirates into her lungs, we went in for an upper GI and a swallow test which showed that Kait is swallowing to fast. she has always swallowed and eaten too fast.

kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
When my daughter was an infan she had Acid Reflus so bad she was hospitalized. For about 8 months she was on prevacid and zantac. They did every test they possibly coucld on her. Now she is 14 months and doesn't take anything.

Jennifer (JS7881)
Mommy to Alayna w/CF