CF and Employment


New member
I am a 22 year old cystic, and have been on SS and disability since i was 18. I have a hard time struggling with my disease as well. I was in the hospital as many times a 6 a year. When i was going to high school, i worked part time at a nursing home. i worked as a dietary aid. My boss understood my disease very well, and allowed me to take as much time off as i needed. I noticed that now, since i have not been working, and have graduated, my lungs are doing better. I dont know if its because of my less busy schedule, but my lungs dont have such a hard time keeping up.

I am now a home maker, my husband works full time, and between the two of our income, we get by financially just fine. I am also in the hospital a lot less, between 3-4 times a year. I do however, have a hard time balancing my "allowed" income that the SS and disability allow me, with the income my husband gets. If he makes too much, my SS will drop, and so will my insurance. I can live with out the money, of course, but as you all know, insurance is a must. So its a constant struggle, trying to keep out budget in the amount that was alloted to us. You may have a problem as well, if you get a higher paying job. They may take away your SS insurance, so if you are able to keep a job make sure you know the monthly amount your state will allow you. trust me, its the biggest pain in the a**.


New member
22 Year old,
You mentioned that you are disabled. Are you on SSI or SSDI or neither? I'm on SSDI and my husband's income has nothing to do w/ my monthly income from SSDI and/or Medicare insurance coverage. My payment is based on my work history and what I've paid in to Medicare from what I understand.
If I was on SSI, then his income would have some bearing and I could possibly lose that. That must be what you have is SSI and Medicare or Medicade? I just wanted to make sure that I understood right that I can't loose my SSDI unless my health would improve and that would have to be alot of improvement!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">