Heather: re. the dx 'Not active celiac disease': did Alyssa come back as having the gene for celiac, but just not having the blood test results typical for a child with the disease? If so, while a *very* significant proportion of the population carries one of the gene mutations that causes celiac and only a small percentage actually have the disease, I'd recommend you periodically have her retested, since the test is not always accurate in young kids, due to their immature immune systems.
eta> I don't think genetic testing is routine, but her dr may have ordered it if he was really looking in that direction. Emily's been tested twice for celiac a couple yrs apart, but her results were pretty much as negative as they could possibly be so we never pursued genetic testing. It was on the table the first time, as it was prior to her CF dx and we were at our wits' end looking for answers!